GA preacher wrapps himself in the Torah and call himself "king".....


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
ATLANTA — A Georgia megachurch leader is apologizing to a Jewish group that criticized him for taking part in a ceremony in which he was wrapped in a religious scroll and exalted as a “king.”

Bishop Eddie Long said in a letter to the Anti-Defamation League that he didn’t mean to offend the Jewish community by taking part in the ceremony.

A video shows Rabbi Ralph Messer, a Messianic preacher, wrapping Long in a large scroll that is purported to be the Torah. Messianic Jews believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, which is at odds with traditional Jewish theology.

The Torah is one of the most sacred objects in Judaism. Bill Nigut of the Anti-Defamation League has said the ceremony was “completely inappropriate and really awful.” AP

Pastor apologizes to Jewish group for ceremony - Chicago Sun-Times

[ame=]New Birth Crowns Eddie Long as King - YouTube[/ame]

This is not only disrespectful to those of the Jewish faith, but I kinda find it a bit appalling as well.

But..........then again........what else can you expect? Christians have been abusing the symbols of other people's faiths for a while.
Wait--Messianic Jews believe Jesus Christ is the messiah.

Then exactly how are they Jews?


Isn't the guy that is accused of molesting boys that are apart of his congregation?

Yep it is!! It is the same guy! Google Eddie Long and you will see!
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Wait--Messianic Jews believe Jesus Christ is the messiah.

Then exactly how are they Jews?

Dunno, but if he was actually crowned "king" then where is the Holy Annointing Oil? Did they follow the proper procedure for making it?

And that's just for starters.......

Oh yeah............remember who this dirtbag is from a while back?

Atlanta megachurch pastor Bishop Eddie Long has reached a settlement out of court with the four young men who accused him of sexual misconduct, lawyers for both sides of the case said Thursday. Eddie Long was accused last year of coercing four men he mentored into sexual relationships.

Both sides of the case would not comment on the details of the settlement but said the lawsuit would not move forward to trial.

B.J. Bernstein, who represented the plaintiffs, confirmed Thursday that the lawsuit has "been resolved."

Long's lawyer, Barbara Marschalk, also confirmed the suits were settled and said they would likely be dismissed by the end of business Friday.

The settlement in the Eddie Long case comes three months after attorneys in the lawsuit between the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church pastor and his four accusers began mediation.

Bishop Eddie Long Reaches Settlement Out of Court, Christian News

Somehow, I don't think this idot is a preacher anymore, he seems to be someone posing as a preacher with lots of theatrics and closeted skeletons.
What is it that makes Christians pop off like this?

I thought Christians only recognized the Bible, not the Torah as the True Word of God.
HE Is what believers call a CHARLATAN!

But what can you do about people like? There is no true way to discern charlantanty from righteousness, especially if the follower believes in the charlatan. All the charltan has to do is denounce the righteous and what then?
HE Is what believers call a CHARLATAN!

But what can you do about people like? There is no true way to discern charlantanty from righteousness, especially if the follower believes in the charlatan. All the charltan has to do is denounce the righteous and what then?

You should have used the term "snake oil salesman".

However............hopefully this, combined with his recent sexual misconduct, will wake his congregation up enough so that they throw his sorry ass out.

And no, you don't have to be fully Jewish to be able to access their religion, you can be a B'nei Noach (Son of Noah) and all of Judaism is open to you. a B'nei Noach you DO have to have respect for the customs and traditions of the Jewish faith.

It's glaringly apparent even to the most casual observer that this idiot isn't.
What is it that makes Christians pop off like this?

I thought Christians only recognized the Bible, not the Torah as the True Word of God.

The first 5 chapters in the old testament is the Torah.
"Five Books of Moses" that begin the Hebrew Bible: Genesis (in Hebrew, Bereshit), Exodus (Shmot), Leviticus (Vayikra), Numbers (Bamidbar) and Deuteronomy (Dvarim).
What is it that makes Christians pop off like this?

I thought Christians only recognized the Bible, not the Torah as the True Word of God.

The first 5 chapters in the old testament is the Torah.
"Five Books of Moses" that begin the Hebrew Bible: Genesis (in Hebrew, Bereshit), Exodus (Shmot), Leviticus (Vayikra), Numbers (Bamidbar) and Deuteronomy (Dvarim).


Now tell us, Is it a fashionable cape to be worn by Chrsitians?
Wait--Messianic Jews believe Jesus Christ is the messiah.

Then exactly how are they Jews?


Isn't the guy that is accused of molesting boys that are apart of his congregation?

Yep it is!! It is the same guy! Google Eddie Long and you will see!

they mean jews for jesus...

i don't know what a messianic jew is b/c all jews believe in *a* messiah. he just hasn't come yet.

and there's no such thing as a jew who believes in that the individual called jesus christ was the messiah. if he/she does, he/she is a christian. they are either or...

but whatever
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What is it that makes Christians pop off like this?

I thought Christians only recognized the Bible, not the Torah as the True Word of God.

The first 5 chapters in the old testament is the Torah.
"Five Books of Moses" that begin the Hebrew Bible: Genesis (in Hebrew, Bereshit), Exodus (Shmot), Leviticus (Vayikra), Numbers (Bamidbar) and Deuteronomy (Dvarim).


Now tell us, Is it a fashionable cape to be worn by christians?

NO !
And one idiot is not all Christians
What is it that makes Christians pop off like this?

I thought Christians only recognized the Bible, not the Torah as the True Word of God.

The first 5 chapters in the old testament is the Torah.
"Five Books of Moses" that begin the Hebrew Bible: Genesis (in Hebrew, Bereshit), Exodus (Shmot), Leviticus (Vayikra), Numbers (Bamidbar) and Deuteronomy (Dvarim).


Now tell us, Is it a fashionable cape to be worn by Chrsitians?

Wonder if he's some kind of Christian superhero?

You that got bitten by a radioactive rabbi?
What is it that makes Christians pop off like this?

I thought Christians only recognized the Bible, not the Torah as the True Word of God.

The first 5 chapters in the old testament is the Torah.
"Five Books of Moses" that begin the Hebrew Bible: Genesis (in Hebrew, Bereshit), Exodus (Shmot), Leviticus (Vayikra), Numbers (Bamidbar) and Deuteronomy (Dvarim).


Now tell us, Is it a fashionable cape to be worn by Chrsitians?

If by cape you are refering to the White and blue thing the wrapped around him that was not the Torrah, that was a Jewish prayer shawl(Tallit).

The Prayer Shawl - tallit (Modern Hebrew: טַלִּית*) or tallet(h) (Sephardi Hebrew: טַלֵּית*), also called talles (Yiddish), is a prayer shawl that is worn during the morning Jewish services (the Shacharit prayers) in Judaism, during the Torah service, and on Yom Kippur and other holidays. It has special twined and knotted fringes known as tzitzit attached to its four corners. The tallit is sometimes also referred to as the arba kanfot, meaning the "four wings" (in the connotation of four corners).

While some other Jewish garments or objects might be treated more casually, the tallit is a special personal effect, generally used for many years or a lifetime and never discarded. Most Jewish men (and some women) own very few tallitot in their lifetimes. A threadbare tallit is treated with great respect, as if it had a mantle of holiness, acquired from years of use.[citation needed] Although there is no mandatory tradition, in Conservative, reform, and otherwise non-religious families a tallit, as well as tefillin, is likely to be given as a special gift, from father to son, from father-in-law to son-in-law, or from teacher to student. It might be purchased to mark a special occasion, such as a wedding, a bar/bat mitzvah, or a trip to Israel. When a man dies, it is traditional that he be buried dressed only in his kittel, with his tallit is draped over him. Otherwise, a religious Jew is required to have his own tallit (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim, Chapter 2).

Since wearing a tallit at certain times is considered an obligation for men, a synagogue will usually have a rack available with extras, for visitors and guests, or for those who forgot to bring their own with them. The extras that a synagogue has available to lend are usually plain and simple, but sufficient to fulfill the obligation. Although non-Jewish male visitors are expected to wear a kippah (headcovering) when visiting a synagogue, it would be frowned upon for a non-Jew to put on a tallit, unless he is studying or preparing for conversion to Judaism.
Prayer Shawl - Tallit - Shop Israel
First off this man being elevated to the status of Christ is ridiculous.

This man is already questionable even as pastor, accused of sexual abuse.

Wrapping a man in a Torah seems pretty disrespectful.

That torah is supposed to be three hundred years old and survived the holocaust. It should be in the Holocaust museum in Israel not wrapped around Eddie Longs sweaty fat ass.

I say lets give this guy a King of the Jews test to see if it holds up.

Lets beat him to a pulp, put a crown of thorns on his head, make him carry a heavy wooden cross for about a mile of so,nail him to said cross until he dies. Run a sword though his side, wrap him in a sheet and put him in a guarded cave for three days in the hot desert southwest. If he gets raised from the dead, MAYBE that church might have something. but if he's a stinky rotting mess we can all rest assured that he was one of those false prophets Jesus warned us about.
This guy is no Christian.
He doesn't even know that he is wrapping the first five chapters of the bible around his stupid neck.
And the Torah is around 3,500 years old, not 300.
Quick question for those of the Jewish faith.........

Because of the way this preacher violated the use of this Torah and it has been defiled, does it have to be destroyed?

If this preacher REALLY wanted to be a "king" he should have followed the rules and wrote his own, as all Kings of Israel, prior to being crowned, had to complete a valid Torah themselves.

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