Gender Comics?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
If comic books symbolize a modern-era 'pedestrian art' presenting 'cartoonish caricatures' of civics concerns and human-interest issues (e.g., the death penalty, racism, tyranny, unethical science, etc.), then how will the marketing of female comic book characters in entertainment-media (e.g., Supergirl, Wonder Woman, etc.) impact 'commerce dialogue'?


Kate Middleton (wife of Prince William of England and Duchess of Cambridge) and Fiona Apple (popular American pop-musician) had become good friends over the Internet (World Wide Web pen-pals) and wanted to meet in Seattle, Washington (USA) on Valentine's Day 2017 for a special 'girl vacation' at the Space Needle. The two realized they had much in common in terms of views on gender rights and gender-based politics and decided to plan something together for Halloween 2017 in Washington, D.C. Fiona suggested that they dress up as the DC Comics superheroines Wonder Woman and Supergirl and visit President Trump for a special coffee meeting about gender-imagery in art.

Halloween came around, and the two idealistic women were at the White House having coffee with Trump at 3:00 in the afternoon. First Lady Melania Trump commented on the colorful quality of their comic book costumes and suggested the White House photographers and a special cartoonist be brought in to generate a Halloween gender-meeting collage for good PR. Kate and Fiona loved the idea and suggested that the collage could be posted on Facebook for convenient access. President Trump liked the idea as well, and Mrs. Trump had the collage posted in a special Halloween section of the White House and Trump pages on Facebook. It was a great success, and the Washington Post wrote, "Trump makes great headway into gender-issues with a Facebook-friendly collage with the Duchess of Cambridge and a popular female American musician!"

Two months later, an anonymous blogger on Facebook commented on the Trump-Halloween Middleton-Apple gender-collage trumpeted by Melania, saying, "We're using the Internet (e.g., Facebook) to make meaningless brain-candy picture arrays to allow ourselves to feel morally complacent about our consumerism-lazy culture (e.g., eBay, eTrade, etc.)!" The blogger did not use his real name. The blogger, an ex-member of ISIS named Amon believed Westerners were too preoccupied with 'gender-issues' to give serious focus to the more pressing problem of anti-federalism and anti-capitalism related development of biochemical weapons and nuclear warfare. Trump's White House advisors had the President issue a public statement to retort to such claims, saying, "A commerce-friendly civilization should welcome the exchange of ideas on a wide variety of's simply good business!"

The American movie-star Tom Cruise, celebrated for making entertaining and culturally-symbolic films such as Minority Report and Lions for Lambs, was under the press-spotlight recently for having made alleged comments on the futility of sharing his passion for Scientology with his recent inattentive girlfriends/wives. Cruise wanted to capitalize on this new Middleton-Apple Facebook Halloween buzz to clear his name and re-establish positive relations between his church and the media. Cruise decided to issue a press statement, saying, "I think this Middleton-Apple friendship-catalyzed Halloween collage on Facebook really shows us that women in a commerce-traffic civilization can be heard in many ways without necessarily interfering with the bureaucratic priorities of geo-politics (e.g., nuclear test-ban treaties)." People in the media commented that Cruise was finally paying homage to the power the media has in espousing the vocalized concerns of politically-conscious women.

Amon did not buy any of it and believed Cruise used the 'Middleton-Apple Affair' to simply hype his own bravado and loud voice regarding the claimed 'accessibility of gender-concerns in the media.' Amon wrote to the Washington Post, "Americans make films such as Pretty Woman and Working Girl, but male American movie stars (e.g., Tom Cruise) use the media pulpit to draw attention away from the unworked Israel-Palestine dilemma!" President Trump got wind of this 'notice' from Amon and made the retort to the press, "Americans love Planet Hollywood, since Americans (and Westerners in general) care about everyday dreams!" Amon realized Trump was usng the 'Middleton-Apple Affair' (as it was now widely-referred to by many) to hype the social value of general commerce-traffic and make himself look like a great pick for public leader (having been the 'capitalist mastermind' of the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey).

Amon decided to send an anonymous op-ed to the Washington Post, which prompted Middleton and Apple to offer their own retort press statement.


"I realize why Westerners are so fascinated by vigilantism-daydream pop-culture comic book art and adapted films such as Justice League. If you use the 'imagination' of Halloween to create 'caricatures' of civics and justice (since comic books present 'superheroes' and 'super-villains' who symbolize crime-and-punishment), you can create meaningless 'street-chatter' about a 'Western passion' for jurisprudence without really having to get involved with the serious and grave problems of real world geo-politics (e.g., Israel-Palestine related biochemical warfare)! It's no wonder at all that Facebook is a symbol of 'Western laziness'!"


"As two women in the public spotlight, we're delighted our Halloween collage regarding our 'gender-spotlight' meeting at the White House has generated so much 'buzz' about women being vocal in the media for all kinds of things --- politics, culture, entertainment, fashion, pop culture art (comic books!), etc. However, we agree more with the statement of Hollywood star Tom Cruise that 'media-toys' such as Facebook are available for dialogue-excitement and not just 'lazy gibberish,' so we've decided to dress up as Wonder Woman and Supergirl every Halloween and encourage women everywhere to embrace female 'superheroines'!"




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