George Zimmerman Files 100 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Trayon Martin's Family

He WILL win this lawsuit, which will anger you and others, because you have been trained to be ignorant. You have no interest in following the truth, but to defend a political ideology and the hatred of Zimmerman.

If he wins, maybe George can buy himself a personality, but I doubt it.

Do you realize this is a man living in a media soup bowl, where he is always watched everywhere he goes, even when he is trying to hide. He is under a lot of stress because of it, now he has a change to strike back at the miserable Martin family, who for years sponged off him for money and fame especially his mother, who continues to perpetuate lies about the tragic event.
What ever happened with this lawsuit? Anyone know? And I had no idea the Travvy family had 100 million in the bank.
He WILL win this lawsuit, which will anger you and others, because you have been trained to be ignorant. You have no interest in following the truth, but to defend a political ideology and the hatred of Zimmerman.

If he wins, maybe George can buy himself a personality, but I doubt it.

Do you realize this is a man living in a media soup bowl, where he is always watched everywhere he goes, even when he is trying to hide. He is under a lot of stress because of it, now he has a change to strike back at the miserable Martin family, who for years sponged off him for money and fame especially his mother, who continues to perpetuate lies about the tragic event.
How terrible for him. Boo Hoo.
He WILL win this lawsuit, which will anger you and others, because you have been trained to be ignorant. You have no interest in following the truth, but to defend a political ideology and the hatred of Zimmerman.

If he wins, maybe George can buy himself a personality, but I doubt it.

Do you realize this is a man living in a media soup bowl, where he is always watched everywhere he goes, even when he is trying to hide. He is under a lot of stress because of it, now he has a change to strike back at the miserable Martin family, who for years sponged off him for money and fame especially his mother, who continues to perpetuate lies about the tragic event.
How terrible for him. Boo Hoo.

It appears you have no idea how criminal the Martin family are, they WILL lose the lawsuit, because the the evidence of witness tampering is overwhelming.

Too bad you have no regards for his legal acquittal, and the media/martin inspired harassments of a man judged innocent.
He WILL win this lawsuit, which will anger you and others, because you have been trained to be ignorant. You have no interest in following the truth, but to defend a political ideology and the hatred of Zimmerman.

If he wins, maybe George can buy himself a personality, but I doubt it.

Do you realize this is a man living in a media soup bowl, where he is always watched everywhere he goes, even when he is trying to hide. He is under a lot of stress because of it, now he has a change to strike back at the miserable Martin family, who for years sponged off him for money and fame especially his mother, who continues to perpetuate lies about the tragic event.
How terrible for him. Boo Hoo.

It appears you have no idea how criminal the Martin family are, they WILL lose the lawsuit, because the the evidence of witness tampering is overwhelming.

Too bad you have no regards for his legal acquittal, and the media/martin inspired harassments of a man judged innocent.
"how criminal the Martin family is".......... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
May Trayvon RIP.

He was a victim of lousy parents, daddy a convicted drug dealer, mommy repeatedly kicked him out of the house while he is a minor, his extended family convicted of crimes. His daddy was out with a woman, that night Treyvon was running around unsupervised, he is a minor....

The only person who really loves and cared for him was his Stepmother, his last words he uttered to Zimmerman, was to tell Alicia that he was sorry.

He was a victim of bad parents yes, and leftists of course.

But the reason why he is dead is because he decided to assault a man with the gun. Notice the similarities to the "gentle bear" case and the "jogger" case.

You men black teenagers and men being murdered and their killers not being brought to the Bar of Justice.
Thats because they deserved to die. Quit defending violent criminals.
He WILL win this lawsuit, which will anger you and others, because you have been trained to be ignorant. You have no interest in following the truth, but to defend a political ideology and the hatred of Zimmerman.

If he wins, maybe George can buy himself a personality, but I doubt it.

Do you realize this is a man living in a media soup bowl, where he is always watched everywhere he goes, even when he is trying to hide. He is under a lot of stress because of it, now he has a change to strike back at the miserable Martin family, who for years sponged off him for money and fame especially his mother, who continues to perpetuate lies about the tragic event.
How terrible for him. Boo Hoo.

It appears you have no idea how criminal the Martin family are, they WILL lose the lawsuit, because the the evidence of witness tampering is overwhelming.

Too bad you have no regards for his legal acquittal, and the media/martin inspired harassments of a man judged innocent.
"how criminal the Martin family is".......... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Your ignorance is your undoing.
Those werent his last words. He didnt mention anyone. He said "its over, you got me" or "Okay, you got it", there are differing reports, but they are all similar to that. Those were his last and only words.

After the shooting became infamous, Zimmerman made up these lines of what he said before he died, hoping to make a lot of money with some movie rights, just like he is trying to make a lot of money now with this lawsuit.

How do you know he made it up? I never heard that before.
Those werent his last words. He didnt mention anyone. He said "its over, you got me" or "Okay, you got it", there are differing reports, but they are all similar to that. Those were his last and only words.

After the shooting became infamous, Zimmerman made up these lines of what he said before he died, hoping to make a lot of money with some movie rights, just like he is trying to make a lot of money now with this lawsuit.

How do you know he made it up? I never heard that before.

It sounds like a line from a bad movie.
Those werent his last words. He didnt mention anyone. He said "its over, you got me" or "Okay, you got it", there are differing reports, but they are all similar to that. Those were his last and only words.

After the shooting became infamous, Zimmerman made up these lines of what he said before he died, hoping to make a lot of money with some movie rights, just like he is trying to make a lot of money now with this lawsuit.

How do you know he made it up? I never heard that before.

It sounds like a line from a bad movie.
No it doesnt. It sounds super random, much like you might exlect from someone who is dying. If he was going to make up something, why not say he said, "im sorry for attacking you. You had every right to shoot me"?
Hopefully, Zimmerman loses the lawsuit and is ordered to pay the court costs and the legal fees and hopefully becomes a homeless bum. He could become a freelance watch captain for homeless encampments. :eek:

He will win the case since the evidence of witness tampering is strong. Rachel Jentel is not the same person as Diamond Eugene, the actual witness.

I know you have ignored the evidence presented in the video, because you made up your tiny mind long ago.
He will win the case since the evidence of witness tampering is strong. Rachel Jentel is not the same person as Diamond Eugene, the actual witness.

I know you have ignored the evidence presented in the video, because you made up your tiny mind long ago.

Yea, that filmmaker Joel Gilbert is such a great and credible man to rest your hopes on. :laugh:

Gilbert is a frequent InfoWars guest who has produced movies that have falsely claimed that former President Barack Obama's real father was a Chicago communist, that Paul McCartney is dead and Elvis Presley is alive.
He will win the case since the evidence of witness tampering is strong. Rachel Jentel is not the same person as Diamond Eugene, the actual witness.

I know you have ignored the evidence presented in the video, because you made up your tiny mind long ago.

Yea, that filmmaker Joel Gilbert is such a great and credible man to rest your hopes on. :laugh:

Gilbert is a frequent InfoWars guest who has produced movies that have falsely claimed that former President Barack Obama's real father was a Chicago communist, that Paul McCartney is dead and Elvis Presley is alive.

Another closeminded leftist fool who refuses to watch the video, where the Gilbert show many many documents online for you to read. You are talking from the position of ignorance, I watched the entire proceeding, that is why I KNOW you are a blathering fool.

He will win the case since the evidence of witness tampering is strong. Rachel Jentel is not the same person as Diamond Eugene, the actual witness.

I know you have ignored the evidence presented in the video, because you made up your tiny mind long ago.

Yea, that filmmaker Joel Gilbert is such a great and credible man to rest your hopes on. :laugh:

Gilbert is a frequent InfoWars guest who has produced movies that have falsely claimed that former President Barack Obama's real father was a Chicago communist, that Paul McCartney is dead and Elvis Presley is alive.

Another closeminded leftist fool who refuses to watch the video, where the Gilbert show many many documents online for you to read. You are talking from the position of ignorance, I watched the entire proceeding, that is why I KNOW you are a blathering fool.


So the fools aren't the ones who believe Paul McCartney is dead and Elvis is still alive. :laugh:
May Trayvon RIP.

He was a victim of lousy parents, daddy a convicted drug dealer, mommy repeatedly kicked him out of the house while he is a minor, his extended family convicted of crimes. His daddy was out with a woman, that night Treyvon was running around unsupervised, he is a minor....

The only person who really loves and cared for him was his Stepmother, his last words he uttered to Zimmerman, was to tell Alicia that he was sorry.

He was a victim of bad parents yes, and leftists of course.

But the reason why he is dead is because he decided to assault a man with the gun. Notice the similarities to the "gentle bear" case and the "jogger" case.

You men black teenagers and men being murdered and their killers not being brought to the Bar of Justice.

You want mob justice where facts don't matter, moron.

It is racist morons like you that run from facts.

Can you recall what the facts were in this case?

Acquitted, no wrong doing, after months of media lies.

Run from that liar.

Why do I need to run, hell ass clowns like you still call OJ a murderer after he was ACQUITTED. I guess that only counts when the ACQUITTED is a right wing, racist murderer. Zimmerman should change his last name to Bryant since he had a jury just like the one he and JW Milam had.

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