Game of Thrones

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Arguably one of the best TV series ever created and the new season starts April 14th I believe.

As I didn't pay a lot of attention early on in the shows infancy, I have decided to rewatch all 7 seasons. Found it online and am starting it tonight.
Arguably one of the best TV series ever created and the new season starts April 14th I believe.

As I didn't pay a lot of attention early on in the shows infancy, I have decided to rewatch all 7 seasons. Found it online and am starting it tonight.
I think it is the best show ever on TV and superior to most movies
This is the last season. Six episodes and it's over.

That makes me so sad. They really should have continued it for a 10 year run of 10 episodes per year. Last season felt really rushed.
I hate to pee into your Cheerios, but the writing for the last season was awful. It was as though the writing was assigned to a group of 15-year-old boys with an unlimited budget and no restrictions.

Journeys that used to take months were completed in hours. A seven hundred foot high, 100 foot thick wall of ice was destroyed when a zombie dragon flew by and breathed on it. And on, and on. One's "suspension of disbelief" was taxed beyond credulity.

The final season will be entertaining to watch, and the millions of fans who have invested so many hours getting to this point will watch it, but artistically they will be seeing nothing but garbage. Hopefully a nice collection of T & A.
It is one of my favorite tv shows, and one of the best ever made. The writing isn’t as smart as Breaking Bad, the acting isn’t as well done as Downton Abbey, the directing isn’t as good as The West Wing, but almost as well done as all of those shows. The characters (at first you hate Jaime Lannister and then you root for him) are great, the costumes are incredible and the scene settings are unmatched.
Tormund Giantsbane adores Brienne of Tarth.

But I ship her with Jaime, hence Tormund will have to die. So sad.

There are two season 8 trailers out now, neither of which shows much of interest. People can look them up on Youtube if interested.

Things I've read -- there are two massive battle scenes, bigger than The Battle of the Bastards or The Loot Train. One happens outside Kings Landing. I think it's a good assumption the other will be near Winterfell.

Some predictions -- Khaleesi dies about halfway through the season, after having Jon's baby. Arya and The Hound go OnTheRoadAgain, and Nymeria joins them.

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