Free market principles are the answer to illegal immigration


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
All these individuals who claim to support a free market should know if you effect demand the supply side will adjust.
Arizona is tring to effect the supply of illegal immigrants. They are trying to shut off the supply of illegal immigrants (cheap labor). That is useless unless you effect the demand. Businesses are demanding cheap labor, labor so cheap no citizen will take it or could live on it.
If that demand is there illegals will keep coming. You send them home they will find a way to come back.
You effect the demand by going after businesses so it is not cost effective to hire illegals.
No demand (jobs) the supply (illegals) go away.
It is inefficient to go after the supply (illegals) and not the demand (employers)

For all you people saying you do not want governemnt to affect free markets, any actions not allowing anyone to work from anywhere in the world is affecting the free market.

A pure free market allows illegal to work. Do you want that?
A free market does not allow government to interfere with the flow of goods and labor.

Those who support a free market, support illegal immigrants working in the US as a source of cheap labor.

I believe the government should interfere in the free market. They should go after the businesses.

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