Get ready to see a LOT of "Patriot Majority"...

US pullout in doubt after day of slaughter on streets of Baghdad - Times Online

Iraq Pullout in Doubt... How Convenient...

And regardless, the Dishonest Whores on the Left will say it was (43)'s Fault we were ever there in the First Place...

As if DemocRATS didn't Vote for Iraq and Continuously Fund it when they had the Purse Strings from 2006 to 2008, and Continue to do so to this VERY FUCKING DAY with 3/3 Control...

Eat Shit you Lying Bastard Unpatriotic Fucks.


US pullout in doubt after day of slaughter on streets of Baghdad - Times Online

Iraq Pullout in Doubt... How Convenient...

And regardless, the Dishonest Whores on the Left will say it was (43)'s Fault we were ever there in the First Place...

As if DemocRATS didn't Vote for Iraq and Continuously Fund it when they had the Purse Strings from 2006 to 2008, and Continue to do so to this VERY FUCKING DAY with 3/3 Control...

Eat Shit you Lying Bastard Unpatriotic Fucks.



Self pwn.

Please, liberals cant be patriots... I mean according to many of you republicans and your lot, liberals arent even "real" americans.


Feel free to Quote me before Including me in your Ignorant Generalizations.



Not directed at you necessarily but directed at the probable "OmGz teh ebil g0dle5s libruls hate america" comments that are bound to ensue.

Playing this political game of questioning peoples patriotism is stupid. I am sure that liberals who support nationalized healthcare love their country and truly believe that a nationalized health care system is what is best for America not because they want America to fail...

I don't think the left hates America, they just hate successful Americans that are not of their ilk.
Nixon Ended Vietnam... And we got out.

Obama will NOT do the same in either Iraq or Afghanistan.

The Timetable is a Stalling Tactic... Bet.

And Innocent Deaths in Afghanistan to what End?... A War on Drugs on someone else's Soil?...

If (43) had Used that as a Justification for Expanding Afganistan, the Left would have Lost it!...

And the Result is a Failed Election and Increased Death of our Side and Innoncent Afhganis...

Again, the Left would be Losing it right now if (43) was doing what Barry is.



After a little over four years. You've given Obama about 8 months and are already discounting him eh Nostradamus.

Afghanistan should have always been the front for the "War on Terror" and we were justified in going into Afghanistan and Iraq has been nothing more a distraction and a huge clusterfuck that should have never happened. Afghanistan is where Osama Bin-Ladin and the likes of others were. Also, I would argue that military action in Afghanistan was too slow.

Oh, and McCain supported increased troop levels in Afghanistan as well.
Last edited:
Get ready to see a LOT of "Patriot Majority"...


^The Mule the Barry Administration is Hiding behind to get the Perception Created that if you don't Support Government Healthcare, then you must be in the Unpatriotic Minority...

Nope but based on the past right wing/conservative standard of if you are critical of a president during a time of war you are unpatriotic, un-American, traitorous and a surrender monkey then you are the "unpatriotic minority." This standard was applied by the right so isn't it only fair to apply their own standard to them??

They are not a New Organization, but they are Coordinating with Liberal Talkers and Err Amerika, who are then Coordinating with Elected DemocRATS...

It seems like Yesterday that the Left was Complaining about having their Patriotism Questioned... Oh how the Times they are a "Changin'"!

And it seems like Yesterday that the Right was Calling any who dared to be Critical of a president during a time of war Unpatriotic and now the Right tries to argue that dissent is patriotic when they didn't seem to believe that it was when republicans were the majority.

If the Left's Patriotism was being Questioned, it was because they were Assuming Failure on our Troops, Convicting them of Atrocities Based SOLELY on the Enemy's Claims, and doing EVERYTHING in their Power to Trip the Troops up...

LOL nice bs. So you bring in the lame argument that if we were critical then we must not support the troops. What a load of BS. BTW I just love all of your generalizations. LOL

Remember how Much Support the American Left gave the SUCCESSFUL Surge?... I do.

I remember questioning it but I never hoped for it to fail. Can conservatives say the same about obama?

Now "Patriotism" is Measured by how much you Support Socialism, Marxism and the Modern American Liberal DemocRAT... Namely, Barry Hussein Obama.

OH look, now it's back to these lame accusations to finish off your pointless and lame post.

Yeah your post is classic BS at it's worst. LOL

How very leftist of you.
Please, liberals cant be patriots... I mean according to many of you republicans and your lot, liberals arent even "real" americans.


Feel free to Quote me before Including me in your Ignorant Generalizations.



LOL Ok so why is it ok for you to make Ignorant Generalizations about the left and not ok for others to make generalizations about the right??
Please, liberals cant be patriots... I mean according to many of you republicans and your lot, liberals arent even "real" americans.


Feel free to Quote me before Including me in your Ignorant Generalizations.



LOL Ok so why is it ok for you to make Ignorant Generalizations about the left and not ok for others to make generalizations about the right??

Quote me, and we can Discuss them...


US pullout in doubt after day of slaughter on streets of Baghdad - Times Online

Iraq Pullout in Doubt... How Convenient...

And regardless, the Dishonest Whores on the Left will say it was (43)'s Fault we were ever there in the First Place...

As if DemocRATS didn't Vote for Iraq and Continuously Fund it when they had the Purse Strings from 2006 to 2008, and Continue to do so to this VERY FUCKING DAY with 3/3 Control...

Eat Shit you Lying Bastard Unpatriotic Fucks.



It is 43s fault we were there in the first place. Congress authorized him to invade, it was the Commander in Chiefs decision to invade when he did. He was being urged by the entire world to allow the weapons inspectors to do their job before invading, but Bush was looking for his "mushroom cloud"
Democrats voted to fund Iraq because they knew that witholding funding would be looked at as cutting the legs out from our troops. Repubs were ready to play that card any time the Dems cut funding.
Its simply a case of Bush created a crisis that we still can't get out of. Nixon ran on us getting out of Viet Nam and we did not get out until Ford.
People need to realize that both sides are patriotic.

yes conservatives view america as a constitutional republic and feel that we should strictly follow the constitution as them this is patriotic

liberals view america as a modern democracy with a living document for the constitution that should progressively evolve toward a socially equitable them this is patriotic.

In the health care debate you can see these two basic ideals clash.

WOW nice bias there. Conservatives don't want strict following of the constitution they want it followed how they choose to interpret it to fit their desires. However, nice spin. Personally I do view the constitution as a living document to be changed/added to when needed as it has been changed/added to in the past. Unless you think it was fine at the bill of rights and that all additional amendments are useless and unconstitutional then you too view it the same.

It was poor form for republicans to call those demonstrating against Iraq/Bush unpatriotic, that is an american's duty to protest what they disagree with.

It is equally poor form for the democrats/msm/obama admin to call those demonstrating against HR3200 unpatriotic, they are also fulfilling the same duty as the protestors mentioned above.

You know it's funny how few on the right actually believed that or believed it enough to state it back when the right, with their "you are either with us or against us" mentality, called the left unpatriotic and worse.
However, now that's all I seem to here from the right as they try to justify doing what they once called unpatriotic. Yeah, I know it's a generalization but that is what this thread is based upon so I figured it's only fair.
It was poor form for republicans to call those demonstrating against Iraq/Bush unpatriotic, that is an american's duty to protest what they disagree with..

I Concur... And I NEVER Questioned that Specifically...

It was the Assumption of Failure by Many and in the Case of Murtha (D) and other DemocRATS, the Assumption of Guilt on our Soldiers simply because the Enemy made Accusations...

That Activity was the FUCK Unpatriotic... Arguably Treasonous in my Opinion.

You can see the Dishonesty of the Disagreement with the War now that their Guy is in Charge...

So those who Protested then but are now Silent because thier Guy hasn't Ended Iraq and has Expanded Afghanistan, ARE Unpatriotic.

Fuck em!



So based on the actions of a few you are trying to justify labeling the left as a whole unpatriotic?? Seems to me that you are merely trying to make lame excuses for the right.

As for your accusation of dishonesty that is nothing but baseless partisan rhetoric.
There are those that are against any form of war and those are expressing that dissatisfaction with obama wanting to finish the job that bush basically abandoned in afghanistan.
Then there are those, like me, who believed that we should have finished the job in afghanistan and a glad that we have a president that is focusing on the area that was actually behind the 9/11 attacks that the right exploited for political gain as they used 9/11 in a dishonest attempt to justify the invasion of iraq.
Obama is trying to end our involvement in the conflict in Iraq to bring our troops home from that unjustified invasion and for many that is good enough.
On the other hand there are conservatives who expect miracles and apparently believe that obama should be able to magically remove our troops, with no ill consequences, from iraq and are critical because he hasn't finished the job yet when they blindly supported W as CIC for that same conflict.
So how about the flip flopping hypocrisy of the right??
It was poor form for republicans to call those demonstrating against Iraq/Bush unpatriotic, that is an american's duty to protest what they disagree with..

I Concur... And I NEVER Questioned that Specifically...

It was the Assumption of Failure by Many and in the Case of Murtha (D) and other DemocRATS, the Assumption of Guilt on our Soldiers simply because the Enemy made Accusations...

That Activity was the FUCK Unpatriotic... Arguably Treasonous in my Opinion.

You can see the Dishonesty of the Disagreement with the War now that their Guy is in Charge...

So those who Protested then but are now Silent because thier Guy hasn't Ended Iraq and has Expanded Afghanistan, ARE Unpatriotic.

Fuck em!



And to add... Notice how REPUBLICans/Conservatives are NOT Protesting this President regarding the Wars?...

Only the Left Changed their Stripes on that one.

Unpatriotic, Anti-American Sons-of-Bitches, each and EVERY one who did that!



Oh my, look at you and your Ignorant Generalizations.
And to add... Notice how REPUBLICans/Conservatives are NOT Protesting this President regarding the Wars?...

Only the Left Changed their Stripes on that one.

Unpatriotic, Anti-American Sons-of-Bitches, each and EVERY one who did that!



I thought Obama campaigned on creating a timetable for withdraw (not immediate withdraw) and an increased troop presence in Afghanistan. Also, Obama didnt initiate/send the troops into those wars so maybe fewer people associate Obama with them.

How long did it take Nixon to fufill his campaign promise to end the Vietnam War?

Nixon Ended Vietnam... And we got out.

Obama will NOT do the same in either Iraq or Afghanistan.

The Timetable is a Stalling Tactic... Bet.

And Innocent Deaths in Afghanistan to what End?... A War on Drugs on someone else's Soil?...

If (43) had Used that as a Justification for Expanding Afganistan, the Left would have Lost it!...

And the Result is a Failed Election and Increased Death of our Side and Innoncent Afhganis...

Again, the Left would be Losing it right now if (43) was doing what Barry is.



WOW I just love the BS opinions and predictions that you offer. They expose you as nothing but a dishonest hack out to smear and attack a democratic president and the left as you make lame moronic excuses for the right. Say hello to your own hypocrisy.

Hey, any predictions on what the right would be doing if a republican was in the WH right now? LOL
Feel free to Quote me before Including me in your Ignorant Generalizations.



LOL Ok so why is it ok for you to make Ignorant Generalizations about the left and not ok for others to make generalizations about the right??

Quote me, and we can Discuss them...



Sorry, but you make Ignorant Generalizations, so it's only fair that those that disagree with you have the right to do the same to you. However, this is just another example of your blatant hypocrisy as you have one standard for yourself while you have a completely different standard for those who disagree with you.

As for your quote BS, I have quoted you every time I replied to you and you have often made Ignorant Generalizations about the left while demanding specifics and quotes from any on the left who disagree with you. I am merely pointing out your hypocrisy.
So based on the actions of a few you are trying to justify labeling the left as a whole unpatriotic??

I was VERY Specific... Reading Comprehension and Retention is your Friend.



WOW Are you really that ignorant?? The fact that you were (kind of) specific (but not really) about a FEW on the left and tried to attribute what those few have done or said to the left AS A WHOLE is what I was asking about. It is a perfect example of you making "Ignorant Generalizations" when you have a higher standard for those on the left.

So in other words you basically admit to what I said and then you try to attack me for being correct. It seems to me that you need to work on your reading comprehension skills, or lack thereof, BEFORE you try being critical of others. LOL

BTW there was more to my post than the SMALL excerpt that you replied to, why is that? What couldn't you deal with and instead decided to ignore??
Get ready to see a LOT of "Patriot Majority"...


^The Mule the Barry Administration is Hiding behind to get the Perception Created that if you don't Support Government Healthcare, then you must be in the Unpatriotic Minority...

They are not a New Organization, but they are Coordinating with Liberal Talkers and Err Amerika, who are then Coordinating with Elected DemocRATS...

It seems like Yesterday that the Left was Complaining about having their Patriotism Questioned... Oh how the Times they are a "Changin'"!

If the Left's Patriotism was being Questioned, it was because they were Assuming Failure on our Troops, Convicting them of Atrocities Based SOLELY on the Enemy's Claims, and doing EVERYTHING in their Power to Trip the Troops up...

Remember how Much Support the American Left gave the SUCCESSFUL Surge?... I do.

Now "Patriotism" is Measured by how much you Support Socialism, Marxism and the Modern American Liberal DemocRAT... Namely, Barry Hussein Obama.




That is a compilation of some of the most ignorant shit on this MB.

Are you really black? I have lots of black friends and nary a one is as missinformed as yourself.

Your rhetoric sounds like southern fat assed ignorant cracker not a black chick from Denver.
Get ready to see a LOT of "Patriot Majority"...


^The Mule the Barry Administration is Hiding behind to get the Perception Created that if you don't Support Government Healthcare, then you must be in the Unpatriotic Minority...

They are not a New Organization, but they are Coordinating with Liberal Talkers and Err Amerika, who are then Coordinating with Elected DemocRATS...

It seems like Yesterday that the Left was Complaining about having their Patriotism Questioned... Oh how the Times they are a "Changin'"!

If the Left's Patriotism was being Questioned, it was because they were Assuming Failure on our Troops, Convicting them of Atrocities Based SOLELY on the Enemy's Claims, and doing EVERYTHING in their Power to Trip the Troops up...

Remember how Much Support the American Left gave the SUCCESSFUL Surge?... I do.

Now "Patriotism" is Measured by how much you Support Socialism, Marxism and the Modern American Liberal DemocRAT... Namely, Barry Hussein Obama.




That is a compilation of some of the most ignorant shit on this MB.

Are you really black? I have lots of black friends and nary a one is as missinformed as yourself.

Your rhetoric sounds like southern fat assed ignorant cracker not a black chick from Denver.

do you think i'm an ostrich?

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