German Pathology Conference Calls for Halt on COVID "Vaccines," Say Autopsies Show Horrific Organ Damage

So, Lang had eight patients, Schirmacher had 40 patients and they estimate 1/3rd died from the vaccine. That's like 15 people. So, we should all stop using the vaccine, which is reducing the number of deaths, because a few people might be dying from the vaccine?

What do we know about these people who died? Could the vaccine just have exacerbated something they already had? Were they already bad and these people are clutching at straws?

There's not enough evidence here to suggest they have much, if anything.

The stupid will take the bait of the false problem of the more or the less. The intelligent will want to know why the minority failed rather than why the majority was successful.

When guys who certify pathology schools say it was the vaccines, I'd say we have a problem.
When guys who certify pathology schools say it was the vaccines, I'd say we have a problem.

I'd say the problem might not be what you think it is. This guy could simply be lying because he's an anti-vaxxer and hates the government. We don't know who he is.

We've had all sorts of doctors in the past. Like Harold Shipman in the UK, the worst serial killer the country ever had. The Nazis had even worse doctors.....
When guys who certify pathology schools say it was the vaccines, I'd say we have a problem.
that's what his peers had to say about this kabuki theatre.

that's what his peers had to say about this kabuki theatre.

Dr. Burkhardt's and Lang's open break with the head of the official German pathology association is well-known, and they have tendered their resignations in protest of the associations' cover-up of their findings. The association only says coyly about the findings:

As has already been critically noted by others, the data presented are not scientifically sound.

But it does not say where the data has been critically rebutted, expect in a Reuters "debunk" in which the "expert" is a veterinarian. The "debunk" is just a list of strawmen, as typical, saying nothing has been "proven." But the pathologists never said anything was "proven." They said they have provided strong evidence of self-attacks on organs, caused by the injections, which calls for a halt and further investigation.

Why is it that people think that just because they have found a link which says the bad news is not real, they can turn off their brain again?
Dr. Burkhardt's and Lang's open break with the head of the official German pathology association is well-known, and they have tendered their resignations in protest of the associations' cover-up of their findings. The association only says coyly about the findings:

But it does not say where the data has been critically rebutted, expect in a Reuters "debunk" in which the "expert" is a veterinarian. The "debunk" is just a list of strawmen, as typical, saying nothing has been "proven." But the pathologists never said anything was "proven." They said they have provided strong evidence of self-attacks on organs, caused by the injections, which calls for a halt and further investigation.

Why is it that people think that just because they have found a link which says the bad news is not real, they can turn off their brain again?
you have a hilarious way of showing your "brain work", conspiracy fucktard.
I'd say the problem might not be what you think it is. This guy could simply be lying because he's an anti-vaxxer and hates the government. We don't know who he is.

We've had all sorts of doctors in the past. Like Harold Shipman in the UK, the worst serial killer the country ever had. The Nazis had even worse doctors.....

But we DO now who Fauci is, a mass killer of orphans during his AIDS vaccine experiments who tortures dogs and gives US taxpayer money to Chinese Army bio-weapons labs.
It's bizarre watching the vaxxers all react like any information that is negative towards the jabs needs to be attacked like a political position.
What does this have to do with what I said?

What you said that "we don't know if they are [this or that bad thing]" is a nonsense non-rebuttal. We don't know if Joe Biden killed his god-child in 1967. So it follows that we should not believe anything he says or impeach him? I posted a couple of facts to elevate the discussion again.
Sure. 1. WordPress is today's geocities or That means any idiot can make a website about anything.

2. The source links in the text go to a static page on some German domain, making even more speculative claims unsupported.

3. No real science happening here.

Magaturd logic. You're keeping it real, bro! :113:
Autopsies aren't real science? I can't think of anything more scientific than autopsies. That's a weird way to say, "I can't answer those questions."
What you said that "we don't know if they are [this or that bad thing]" is a nonsense non-rebuttal. We don't know if Joe Biden killed his god-child in 1967. So it follows that we should not believe anything he says or impeach him? I posted a couple of facts to elevate the discussion again.
Joe Biden killed his god-child???
What you said that "we don't know if they are [this or that bad thing]" is a nonsense non-rebuttal. We don't know if Joe Biden killed his god-child in 1967. So it follows that we should not believe anything he says or impeach him? I posted a couple of facts to elevate the discussion again.

Seems like you spend the whole time trying to turn your own conversation away from the topic. I can't be bothered.
Autopsies aren't real science? I can't think of anything more scientific than autopsies. That's a weird way to say, "I can't answer those questions."

Dr. Robert Malone and many other scientists have issued repeat challenges to Fauci or anyone he designates to debate the science on live TV. Fauci hides. That's all anyone needs to know. Whoever hides from debate is the one not telling the truth.

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