Germany has an idea to cut military spending and improve safety as well as morale.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Germany has found a way to reduce military spending without reducing military preparedness. Soldiers don't actually NEED rifles and Armored Personnel Carriers for training. They can use broomsticks to simulate an actual rifle and duct-tape a broomstick to the roof of a min-van to simulate an APC. This has an added benefit of reducing training accidents that are more likely to occur with actual rifles. Additionally, the soldiers should never be forced to work more than 41 hours in a week without receiving extra overtime pay and only in rare instances. In fact, Germany had to cancel a major overseas NATO training exercise because it was learned that some soldiers had worked more than 41 hours in a week and there were insufficient funds to pay the overtime.

Soldiers will be happier if they aren't forced to work overtime and the money saved on equipment and overtime can be used for more expensive day care centers, transgender awareness classes, PC awareness classes, wide screen TVs in the barracks and other intangibles that will undoubtedly bring crucial benefits to the military. It's about time the U.S. military take notice of advancements in military philosophy around the world.

German army pull out of NATO training exercise because they are banned from too much overtime | Daily Mail Online

German army used broomsticks instead of guns during training

German army 'used civilian vans for training exercises' due to equipment shortage

Part of the reason the military trains with actual equipment is so they become familiar with it and know how to take care of it.

Who gets paid overtime in the military? It's a 24/7 salary job. You're 'supposedly' guaranteed one hour of sleep and one meal a day.... Like that always happens.



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