Georgia cuts off STD screening kits for Planned Parenthood

Seems the resident racists are flocking to this thread.

Funny how you equate our distaste for PP with racism...

Your ilk are a dying breed. Identity politics are failing.

they are so empty. the people in this country has been called racist for the last seven years for everything and anything. it means NOTHING now thanks to people like him and his ilk. when you can't communicate without accusing people of being a racist, that shows how ugly and shallow they are
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

STD = Sexualy Transmitted Disease

That means the diease can be transmitted by sexual intercouse but not exclusively.

Look at AIDS, it can be transmitted by a blood transfusion as most other STDs can be too...
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

STD = Sexualy Transmitted Disease

That means the diease can be transmitted by sexual intercouse but not exclusively.

Look at AIDS, it can be transmitted by a blood transfusion as most other STDs can be too...
And how DID that tainted blood even get into the system? Oh by a liberal DRUG ADDICT or a liberal with poor if any SEXUAL HABITS.
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

STD = Sexualy Transmitted Disease

That means the diease can be transmitted by sexual intercouse but not exclusively.

Look at AIDS, it can be transmitted by a blood transfusion as most other STDs can be too...
And how DID that tainted blood even get into the system? Oh by a liberal DRUG ADDICT or a liberal with poor if any SEXUAL HABITS.

Then explain why the worst STD rates are in the Red states.
Table 2 Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2012 CDC

Rank* State Cases Rate per 100,000 Population
1 Mississippi 23,054 774.0
2 Alaska 5,462 755.8
3 Alabama 30,621 637.6
4 Louisiana 27,353 597.9
5 South Carolina 27,149 580.2
6 New Mexico 11,898 571.4
7 Arkansas 16,611 565.4
8 Georgia 52,418 534.0

Oh now it is looking embarrassing.
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

STD = Sexualy Transmitted Disease

Herpes can be transmitted without sex. Just by touching or kissing the affected area. Or through transmission by sharing the same item such as lip gloss, bath towels, toilet seats.....
Different kinds of herpes. Genital Herpes and Oral Herpes.

Herpes Simplex MedlinePlus

In other words
You can catch genital herpes if you use a toilet previous used by someone with an open sore. Why do you think so many people place toilet paper on the seats?
Where's the opposition to sending money to the Israeli government, which pays for thousands of abortions?
Not my country NOT my concern.

Your money....OH!
Well gee whiz stupid. You want me to be mad how Israel spends money AFTER they get it and NOT be mad how democrats spend money AFTER they get it?

Which one am I SUPPOSED to be able to control there stupid?

I just wonder why you dont care about your money going toward abortions? Thats all
oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

STD = Sexualy Transmitted Disease

That means the diease can be transmitted by sexual intercouse but not exclusively.

Look at AIDS, it can be transmitted by a blood transfusion as most other STDs can be too...
And how DID that tainted blood even get into the system? Oh by a liberal DRUG ADDICT or a liberal with poor if any SEXUAL HABITS.

Then explain why the worst STD rates are in the Red states.
Table 2 Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2012 CDC

Rank* State Cases Rate per 100,000 Population
1 Mississippi 23,054 774.0
2 Alaska 5,462 755.8
3 Alabama 30,621 637.6
4 Louisiana 27,353 597.9
5 South Carolina 27,149 580.2
6 New Mexico 11,898 571.4
7 Arkansas 16,611 565.4
8 Georgia 52,418 534.0

Oh now it is looking embarrassing.
You are counting ENTIRE states. How about the democrat controlled cities IN those states? Or the ten top cities for aids? Who do you think controls those idiot?
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

, back in the DAY we took care of OURSELVES. you can pay out of pocket or there are many Free clinics, county health centers, etc across this country. if you losers who contracted a sexual STD can't find one..... that's ON YOU. this will be my last reply to you. good bye
good grief. whining about freaking stds.

Yes, they were called Planned Parenthood clinics even "back in the day".

You don't believe STDs are a public health concern?
Sick bastards....People will die because of shit like this.
Negros are 10 X more likely to have an STD then any group. It's just natural selection for the stupid.

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