Fusion Banking - More Russian Bombshells Coming


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
The Coming Russia Bombshells

The confirmation this week that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid an opposition-research firm for a “dossier” on Donald Trump is bombshell news. More bombshells are to come.

The Fusion GPS saga isn’t over. The Clinton-DNC funding is but a first glimpse into the shady election doings concealed within that oppo-research firm’s walls. We now know where Fusion got some of its cash, but the next question is how the firm used it. With whom did it work beyond former British spy Christopher Steele ? Whom did it pay? Who else was paying it?

The answers are in Fusion’s bank records. Fusion has doggedly refused to divulge the names of its clients for months now, despite extraordinary pressure. So why did the firm suddenly insist that middleman law firm Perkins Coie release Fusion from confidentiality agreements, and spill the beans on who hired it?

Because there’s something Fusion cares about keeping secret even more than the Clinton-DNC news—and that something is in those bank records. The release of the client names was a last-ditch effort to appease the House Intelligence Committee, which issued subpoenas to Fusion’s bank and was close to obtaining records until Fusion filed suit last week. The release was also likely aimed at currying favor with the court, given Fusion’s otherwise weak legal case. The judge could rule as early as Friday morning.
as more and more physical evidence comes through against hillary and the DNC, look for more and more *but she's not president - who cares?" crap from the left in a final effort to keep the focus on BAD TRUMP.

of which we have 0 physical evidence at all.

gonna need more popcorn.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.
once that domino starts, it's going to get interesting real fast. the backlash is going to be strong for sure and the "extreme progressives" are about to get really loud.

that's what happens when you're dying a death like this.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.
once that domino starts, it's going to get interesting real fast. the backlash is going to be strong for sure and the "extreme progressives" are about to get really loud.

that's what happens when you're dying a death like this.
I suspect the entire Left, including much of the MSM and federal government are working overtime right now to control this story.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.

I'm counting on quite a few GOP names to be on that list as well. Republicans differ from democrats in washing only by the letter after their name. They are all pieces of shit. I hope it blows up all over the slimy fucks.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.
once that domino starts, it's going to get interesting real fast. the backlash is going to be strong for sure and the "extreme progressives" are about to get really loud.

that's what happens when you're dying a death like this.
I suspect the entire Left, including much of the MSM and federal government are working overtime right now to control this story.
this is the internet. control is out the door and all you got left is spin.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.

I'm counting on quite a few GOP names to be on that list as well. Republicans differ from democrats in washing only by the letter after their name. They are all pieces of shit. I hope it blows up all over the slimy fucks.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.

I'm counting on quite a few GOP names to be on that list as well. Republicans differ from democrats in washing only by the letter after their name. They are all pieces of shit. I hope it blows up all over the slimy fucks.
anyone on the wrong side of the law needs to be taken down and removed.

the law is for all of us to follow, not try to figure out the most clever way around it.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.

I'm counting on quite a few GOP names to be on that list as well. Republicans differ from democrats in washing only by the letter after their name. They are all pieces of shit. I hope it blows up all over the slimy fucks.
anyone on the wrong side of the law needs to be taken down and removed.

the law is for all of us to follow, not try to figure out the most clever way around it.
Maybe ole Lindsey Graham will be on that list. That would be a great thing for South Carolina.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.

I'm counting on quite a few GOP names to be on that list as well. Republicans differ from democrats in washing only by the letter after their name. They are all pieces of shit. I hope it blows up all over the slimy fucks.
drain the swamp!!!! here it is folks. were watching how the swamp operates.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.

I'm counting on quite a few GOP names to be on that list as well. Republicans differ from democrats in washing only by the letter after their name. They are all pieces of shit. I hope it blows up all over the slimy fucks.
drain the swamp!!!! here it is folks. were watching how the swamp operates.
If only Trump was draining the swamp.
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.
once that domino starts, it's going to get interesting real fast. the backlash is going to be strong for sure and the "extreme progressives" are about to get really loud.

that's what happens when you're dying a death like this.

Like a wounded squirrel backed into a corner.....
Not just Hillary and the DNC, but also Obama, his justice department and the FBI.

I'm counting on quite a few GOP names to be on that list as well. Republicans differ from democrats in washing only by the letter after their name. They are all pieces of shit. I hope it blows up all over the slimy fucks.
drain the swamp!!!! here it is folks. were watching how the swamp operates.
If only Trump was draining the swamp.
I don't think he can physically take them down. exposing them for who and what they are is the way to do that. all of this is due to him. No matter he had a hand in it or not. the exposure is due to him. I give him credit. We need this to keep going. Train keep a rollin all night long.
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Sessions needs to start handing out subpoenas....now.

It would be a fucking shame if it came out that the Clinton campaign didn't disclose payments to Fusion GPS...and if the fake Dossier was used to secure warrants and a special investigation into Russia/Trump collusion.


Dems are so filthy.
I want to know who planted the FAKE PINGS on the Trump Tower server and Russia Alpha Bank!

Obama Bin Spying,.....

That's who
Sessions needs to start handing out subpoenas....now.

It would be a fucking shame if it came out that the Clinton campaign didn't disclose payments to Fusion GPS...and if the fake Dossier was used to secure warrants and a special investigation into Russia/Trump collusion.


Dems are so filthy.
dude, it's now beyond funny. they have threatened our country. PERIOD!!!

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