Funny incident during WWll

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Priceless! Reminds me of a story about a bomber crew that had to bail out as soon as they were "feet dry" coming back from a mission. They put the B-17 on "auto-pilot" and jumped. When they were picked up they realized the tail gunner hadn't made it. They went to a pub that night and were giving him a send-off when he walks in the door. He hadn't heard the order to jump because of damage to the wiring and it was only after a "really rough landing" that he realized he was the only one left on the plane! LOL
Funny story regardless if it is true or not.
It's true alright. The British did much the same. At the start, they built a fake city a few miles north of London and lit it up at night hoping the Luftwaffe seeing the lights would bypass London and drop their bombs on it.
It worked initially and the Gerries bombed the shit out of it. But they couldn't keep up the building.
Also before D Day they faked rubber tank battalions etc and placed them on the South East coast so the nazis would think they were planning to cross to Ostend and not Normandy.

Similarly odd was a Times Crossword that was published before D Day in which all the code names of the Normandy beaches were in the answers. Juno, Gold. Omaha & Utah. It also gave away the code name for the assault's - Overlord.
An investigation was carried out pronto as you can imagine but no spy ring or conspiracy was found.
Turns out it was just a coincidence. I wonder what's the odds of that?
The Germans returned the favor by creating fake gas chambers that never got used, but it backfired. They're still sending checks every month
A phony "Third Army" made of plywood and rubber balloons was built in southeastern England - presumably General Patton's forces, and it totally fooled the Germans into expecting the invasion to be at Calais.
What makes the story unbeliveable to me is that it doesn't make sense to let the enemy know, that you know, what they are up to.
The British after they discovered the ruse, were smart in letting the Germans continue to waste manpower and materials building the phony air base. Once the construction was completed the Brits decided to have some fun and drop the wooden bomb as a symbolic gesture of thumbing their nose at the Germans. ... :cool:

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