Free speech monopoly the game is rigged


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Free-Speech Monopoly – The Game Is Rigged

In early America many cities had ‘town squares’ in which citizens could stand on soapboxes and shout out various messages. Our First Amendment protects such speech.


TOday if we did any of that the state pricks would put us in jail faster than a bank robber.
That's in the olden days...................... Things just aren't as they use to be thank a local DEMOSCUM for decades of fooling the weak minds easily lead , one doesn't have to be a demorat to have a weak mind falling for decades of the bs bait.
Well duh it is rigged. What we have to do is unrig it. All governments go through this once in a while. Our constitution is all that protects us from our own government. That's why it is so fucking important to elect and appoint only those we can be sure will defend it.

The whole "all politicians are slimy" and "It's okay if a cop violates the constitutional rights of people if they are doing something we don't like" days have to end. Local and federal accountability..and we absolutely must start prosecuting members of the so called press who use their position to perpetrate lies for the purpose of overthrowing our government and eliminating the constitution.

People who pretend to be press, but who in reality are political operatives and traitors, need to be thrown in jail. It's fraud, and sedition, and libel, and slander.
Yeah.We have the UN banning loud "music" as a form of torture. But well, in America, Mexicans and blacks think they are above all that. Some in Denver leadership has changed all that. We have to accept torture in Denver because we are sadomasochist or something. The lowest common detonator rules. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. That is "music" now. We must be mad if we accept that. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.

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