From a neutral new source from India -Putin stuns Zelensky by landing in Ukraine; Drives in Russia-held Mariupol, chats with people


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May 12, 2022
Here we go finally a neutral source to look at here. Not some thing from Russia not something from Ukraine not something from United States mass media

Russia is a tough country we all remember them as our brave allies in World War II. And the thought that that alliance that those brave Soviet people are being disgraced and the thought that their ancestors are being disgraced that’s not right…

If we listen to the Ukrainian propaganda machine and all of the European propaganda news outlets that support Ukraine, they’re saying that the Russian soldiers are sexually assaulting babies. How anybody in their right mind would believe this is beyond insanity. That is the thug mentality of the Ukrainian propaganda machine.

According to you a Ukrainian officer the Ukrainian army is sending their own soldiers in the battle without knowing how to throw a hand grenade or handle a rifle. These are the types of thugs that the United States neoconservatives and far left Democrats are supporting. The will of the American people is not being followed …the American people if we look at the polls do not agree with sending all this money to Ukraine.

There are despicable claims against Russian soldiers by the Ukrainian propaganda machine … How would we Americans feel if the American soldiers were constantly accused of being war criminals by international media outlets. Come on man .and it is truly an outrage to the brave Russian people the very ancestors of those who fought for freedom during World War II. The Very ancestors of those who allied with the British and the Soviet and the Chinese ……but I keep forgetting that there are young people in America who have no idea what World War II is there on marijuana all the time. They’re waving their little BLM flag and their Ukrainian flag because they’re told to do so by the media.

You see in every single war including wars America has fought in there are war criminals but the entire military cannot be painted as a war criminal. That would be painting with a broad brush….

Look at the president of Russia visiting Russian held territories in Ukraine It’s effectively a message to the powerless ICC. The hope now is that the United States realizes it’s errors and we start to do the right things we cannot have a world where the USA and Russia are against each other over a war in Ukraine. And here’s where the point is you see America has invaded over 60 countries we use drone strikes whenever we want. If Russia invades one country it’s not the end of the world. But for some reason a few people in America and the west choose to view Russia as a villain that’s not right at all. Russians and Ukrainians are not the bad guys this is a war where there’s good people and bad people on both sides.
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Here we go finally a neutral source to look at here. Not some thing from Russia not something from Ukraine not something from United States mass media

Russia is a tough country we all remember them as our brave allies in World War II. And the thought that that alliance that those brave Soviet people are being disgraced and the thought that their ancestors are being disgraced that’s not right…

If we listen to the Ukrainian propaganda machine and all of the European propaganda news outlets that support Ukraine, they’re saying that the Russian soldiers are sexually assaulting babies. How anybody in their right mind would believe this is beyond insanity. That is the thug mentality of the Ukrainian propaganda machine.

According to you a Ukrainian officer the Ukrainian army is sending their own soldiers in the battle without knowing how to throw a hand grenade or handle a rifle. These are the types of thugs that the United States neoconservatives and far left Democrats are supporting. The well of the American people is not being followed …the American people if we look at the polls do not agree with sending all this money to Ukraine.

There are despicable claims against Russian soldiers either Ukrainian propaganda machine … How would we Americans feel at the American soldiers were constantly accused of being war criminals by international media outlets. Come on man .and it is truly an outrage to the brave Russian people the very ancestors of those who fought for freedom during World War II. The Very ancestors of those who allied with the British and the Soviet and the Chinese ……but I keep forgetting that there are young people in America who have no idea what World War II is there on marijuana all the time. They’re waving their little BLM flag and their Ukrainian flag because they’re told to do so by the media.
You see in every single war including wars America has fought in there are war criminals but the entire military cannot be painted as a war criminal. That would be painting with a broad brush….

Look at the president of Russia visiting Russian held territories in Ukraine It’s effectively a message to the powerless ICC. And I hope now is that the United States realizes it’s errors and we start to do the right things we cannot have a world where the USA and Russia all right out with each other over a war in Ukraine. And here’s where the point is you see America has invaded over 60 countries we use drone strikes whenever you want. If Russia invades one country it’s not the end of the world. But for some reason a few people in America and the west shoes to view Russia as a villain that’s not right at all. Russians and Ukrainians are not the bad guys this is a war where there’s good people and bad people on both sides.

Just another photo op--no different than Biden's bullshit trip to Kyiv. Remember that one? The one with the air raid sirens and nobody running for cover. Meh, more bullshit for the cameras--doesn't matter who is holding them.
Just another photo op--no different than Biden's bullshit trip to Kyiv. Remember that one? The one with the air raid sirens and nobody running for cover. Meh, more bullshit for the cameras--doesn't matter who is holding them.
That is an interesting and perhaps valid claim. But here’s where the problem is in my opinion. For whatever reason the American mass media is agreeing with the neo conservatives. Remember when United States initially invaded Iraq there was no media operatives on the Iraqi side at all except for a very few independent journalists. The media was actually embedded with the American military could you imagine if the reverse was the case during the Iraq war and during the initial invasion stage we had all of these pictures of screaming Iraqi grandmothers of dead Iraqis. You see that’s what happens in a war it’s terrible but that’s what happens. I believe at the time the US government called it “collateral damage”

So the way that the American media was embedded with the United States military in iraq is similar to how the Russian media is embedded with the Russian army In Ukraine.

So what is so much different about Russia invading a country compared to America invading a country? This is what a powerful countries of history do like it or not and I don’t like it I would like there to be world peace.

I refuse to believe that the Russians are evil people same thing with the American military I don’t think American soldiers or Russian soldiers are evil but that’s what the Ukrainian propaganda machine wants us to believe I think that’s the biggest point to be made.

Well there is one point to be made by the way the fact that Vladimir Putin is visiting Russian held territory is certainly newsworthy ….same thing with Biden visiting Ukraine. It is something that is staged for the cameras but it is of course a sign of power.
Here we go finally a neutral source to look at here. Not some thing from Russia not something from Ukraine not something from United States mass media

Russia is a tough country we all remember them as our brave allies in World War II. And the thought that that alliance that those brave Soviet people are being disgraced and the thought that their ancestors are being disgraced that’s not right…

If we listen to the Ukrainian propaganda machine and all of the European propaganda news outlets that support Ukraine, they’re saying that the Russian soldiers are sexually assaulting babies. How anybody in their right mind would believe this is beyond insanity. That is the thug mentality of the Ukrainian propaganda machine.

According to you a Ukrainian officer the Ukrainian army is sending their own soldiers in the battle without knowing how to throw a hand grenade or handle a rifle. These are the types of thugs that the United States neoconservatives and far left Democrats are supporting. The well of the American people is not being followed …the American people if we look at the polls do not agree with sending all this money to Ukraine.

There are despicable claims against Russian soldiers either Ukrainian propaganda machine … How would we Americans feel at the American soldiers were constantly accused of being war criminals by international media outlets. Come on man .and it is truly an outrage to the brave Russian people the very ancestors of those who fought for freedom during World War II. The Very ancestors of those who allied with the British and the Soviet and the Chinese ……but I keep forgetting that there are young people in America who have no idea what World War II is there on marijuana all the time. They’re waving their little BLM flag and their Ukrainian flag because they’re told to do so by the media.
You see in every single war including wars America has fought in there are war criminals but the entire military cannot be painted as a war criminal. That would be painting with a broad brush….

Look at the president of Russia visiting Russian held territories in Ukraine It’s effectively a message to the powerless ICC. And I hope now is that the United States realizes it’s errors and we start to do the right things we cannot have a world where the USA and Russia all right out with each other over a war in Ukraine. And here’s where the point is you see America has invaded over 60 countries we use drone strikes whenever you want. If Russia invades one country it’s not the end of the world. But for some reason a few people in America and the west shoes to view Russia as a villain that’s not right at all. Russians and Ukrainians are not the bad guys this is a war where there’s good people and bad people on both sides.

Stop! There's a talking point that makes sense for this war.

America is fighting it's last opportunity to stop Russia from continuing as a world superpower. America must neutralize Russia by breaking it apart into manageable smaller parts. If America doesn't succed with this proxy war effort then all concerning America's uncontested world domination is lost.

China, Russia, and the Brics will call it game, set, match into the foreseeable future.
Stop! There's a talking point that makes sense for this war.

America is fighting it's last opportunity to stop Russia from continuing as a world superpower. America must neutralize Russia by breaking it apart into manageable smaller parts. If America doesn't succed with this proxy war effort then all concerning America's uncontested world domination is lost.

China, Russia, and the Brics will call it game, set, match into the foreseeable future.
I admire the allies of World War II and that’s what really forms my opinion my friend.

I don’t want to see a world where Russia and America go to war with each other. And I don’t believe that Russia can be destroyed in Ukraine that’s just a bunch of propaganda from the Ukraine media machine. All of this negative press all of the war coverage is coming from one place the Ukrainian media propaganda machine and then they spread it to CNN and willing idiots like MSNBC.

Russia and America do not have to be enemies.

There’s no way that we can call the Russian military evil for the same reason I won’t call the American military evil. It doesn’t make any sense
Donald H

We have massive internal concerns in America. So even before you make your point we need to recognize that we have a drug problem in America. The legalization of dope all over the country, the feminization of men, which leads to weakness in society. How we have LGBT groomers indoctrinating kids literally.

The United States can remain the most powerful country in the world alongside a less powerful Russia and China. But the problem is the internal issues in America like the rise of BLM , the rise of the feminization of men that leads to the weakness in America. So we need to do something about that
So what is so much different about Russia invading a country compared to America invading a country?
I don't see a difference--I didn't support W's war in Iraq or HW's war in Kuwait/Iraq either. The fact of the matter is, what you see in the media is very carefully choreographed. You don't see anything that the government doesn't want you to see.
If Russia invades one country it’s not the end of the world. But for some reason a few people in America and the west choose to view Russia as a villain that’s not right at all. Russians and Ukrainians are not the bad guys this is a war where there’s good people and bad people on both sides.
A lot of Americans are waking up to the fact the idea of the US always being the good guys is a load of crap.
We have used force, both economic & military, to enforce our will on the rest of the world for decades.
We stick our noses where it doesn't belong with MSM gaslighting the public the whole time.

Is the world a better place now? Not at all but we are beyond broke and the globalists behind the NWO reset are the ones pulling the strings & reaping the profits from the suffering.
Now we're supposed to believe if Russia defeats their cousins in Ukraine in a family squabble, the entire western world will fall.
That Domino Theory should have been shelved decades ago.

IDC who wins there really as I don't see either side as "good guys".
I just wish it would end soon because, as always, it's the poorest people who suffer the most in these conflicts.
I admire the allies of World War II and that’s what really forms my opinion my friend.

I don’t want to see a world where Russia and America go to war with each other. And I don’t believe that Russia can be destroyed in Ukraine that’s just a bunch of propaganda from the Ukraine media machine. All of this negative press all of the war coverage is coming from one place the Ukrainian media propaganda machine and then they spread it to CNN and willing idiots like MSNBC.

Russia and America do not have to be enemies.

There’s no way that we can call the Russian military evil for the same reason I won’t call the American military evil. It doesn’t make any sense
Afghanistan didn't have to destroy the Soviet Union in order for the Soviet Union to have lost that war...
Vietnam didn't have to destroy the US in order for the US to lose that war...

All Ukraine wanted was to not be invaded.....I thought you fake ass anti-war folks at least pretended to care about that...or did you folks only become that way because you could no longer defend Bush anymore?
A lot of Americans are waking up to the fact the idea of the US always being the good guys is a load of crap.
We have used force, both economic & military, to enforce our will on the rest of the world for decades.
We stick our noses where it doesn't belong with MSM gaslighting the public the whole time.

Is the world a better place now? Not at all but we are beyond broke and the globalists behind the NWO reset are the ones pulling the strings & reaping the profits from the suffering.
Now we're supposed to believe if Russia defeats their cousins in Ukraine in a family squabble, the entire western world will fall.
That Domino Theory should have been shelved decades ago.

IDC who wins there really as I don't see either side as "good guys".
I just wish it would end soon because, as always, it's the poorest people who suffer the most in these conflicts.
This is a sound assessment John .

The issue for me is for whatever reason as you know the United States mass media is agreeing with the Ukrainian mass media which I believe to be a form of a propaganda machine. And the Russia news outlets have similar issues. But for whatever reason the US media, the neo conservatives are taking the side of Ukraine. And we have been proven to have made mistakes in our foreign diplomacy before here in America. And I think right now we are making a mistake. By sending all of this money to Ukraine including military weapons

When it comes to history World War II is one of my favorite topics to look at. Or I could say one of my most interesting topics to look at. That is why I respect the Russian people today because they were on our side. and as I said earlier in this post right now the US media is painting an extremely negative picture of Russian soldiers and it’s all based on testimonial from Ukrainian media personalities so that is not trustworthy in my view. That’s why I’m showing sympathy for the Russian soldiers. Now the moment that America gets into a war with any country I choose America of course. I support America 100% in the first place

The United States is affectively at a proxy war with Russia and this is something that I think is harmful to the international order, it is very harmful to the world and it does not benefit America it seems to benefit business people all over the world but not the common American that’s for sure.

I knew that when we got this woke cancel culture involved in the Ukraine war effort it was a disaster. This is exactly what we’re dealing with here. You see people saying Ukraine lives matter the same people who have no idea where Ukraine is located on a map.

I cannot stand Americans who have no relation to Ukraine no family connections to Ukraine but are who are out there waving their Ukrainian flags. What did they say about the Russian war effort in World War II what do they say to the common Russian person who is nice and friendly. I see so many similarities between our mistakes in Iraq compared to what we’re doing now in Ukraine.

Finally I would say this is a war where there are good people on both sides and I think that is of course fair to say. We’re talking about Ukrainian people Russian people common people common working class people who are as you know are always the people who pay the highest price in a war.
I don't see a difference--I didn't support W's war in Iraq or HW's war in Kuwait/Iraq either. The fact of the matter is, what you see in the media is very carefully choreographed. You don't see anything that the government doesn't want you to see.
Those are good points you are making. For all of the issues that Iraq had before 2003 they won an award from the United Nations for increasing the literacy of their population for providing more and more women jobs. This was a country that was about 12% Christian before 2003 but it’s something like 4% Christian now. For all of their faults they had a lot of good things going it was really a place of arab dignity in my opinion…. and we armed Iraq and supported them in the 1980s against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

As an American I have a tough time going against our government. But with the current state of affairs in America with a poor economy, with what I see as hypocrisy by criticizing Russia is kind of like throwing stones in glass houses.

I’ll always believe in the American system and the founding fathers , and the men and women who fought in World War II and all of our military, the police the firefighters.

But then what reinforces my opinion was strengthens me is when I heard the Washington journal C-SPAN program on Sunday morning which was the 20th anniversary of the United States invasion of Iraq. So many of the people who called in we’re either veterans of the Vietnam war or they were Vietnam veterans who also lost a son in the Iraq war. Every single one of the callers disagreed with the war in Iraq and some of them disagreed with the United States funding Ukraine to fight Russia. And they had very valid thought out reasons for their positions.

One Vietnam veteran said he disagreed with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but talked about how NATO was encroaching on Russia. It’s a point that makes sense also remember the 2014 overthrow of the Ukrainian government where at the time the then president of Ukraine still had two more years left on his term but he was overthrown by a mob in the so called maidan ….

Another point that was made by a number of Vietnam veterans was that the last good war the USA fought in was World War II when back then ironically Ho Chi Minh was helping us to fight Japan.

I think a healthy country a healthy government acknowledges the mistakes we’ve made in the past. But look at Jen Psaki here I can’t believe the kind of things she saying she was even called out for by a journalist

I think the United States has stood up for democracy around the world at times …but that we haven’t always got it right.
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I also do not buy this viewpoint that Russia has some kind of a police state. Yes they are an authoritarian country. But the 1420 channel on YouTube alone single-handedly dispels this idea that Russia is some kind of a ultra evil country because if you watch this YouTube channel you see all sorts of people all around Russia criticizing Vladimir Putin on camera.
I also do not buy this viewpoint that Russia has some kind of a police state. Yes they are an authoritarian country. But the 1420 channel on YouTube alone single-handedly dispels this idea that Russia is some kind of a ultra evil country because if you watch this YouTube channel you see all sorts of people all around Russia criticizing Vladimir Putin on camera.
My personal belief is that the Ukraine/Russia-China conflict is the last stand for nationalism. The Chinese nor the Russians want a globalist one world government dictating to them. The democrats/Biden admin have already openly embraced Soro's WEF vision and are using Ukraine to weaken Russia--they were short-sighted in not figuring on China's involvement.
Afghanistan didn't have to destroy the Soviet Union in order for the Soviet Union to have lost that war...
Vietnam didn't have to destroy the US in order for the US to lose that war...

All Ukraine wanted was to not be invaded.....I thought you fake ass anti-war folks at least pretended to care about that...or did you folks only become that way because you could no longer defend Bush anymore?

Afghanistan was much different from Vietnam in the sense that the Soviet people brought literacy and woman’s rights to Afghanistan that’s something from a Vietnam war veteran on C-SPAN just a few days ago. Vietnam was a power struggle. They did have a much better living situation in communist Vietnam compared to the hell hole ran by fundamental radical religious freaks in Afghanistan. … where woman’s rights were utterly crushed. I recognize that as a true liberal as an FDR a democrat I really hope that you can do the same thing.

You’re wrong in this thread. And that’s why you resort to personal attacks.

What do you support Nazis in Ukraine? You know that in Ukraine they don’t allow black folks to get on trains until all the whites are on the trains.

If you support Ukraine you support Nazism and racism

I am a proud Democrat I support the US military I support the World War II alliance of the heroic Soviets and Americans. Man check yourself before you wreck yourself just go to church man get Jesus in your life.
Here we go finally a neutral source to look at here. Not some thing from Russia not something from Ukraine not something from United States mass media

Russia is a tough country we all remember them as our brave allies in World War II. And the thought that that alliance that those brave Soviet people are being disgraced and the thought that their ancestors are being disgraced that’s not right…

If we listen to the Ukrainian propaganda machine and all of the European propaganda news outlets that support Ukraine, they’re saying that the Russian soldiers are sexually assaulting babies. How anybody in their right mind would believe this is beyond insanity. That is the thug mentality of the Ukrainian propaganda machine.

According to you a Ukrainian officer the Ukrainian army is sending their own soldiers in the battle without knowing how to throw a hand grenade or handle a rifle. These are the types of thugs that the United States neoconservatives and far left Democrats are supporting. The will of the American people is not being followed …the American people if we look at the polls do not agree with sending all this money to Ukraine.

There are despicable claims against Russian soldiers by the Ukrainian propaganda machine … How would we Americans feel if the American soldiers were constantly accused of being war criminals by international media outlets. Come on man .and it is truly an outrage to the brave Russian people the very ancestors of those who fought for freedom during World War II. The Very ancestors of those who allied with the British and the Soviet and the Chinese ……but I keep forgetting that there are young people in America who have no idea what World War II is there on marijuana all the time. They’re waving their little BLM flag and their Ukrainian flag because they’re told to do so by the media.

You see in every single war including wars America has fought in there are war criminals but the entire military cannot be painted as a war criminal. That would be painting with a broad brush….

Look at the president of Russia visiting Russian held territories in Ukraine It’s effectively a message to the powerless ICC. The hope now is that the United States realizes it’s errors and we start to do the right things we cannot have a world where the USA and Russia are against each other over a war in Ukraine. And here’s where the point is you see America has invaded over 60 countries we use drone strikes whenever we want. If Russia invades one country it’s not the end of the world. But for some reason a few people in America and the west choose to view Russia as a villain that’s not right at all. Russians and Ukrainians are not the bad guys this is a war where there’s good people and bad people on both sides.

Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia is evil. Get that straight you fucking idiot.
Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia is evil. Get that straight you fucking idiot.
You are wrong. Our response to this, smells. 120 billion dollars so far. And where the hell did it go? Putin is eliminating his old war stock. The rea losers are the refugees and those citizens in Ukraine left a lot poorer. Russia, China and the U.S. are vying for TOP DOG. Waiting for one to falter. China says itis in the globalist camp which we are part of in many things. They are not. They see absolute power within their reach, and we are the ones turning them into a superpower. Their population has the eye of the tiger now. A rising nation with a thousand years of built-up anger and a memory of interference from the West for over a century or so.

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