Gary Johnson Is Seeking the LP Nomination


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Two LP insiders confirm that the former NM governor wants to run for president on the Libertarian Party ticket, and is actively seeking the nod. Were he to get it, Gary would be the least libertarian Libertarian candidate ever. "For me," says an LP elder statesman, "it's anybody but Gary. Mainly, of course," he added, "I want Ron to run."

Gary Johnson Is Seeking the LP Nomination | Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre

I've suspected this ever since Johnson said the Republican Party had turned its back on him.
He was on Red Eye a few weeks ago. Interesting guy with some great ideas.

He was a great Governor, but I wouldn't vote for him for President. He's a little too willing to intervene militarily around the world for my taste, but I don't know if I'd say he'd be the least libertarian Libertarian candidate ever like Lew Rockwell stated.
Gary Johnson cannot afford to run for President and has no backers to keep him from going bankrupt on his own.

Do you really want another politician out there sponging off people for trillions of dollars for a few thousand pet rock projects that eat up $535 billion apiece?

If so, put your money where your mouth is and support one of these everybody-else-must-pay-for-me freeloaders with your billions of dollars.

Our party requires a modicum of responsibility from its candidates. We do not tolerate freeloaders looking to stick it to the taxpayers, and that's why Barack Obama does not merit respect. It's all nicey-nicey talk until it's responsiiblity-taking time. Then there you have Obama, pointing in 10 different directions per fiasco and hiding behind the bully pulpit instead of using it to help the American people.

If Mr. Johnson had done his homework, there's no question in my mind he'd be one of the candidates in the limelight.

Mr. Johnson did not do his homework, and now he is pointing HIS finger at everybody else except himself, the man who didn't bother himself to do what it takes to support himself.

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