GERMANY: Is the mad Merkel losing control of her country?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
More Germans begin to grasp that the true targeting goal of Merkel and her leftist gang is completely annihilation of Germany as a white christian country.Unfortunately Germans can do nothing against sky-high Muslim fertility rates.Too late. n 10 - 15 years the country will be in any case take over by Islam

Mass protests against Merkel have been taking place around the country against Angela Merkel’s disastrous Muslim immigration policy which has added some 2 million more Muslims to Germany, with at least 200,000 more to be added every year, are being met with counter-protests by the so-called anti-fascist ANTIFA who are the biggest pro-Muslim invasion fascists of all.

GERMANY: Is the ‘Open Borders’ Chancellor losing control of her country?


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