Full Blown Woke Failure...

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
Geophysicist Dorian Abbot, of University of Chicago, had been invited to give a Zoom-based lecture at MIT on climate and the potential for life on other planets.

MIT then uninvited him because he had the unmitigated audacity to suggest that admissions to universities be based on merit.

How dare he.

In response, Abbot was invited to give the lecture at Princeton, and literally thousands of people have signed up for it; far more than were signed up at MIT.

MIT told him it was canceling the lecture to “avoid controversy” after students and recent alumni demanded he be uninvited because he’d recently argued academic evaluations should be based on merit.

Thousands register for geophysicist’s lecture after MIT caved to ‘Twitter mob’

How sad a society are we that even the mere suggestion that admission to institutes of higher learning be anything but merit based cause someone to be treated so poorly by an institute of higher learning. It certainly reflects poorly on MIT.

I employ two MIT graduates. One is an older guy who went through MIT back when being smart actually meant something to MIT. The other is a younger guy who's definitely fully woke. There will not be a third. We usually get two or three resumes and employment applications from MIT grads every year. I've instructed my HR Director to place such resumes into the round file, simply because I can no longer be certain whether the people submitting them got into MIT because of their intellect and work ethic or for the color of their skin.

I applaud Princeton University...
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Like most lunatic social adaptations, they are all fads, and they have a short "shelf life".

So many social fads from idiots when I was in high school.......none of them lasted more than a year or two, then the sanity took it's place in society again.

Unfortunately, you can't force the stupid to learn or understand anything. You just have to wait them out.
It's a shame to see our society turn into a bunch of weak willed, feelings focused pussies. It's gone from working and learning to get where you want to be, to becoming, here is your participation award for showing up.

My grandma raised me. A woman that would have frost on her blankets when she woke up on Winters mornings, and had to make her own underwear out of used feed sacks. So I learned how to work hard but it was also important to her I learn as much as I could and be smart. I am now a big proponent of earning what you want.

I feel bad for the few kids today's that are strong because they will have to do all the work when they grow up because the majority of kids today are going to grow up to soft with no ambition.
Geophysicist Dorian Abbot, of University of Chicago, had been invited to give a Zoom-based lecture at MIT on climate and the potential for life on other planets.

MIT then uninvited him because he had the unmitigated audacity to suggest that admissions to universities be based on merit.

How dare he.

In response, Abbot was invited to give the lecture at Princeton, and literally thousands of people have signed up for it; far more than were signed up at MIT.

MIT told him it was canceling the lecture to “avoid controversy” after students and recent alumni demanded he be uninvited because he’d recently argued academic evaluations should be based on merit.

Thousands register for geophysicist’s lecture after MIT caved to ‘Twitter mob’

How sad a society are we that even the mere suggestion that admission to institutes of higher learning be anything but merit based cause someone to be treated so poorly by an institute of higher learning. It certainly reflects poorly on MIT.

I employ two MIT graduates. One is an older guy who went through MIT back when being smart actually meant something to MIT. The other is a younger guy who's definitely fully woke. There will not be a third. We usually get two or three resumes and employment applications from MIT grads every year. I've instructed my HR Director to place such resumes into the round file, simply because I can no longer be certain whether the people submitting them got into MIT because of their intellect and work ethic or for the color of their skin.

I applaud Princeton University...
The act of throwing away the applications from MIT grads is your version of cancel culture congratulations for letting us know you too discriminate.
Geophysicist Dorian Abbot, of University of Chicago, had been invited to give a Zoom-based lecture at MIT on climate and the potential for life on other planets.

MIT then uninvited him because he had the unmitigated audacity to suggest that admissions to universities be based on merit.

How dare he.

In response, Abbot was invited to give the lecture at Princeton, and literally thousands of people have signed up for it; far more than were signed up at MIT.

MIT told him it was canceling the lecture to “avoid controversy” after students and recent alumni demanded he be uninvited because he’d recently argued academic evaluations should be based on merit.

Thousands register for geophysicist’s lecture after MIT caved to ‘Twitter mob’

How sad a society are we that even the mere suggestion that admission to institutes of higher learning be anything but merit based cause someone to be treated so poorly by an institute of higher learning. It certainly reflects poorly on MIT.

I employ two MIT graduates. One is an older guy who went through MIT back when being smart actually meant something to MIT. The other is a younger guy who's definitely fully woke. There will not be a third. We usually get two or three resumes and employment applications from MIT grads every year. I've instructed my HR Director to place such resumes into the round file, simply because I can no longer be certain whether the people submitting them got into MIT because of their intellect and work ethic or for the color of their skin.

I applaud Princeton University...
Merit as opposed to what?

The act of throwing away the applications from MIT grads is your version of cancel culture congratulations for letting us know you too discriminate.

Yup, you're goddamn right. Fuck 'em.

I want to know that I'm hiring the most talented and the most qualified. Obviously that's no longer possible if the person graduated MIT...

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