Furious BLM protesters clash with Chicago cops after video showed Dexter Reed being shot almost 100 times in less than a minute

So they found themselves a criminal that hated the cop's, and unfortunately for him he wanted to do a shoot out with them. It's a tough job policing for the public, and especially for a public that is hostile towards you, and especially after being brainwashed by activist who lie and distort the reality of the situations by protecting criminal enterprises, political agenda's or they do it for just monetary gains.

How any white person still wants to be a cop that attempts to uphold the public safety in certain criminal invested war torn area's of society, uhhhhh is simply an amazing thing to me really.

His crime was not wearing a seat belt. A seat belt that they couldn't even have seen through the tinted glass from where they were at.

Then it took 5 officers to make a stop for not wearing a seat belt? Do cops generally surround a car with their guns drawn for a seat belt violation?
So they found themselves a criminal that hated the cop's, and unfortunately for him he wanted to do a shoot out with them. It's a tough job policing for the public, and especially for a public that is hostile towards you, and especially after being brainwashed by activist who lie and distort the reality of the situations by protecting criminal enterprises, political agenda's or they do it for just monetary gains.

How any white person still wants to be a cop that attempts to uphold the public safety in certain criminal invested war torn area's of society, uhhhhh is simply an amazing thing to me really.
Some of them are sadistic. You can encounter good men and women as police and those not so good. I would see those not so good slowly tortured and killed with their families included. The same for the judicial system and any level of government who doubts the citizen.
And another stupid post.. Just trust that the cop's had that situation under control way better than the criminals do when a drive by shooting occurs or when a gang battle erupts at a 7-11 and such.

Messages have to be sent or justice and a true public safety will never be obtained again.

Personally I'm for wounding the criminal if at all possible, and then if he were convicted of murder by the use of a deadly weapon, then sentence him to hang by the neck until dead, and then put his body on display upon the very street that he was raised on. Problems begin to dissolve more quickly, and public safety and confidence is restored. If can't wound him, then finish the job on the spot just as it was done with the hundred rounds into the vehicle. I doubt it was a hundred rounds, but the media got to stir it up against the cop's who are attempting to administer law and order in this new wild wild west that has been created once again in America.
If they have it under control they don’t need to fire close to 100 rounds. The police themselves are the ones who provided that number. Are you claiming that the police are lying?
His crime was not wearing a seat belt. A seat belt that they couldn't even have seen through the tinted glass from where they were at.

Then it took 5 officers to make a stop for not wearing a seat belt? Do cops generally surround a car with their guns drawn for a seat belt violation?
Regardless of how you want to look at it after the fact, it still remains that a criminal wanted to shoot it out with law enforcement instead of being checked out for such a minor thing, and then on top of that he possibly had illegal tent on his windows ? Hell the law didn't know how many possible shooter's were in that car, especially if the driver started a gun battle with them.
Regardless of how you want to look at it after the fact, it still remains that a criminal wanted to shoot it out with law enforcement instead of being checked out for such a minor thing, and then on top of that he possibly had illegal tent on his windows ? Hell the law didn't know how many possible shooter's were in that car, especially if the driver started a gun battle with them.

The cops lied about the reason for the stop. That leads to the question about what else they are lying about?

Why not just be honest from the beginning? As of what we know right now, they had no actual justification to pull the guy over. If they did, state it.
If they have it under control they don’t need to fire close to 100 rounds. The police themselves are the ones who provided that number. Are you claiming that the police are lying?
You aren't considering all the facts, but of course not because it's what you (knee jerk reaction), after the facts or after the event leftists do all the time.
The cops lied about the reason for the stop. That leads to the question about what else they are lying about?

Why not just be honest from the beginning? As of what we know right now, they had no actual justification to pull the guy over. If they did, state it.

You have proof the cops lied about the reason for the stop?
The cops lied about the reason for the stop. That leads to the question about what else they are lying about?

Why not just be honest from the beginning? As of what we know right now, they had no actual justification to pull the guy over. If they did, state it.
They lied about pulling him over for a seat belt ?? Well, after the hostile environment the leftist have created for law enforcement out there these days, the cops probably feel that they can't be truthful about their investigative techniques without being accused of being racist cop's that just hunt black folks down just to kill them. That has been the ultimate blanketing lie created by the left against law enforcement for which has left many lawless areas of society without policing these day's.
You send 5 armed plain clothed officers to pull someone over for a seat belt violation?

That's how we operate in this country?

If you run the tag back and it comes up to a violent felon?


What people don't get is the reason police like the threat of overwhelming force is that it stops most people from doing something stupid that they may think is not stupid at 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2 or 3.
His crime was not wearing a seat belt. A seat belt that they couldn't even have seen through the tinted glass from where they were at.

Then it took 5 officers to make a stop for not wearing a seat belt? Do cops generally surround a car with their guns drawn for a seat belt violation?
His crime was shooting at the police.
Yes, we noticed how you glossed right over that one.
Glad not to be in the USA.!!!! I urge others to take a break from the USA whether they’re on the left or the right a lot of people are fed up with how things are going.

Here in Cambodia, there is none of the trouble that we have in America. none of these violent crimes because of a degraded culture.

Go to a lot of shopping malls in America and it’s filled with filth and thieves and graffiti. Doesn’t exist here in Cambodia or Thailand.

We just need to go back to how things used to be in this country. … we had a stronger middle class for blacks and whites when our ancestors built a beautiful country.
I love to visit Singapore.
If you run the tag back and it comes up to a violent felon?


What people don't get is the reason police like the threat of overwhelming force is that it stops most people from doing something stupid that they may think is not stupid at 1 on 1 or even 1 on 2 or 3.

Overwhelming force for a seat belt violation they couldn't even see? We are being lied to.

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