Georgia Bill to Change Voting Law to Be Like Delaware’s.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Punch them back twice as hard.

Actually, he’s introducing two bills. One, “The President Joe Biden Jim Crow on Steroids Voting Act,” would replace Georgia’s new election law with Delaware’s much more restrictive provisions. Instead of up to 19 days of early voting and no-excuse voting by mail, the state would permit no early voting or absentee voting without an excuse, i.e. unless you’re sick or will be absent from the state on Election Day. The other bill, “The Senator Chuck Schumer ‘Racist Voter Suppression’ Voting Act,” would replace Georgia’s new law with New York’s electoral laws instead. That means nine days of early voting instead of 19 and, again, a requirement that voters have an excuse in order to obtain an absentee ballot


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