GA Election Fraud Summary Final


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2015
I did all I could to edit the copy/paste errors as I was unable do download PDF. I don't have time for the other states. I am working here! #21 seemed exceptionally interesting.
Georgia was called by 11,779 votes. •Fulton County, Georgia, the most populous county in the state, has no digital record of all in person votes cast in its original results. •Not a single ballot purportedly cast during early in-person voting was witnessed to and signed off by poll managers, as required by Georgia election rules. Seals were broken and memory cards removed from tabulators for the results of these315,000 votes, which were printed out on different machines than the ones that tabulated them. This prevented the reconciliation of how many votes were cast
on each machine. •The ballot images of these votes, along with the rest of in-person ballots cast on Election Day, were destroyed. •The vote in Georgia was counted three times: the original machine count, a statewide hand recount, and a second machine count. Each time the state, and fulton County, reported three different results.• Fulton County did not count the same ballots during the original count and the machine recount. There are 19,541 distinct ballots that appear in one machine count but not the other.
•Thousands of fraudulent “presidential only” ballots were injected into the second machine count, with huge margins favoring Joe Biden. Ballots that are blank
except for the presidential contest were counted in batches together, with the pattern appearing in at least eight counties, including Fulton. This means Georgia did not have the votes to justify its original Election “results.”
Fulton County does not know “how many voters cast votes” and its “lack of basic accounting controls make it impossible to determine who really won” in2020, according to Philip Stark, a University of California, Berkeley professor who invented risk-limiting audits. Stark noted, “The electronic records of the election are not intact.”

•376,863 ballot images are missing from the first machine count, which includes all in-person votes in Fulton County.
•None of the 315,000 votes cast during early voting in Fulton County were witnessed to and signed by the poll manager and two poll workers, as required by state election rules. The closing tapes for these votes are all unsigned, showed
more tabulated votes than the tabulators had recorded as scanning in their protective counters, and recorded improbably low percentages for President Trump. For example, President Trump received only 0.9 percent, 2.4 percent, 3.7 percent from some of the tabulators, as if he was a third party candidate, or in a third world country. The anomalies indicate ballots were not scanned on the tabulators that printed the closing tapes, making the closing tapes fraudulent. Tabulators used in Fulton County during early voting had their seals broken, and memory cards were reprogrammed and inserted into different scanners to count absentee ballots, in violation of election rules. This made it impossible to reconcile the true number of votes tabulated on the machines from the start of the Election to the end of counting.
•235,000 absentee ballots were requested and accepted too early, prior to the lawful date 180 days before the 2020 Election, which was May 6, 2020. These votes should have never been counted in the 2020 Election.
4,081 false votes for Joe Biden were included in the hand count audit results for Fulton County. The false votes were the result of 36 accounting errors, which
were confirmed by Governor Brian Kemp’s office and investigators working for Secretary Brad Raffensperger, yet they have never been removed from the official hand count results. These errors alone would reduce the margin to 7,698votes.
•The hand count audit included 3,935 unaccounted for votes due to 11 missing batch sheets in Fulton County. Differences from the original count to the hand
audit total at least 15,690 votes, which is more than the entire election margin alone. This includes the 4,081 false Biden votes, plus “missing” votes discovered in Gwinett (1,642), Fayette (2,755), Floyd (2,700), Douglas (293), and Walton(284) counties that were likely due to machine counting errors.
•Thousands of “pristine,” unfolded absentee ballots were counted during the handcount audit in Fulton County, according to at least six witnesses, which is the subject of ongoing litigation. These absentee ballots had no folds, and went 98 percent to Joe Biden, had “been added in a fraudulent manner,” witnesses said.
•Fulton County certified 59,143 in-person votes on Election Day, despite the fact that only 14,152 people had voted as of 5 p.m. on Nov. 3, 2020. Evidence suggests the in-person vote total on Election Day was inflated by approximately37,000 votes, as records show no rush to the polls during the final two hours ofvoting, and a screenshot of the in-person Election Day results shared by a government contractor showed only 21,843 people voted at the polls in Fulton County on Nov. 3.
•Fulton County ordered over 1 million absentee ballots days before the 2020Election, without any envelopes and the time necessary to mail. There were only808,680 active voters in Fulton County as of Nov. 1, 2020, meaning the county

The second machine count was over 17,000 votes “short.” Fulton County was instructed to “reconcile” the results by the Secretary of State, and recertified its results without divulging the extent of the vote deficiency to members of the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections.
•“Thousands of bogus votes” were ultimately added into the Election results via the second machine count. This includes 20,977 unsubstantiated votes of
unknown origin. The results were missing 17,852 ballot images, and included had more blank mail-in ballots than the number of registered voters, and ordered them after the vast majority of mail-in ballot requests had already been sent to voters by Runbeck Election Services.
•An estimated 30,000 to 92,670 illicit votes were trafficked in Georgia, as part ofa massive ballot trafficking operation discovered by True the Vote. The group identified 242 traffickers in Georgia who engaged in 5,662 ballot drops into drop boxes, making an average of 23 runs per trafficker. Over 40 percent of the illicitdrops that were captured on camera were recorded between the non-voting hoursof midnight and 5 a.m.
•There were over 364,000 ineligible voter registrations on the rolls during the2020 Election and likely 67,284 votes were cast from voters with invalid residency.
•Massive manipulation of the Georgia voter rolls surrounding the 2020 Election has been uncovered. This includes 1,500 Voter IDs that received credit for voting in 2020, but were not on any voter rolls from 2020, some appearing for the first time on the voter rolls on Nov. 4, 2021, a year after the Election. Other findings
include manipulation of inactive voters to cast ballots, “gifting” Nov. 3 votes up to 2 years after the Election, and casting votes on ballots previously rejected, cancelled, or not even turned in.•In 2020, there were absentee ballots issued to “Bangkok Thailand, Ga.,”“Denver, Ga.,” “Detroit, Ga.,” “Los Angeles, Ga.,” and other fraudulent addresses that do not exist. Ballots were fraudulently cast in 2020 from addresseslisted as “Bronx, Ga.,” “Hilton Head, Ga.,” “Louisville, Ga.,” “San Diego, Ga.,”“New Orleans, Ga.,” “French Creek, Ga.,” “Virginia Beach, Ga.,” “Vicksburg,Ga.,” “Baltimore, Ga.,” “New York, Ga.,” and “Sarasota, Ga.,” all with zip codes out of state

3,125 duplicate ballot images that were counted twice. •At least 2,871 ballots were counted two or three times in the second machine count, totaling 6,118 questionable votes.
•Eighty-eight percent of Fulton County’s precincts reported a different total number of votes between the first and second machine count.
•The only electronic votes that survived from the first count were the mail-in ballots, since they were tabulated on the high speed scanner their ballot images were automatically uploaded to the election server. •Ninety percent of these approximately 148,000 absentee ballots cast in Fulton County cannot be authenticated. Ballot images for 132,284 mail-in votes have no.SHA file, which is created automatically when a ballot is scanned and used to authenticate the digital image of the vote, lacking evidence they were scanned and tabulated properly, or even cast by a real voter.
•104,994 ballot image files

of these mail-in ballots from the original count contained identical modified time stamps, suggesting electronic manipulation.

43,907 drop box ballots violated chain of custody requirements in DeKalb County.
•59,000 of the 79,460 drop box ballots in Fulton County were not immediately transported to the election registrar, in violation of State Election Board rules.
•An estimated 355,000 ballot transfer forms for drop box ballots are missing statewide.
•Over 100,000 tally sheets for Fulton County were missing from the hand count audit, and remained missing for months after the Election.
•In early January 2021, Ruby Freeman asked for an attorney because she wanted to “go live on every platform” to divulge information about how “the USB ports” were used in the 2020 Election. The expert cyber report by Professor J. Alex
Halderman explained how external USB ports with election-changing malware can be inserted into Dominion machines by anyone with access, including election workers.
•The presence of a “QR code mismatch” error within the Dominion tabulators that systematically undercounts votes was found in 65 out of 67 Georgia counties where records were available. The error was present in system log files for tabulators used in elections in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
•The election results in Georgia in 2020 are not only unreliable, but were electronically altered, and are unsupported by the state’s own election records. The appearance of tens of thousands of unconfirmed ballots in subsequent hand and machine counts suggest reconciliation happened
the Election, meaning after it was clear what margins were needed to win. Fulton County election officials admitted in early 2021 they do not engage in any reconciliation until weeks after Election Day. This means the number of voters showing up at the polls during each day of voting is not checked with the number of ballots tabulated each day, a basic process to ensure the number of ballots and voters match, and cannot be manipulated later. •“We can’t start reconciling that until usually a couple days before certification, ”said then-Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron, during a January2021 Board meeting. “Because we have to get that report from Know Ink. I think Know Ink sends those to the state or Know Ink sends those directly to us. But those aren’t compiled then, on Election night. So we don’t have any way to balance those then. That’s like the post-election process that we do.”
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•Thousands of “pristine,” unfolded absentee ballots were counted during the handcount audit in Fulton County, according to at least six witnesses, which is the subject of ongoing litigation. These absentee ballots had no folds, and went 98 percent to Joe Biden, had “been added in a fraudulent manner,” witnesses said.

The 2% that went to Trump is troubling information that seems to contradict the claim.

How would all those votes for Trump get into the scheme by Democrats?

Apparently about 10,000 for Trump if all the numbers were quoted correctly.[/B]
•Thousands of “pristine,” unfolded absentee ballots were counted during the handcount audit in Fulton County, according to at least six witnesses, which is the subject of ongoing litigation. These absentee ballots had no folds, and went 98 percent to Joe Biden, had “been added in a fraudulent manner,” witnesses said.

The 2% that went to Trump is troubling information that seems to contradict the claim.

How would all those votes for Trump get into the scheme by Democrats?

Apparently about 10,000 for Trump if all the numbers were quoted correctly.[/B]

How does that contradict the claim of unfolded mail-in ballots?
Thousands of fraudulent “presidential only” ballots were injected into the second machine count, with huge margins favoring Joe Biden. Ballots that are blank except for the presidential contest were counted in batches together, with the pattern appearing in at least eight counties, including Fulton
Interesting: What is the second machine count? "Biden only Ballots" were counted in batches? Were they the Ballots without Folds that the corrupt Courts are not allowing any look into?
376,863 ballot images are missing from the first machine count, which includes b all in-person votes in Fulton County
235,000 absentee ballots were requested and accepted too early, prior to the lawful date 180 days before the 2020 Election, which was May 6, 2020. These votes should have never been counted in the 2020 Election.

Fulton County certified 59,143 in-person votes on Election Day, despite the fact that only 14,152 people had voted as of 5 p.m. on Nov. 3, 2020.

Evidence suggests the in-person vote total on Election Day was inflated by approximately 37,000 votes, as records show no rush to the polls during the final two hours of voting, and a screenshot of the in-person Election Day results shared by a government contractor showed only 21,843 people voted at the polls in Fulton
County on Nov. 3 There were over 364,000 ineligible voter registrations on the rolls during the2020 Election and likely 67,284 votes were cast from voters with invalid residency
Go see the short Fractal video EXPLOSIVE REPORT: VIDEO Reveals Georgia 2020 Voter Rolls - Dirtier than Ever! - Tens of Thousands of Ineligible Addresses Cast Votes in 2020! | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Thousands of people voted from hotels, UPS boxes, RV parks and other transient addresses – years after they registered.

like we found out, they flood out Ballots to any name they can get. Some 223 yrs old. Living at WalMart or vacant lots. Registered to vote fairly recently. All Birth yr endig in zero? then those Ballots collected, to mules, drop box time. Yee-haw! Another State stolen.
Ken Block, whom the Trump campaign hired in 2020 to find voter fraud in the election, penned an op-ed Tuesday stating unequivocally that the 2020 presidential election was not stolen and that there was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election.2 days ago

Voter data expert hired by Trump campaign says 2020 ...

more SPAM from this .moon guy. Is that allowed to re-post ken buck in every thread? We don’t care they paid one corrupt busterd to “talk” BS.
****3yrs later they want us to believe they are doing something about Election fraud? Is an election coming up?

This situation started when Raffensperger failed to investigate the 2020 election fraud discovered by citizen election integrity advocate Joseph Rossi. “These initial findings and an inability to obtain explanations from Raffensperger’s office led Rossi to provide the evidence to Governor Brian Kemp’s office which performed its own independent analysis and then issued a written finding saying that Rossi’s results were factual.” Per

In other words, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger worked to cover up 2020 election fraud instead of doing something about it.
•Thousands of “pristine,” unfolded absentee ballots were counted during the handcount audit in Fulton County, according to at least six witnesses, which is the subject of ongoing litigation. These absentee ballots had no folds, and went 98 percent to Joe Biden, had “been added in a fraudulent manner,” witnesses said.

The 2% that went to Trump is troubling information that seems to contradict the claim.

How would all those votes for Trump get into the scheme by Democrats?

Apparently about 10,000 for Trump if all the numbers were quoted correctly.[/B]
Are you fucking insane???
Because cheating democrats don’t control the count everywhere
Really? The GOP gained a seat from Michigan--Biden won Michigan... Please explain.


Since we’re talking about Georgia here...why didn’t the supposed cheaters give the two democrats running for the Senate an outright victory instead of their having to win a run-off?
Really? The GOP gained a seat from Michigan--Biden won Michigan... Please explain.


Since we’re talking about Georgia here...why didn’t the supposed cheaters give the two democrats running for the Senate an outright victory instead of their having to win a run-off?
Derrr derrr derrr because the “an accurate voter database is an Existential Threat” democrat Party could NOT dump ballots into every district

Are you really this ignorant???
Derrr derrr derrr
I guess the question is giving you problems.
because the “an accurate voter database is an Existential Threat” democrat Party could NOT dump ballots into every district
Senate races don’t go by districts.

Try again sonny.

Why didn’t the supposed voter fraudsters give the Senate race to the Democrats in Georgia?

You said there was fraud:

What a loon! 2020 democrat Dominion Voter fraud is the Crime of the Century! Get Help!!

Are you really this ignorant???
You the one seem to think the senate is decided by districts.

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