Gasparino: Obama Wants Massive Stock Sell-off


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Why is the Obama administration publicly warning about a U.S. default, while at the same time privately reassuring U.S. banks that a default won’t occur?

Fox Business Network senior correspondent Charlie Gasparino, who broke the story that the White House has been privately reassuring the banks, thinks he knows the answer

Read more on Gasparino: Obama Wants Massive Stock Sell-off

Gasparino: Obama Wants Massive Stock Sell-off
Where did Gasparino get his 'information'?

Hacking cellphones?

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha. Get used to it.

Deflection.... :clap2:

Clowns like continue to deny the fact that this Marxist leader destroys everything he touches......
The whole thing makes sense to me, he shit all over the GM stockholders, nothing about his behavior tells me he'll act any differently about your 401K either.
I would be surprised if it was not true, regardless if this guy's information is true or not.
They desperately want to scare the public of an impending doom if they don't get what they want - the same as the Bush administration told everyone the world would cease to exist if we didn't give $400 billion to the richest institutions in the world. (who BTW have come out smelling like honey dipped rose petals after getting it)
It is all in the game. The way the media spins the debt race - the Dem plan has more cuts than the Republicans...which of course in reality it will likely INCREASE the debt not decrease it.
We are screwed. Our government's incompetence, corruption and lack of will is a direct reflection of a clueless self-absorbed populace.
We get what we deserve....well actually our children and grandchildren will.
Where did Gasparino get his 'information'?

Hacking cellphones?

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha. Get used to it.

Get used to what? Exactly?

I guess you're supposed to get used to his posting "

The OP is unsubstantiated bullshit spewed on one of the outlets owned by a corporation with NO journalistic credibility.

BTW, did the 5 people who watch FBN applaud when Gasparino said this?

I would be surprised if it was not true, regardless if this guy's information is true or not.

See, now there's a textbook example of the kind of person the rightwing propaganda machine is marketing to.

Our officials have a looooooooooong history of spinning facts and scare tactics. I am saying I wouldn't be surprised it was true. Don't understand why anyone would be regardless of who/what party is in question.
Why is the Obama administration publicly warning about a U.S. default, while at the same time privately reassuring U.S. banks that a default won’t occur?
For the same reason Obama publicly campaigned against NAFTA in 2008 but privately told Canada he wasn't serious.

This is how he operates.

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