Free Gaza


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If Gaza is to be freed.....Hamas must be destroyed.

1. "Three. ....times Israel has fought Hamas since 2007, when the terror group seized control of the Gaza Strip.

2. ....the story has been the same: Israel is attacked; Israel responds; Israel is condemned; Israel ceases fire. Hamas is weakened. Hamas recovers. The rockets return. Rewind and repeat.

3. ....the war won’t end until the tunnels Hamas uses to attack Israel are destroyed. After that, one presumes, the Israelis will withdraw. And then? We know the answer. Hamas will rebuild. Hamas will rearm. Hamas will dig. Hamas will kill.

4. Inciting, arming, digging, and killing are what Hamas does. Theft, murder, terror, hatred, paranoia, propaganda—these are not affects of Hamas. These are not learned behaviors. They are the elements of its DNA.

5. [Hamas'] charter reads, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.” Hamas disarm? Its patron Qassem Suleimani, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, says, “Disarmament of resistance is a daydream that will only come true in the graveyard.”

Hamas reform? Its leader Khaled Meshaal says, “I do not want to live with a state of occupiers.”

Hamas defanged? It booby-traps homes, kills children, conceals weapons in schools, builds headquarters under hospitals. A defanged tarantula dies because it cannot kill. A defanged Hamas would die for the same reason.

6. Leave Hamas in charge, and you guarantee the war will resume, and more lives will be lost. Topple Hamas, and you remove the source of the conflict, the first cause of the death and destruction. Lives will be saved over time. Want an example? Casualties spiked during the Iraq surge in 2007. Then both American and civilian casualties plummeted. They remained low for years—until America withdrew.

7. “If Hamas were destroyed and gone, we would probably end up with something much worse.”
How much worse? “Something like ISIS.”
But “something like ISIS” is exactly what is in charge of the Gaza Strip.

8. Say Islamic Jihad replaced Hamas tomorrow. Would we be able to tell the difference? How would its rhetoric be more genocidal, its propaganda more manipulative, its aims more maximalist, its tactics more barbaric than what Israel experiences now? Would Islamic Jihad have two Palestinian Mickey Mouses exhorting schoolchildren to kill Jews, rather than one?

9. To prevent a fourth war, to bolster ties with the Sunni powers, to improve the chances of a two-state solution, to help the Palestinians, above all to secure Israel, the decision is clear. Destroy Hamas. End the war. Free Gaza."
Free Gaza | Washington Free Beacon

10 . I never use vile language. But if I did....the vilest would be reserved for Scarborough:

"This is asinine,” said the MSNBC host and former Republican congressman. “This continued killing of women and children in a way that appears to be indiscriminate is asinine...“The United States of America — we cannot be associated with this if this continues."
Joe Scarborough: Israel's actions 'asinine' - Jonathan Topaz -
If Gaza is to be freed.....Hamas must be destroyed
Absolutely. You can't have any peace with a terrorist organization calling the shots in Gaza. They can't be trusted to even hold a 72 hour ceasefire, which they broke barely after 2 hours. Not to mention using innocent Gaza civilians as human shields while launching their terrorist attacks. Gazans would definitely be better off to rid themselves of this terrorist organization.
If Gaza is to be freed.....Hamas must be destroyed
Absolutely. You can't have any peace with a terrorist organization calling the shots in Gaza. They can't be trusted to even hold a 72 hour ceasefire, which they broke barely after 2 hours. Not to mention using innocent Gaza civilians as human shields while launching their terrorist attacks. Gazans would definitely be better off to rid themselves of this terrorist organization.
Even Obama has to condemn Hamas, calls for release of soldier.

Obama reiterated his support for Israel's right to defend itself and condemned Hamas and Palestinian militants after a cease-fire in the Gaza conflict unraveled on Friday. He also called for the release of an Israeli soldier being held captive.

"I think it's important to note that we have, and I have, unequivocally condemned Hamas and the Palestinian factions that were responsible for killing two Israeli soldiers and abducting a third almost minutes after a cease-fire had been announced," Obama said, noting the U.N. has condemned them, as well.

"I want to make sure that they are listening. If they are serious about trying to resolve this situation, that solider needs to be unconditionally released as soon as possible," Obama continued.

Obama Calls For Unconditional Release Of Captured Israeli Soldier
If Gaza is to be freed.....Hamas must be destroyed
Absolutely. You can't have any peace with a terrorist organization calling the shots in Gaza. They can't be trusted to even hold a 72 hour ceasefire, which they broke barely after 2 hours. Not to mention using innocent Gaza civilians as human shields while launching their terrorist attacks. Gazans would definitely be better off to rid themselves of this terrorist organization.
Even Obama has to condemn Hamas, calls for release of soldier.

Obama reiterated his support for Israel's right to defend itself and condemned Hamas and Palestinian militants after a cease-fire in the Gaza conflict unraveled on Friday. He also called for the release of an Israeli soldier being held captive.

"I think it's important to note that we have, and I have, unequivocally condemned Hamas and the Palestinian factions that were responsible for killing two Israeli soldiers and abducting a third almost minutes after a cease-fire had been announced," Obama said, noting the U.N. has condemned them, as well.

"I want to make sure that they are listening. If they are serious about trying to resolve this situation, that solider needs to be unconditionally released as soon as possible," Obama continued.

Obama Calls For Unconditional Release Of Captured Israeli Soldier

"The strong reaction came as top Israeli officials questioned the effort to forge the truce, accusing the U.S. and the United Nations of being naive in assuming the radical Hamas movement would adhere with its terms. The officials also blamed the Gulf state of Qatar for not forcing the militants to comply.

Obama and other U.S. officials did not directly blame Hamas for the abduction. But they made clear they hold Hamas responsible for, or having influence over, the actions of all factions in the Gaza Strip. The language was a distinct change from Thursday when Washington was focused on the deaths of Palestinian civilians."
News from The Associated Press

"Even Obama has to condemn Hamas, calls for release of soldier."

No....he didn't quite connect those dots....

"Obama and other U.S. officials did not directly blame Hamas for the abduction."
They say that if Hamas is destroyed that their are more fanatical groups like ISIS. But not of Israel just occupies Gaza and allows a free state to exist as their puppet, er proxy regime.
They say that if Hamas is destroyed that their are more fanatical groups like ISIS. But not of Israel just occupies Gaza and allows a free state to exist as their puppet, er proxy regime.

"...But not of Israel just occupies Gaza ....."

The facts were never a bar to your posts, huh?

"In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip under their unilateral disengagement plan. In July 2007, following the 2006 Palestinian legislative election and the Hamas takeover in 2007, Hamas had functioned as the de facto ruler in the Gaza Strip, forming an alternative Hamas Government in Gaza."
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not in years, I go for the natural stuff...big buds better,,,,Stacey Keach as Sgt. Sedanco~Up In Smoke
The message seems to be solidifying that Israel is not fighting the Palestinians but rather the terrorist group Hamas....a group that transcends Palestine and in fact could care less about them.
Not yet, but I do plan on moving and getting a retail license...I can grow dat stuff rather well,,, But the PM of Israel I believe is going to push the limit this time...
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Not yet, but I do plan on moving and getting a retail license...I can grow dat stuff rather well,,, But the PM of Israel I believe is going to push the limit this time...

I don't smoke...but took a shot with a fistful of PHOT shares...let me know if you have an expert opinion on them. Got into some trouble with the SEC but seem to have recovered...but nothing exciting going on in the pot stock world although there is no shortage of publicity.
The stock will go down if Congress and Senate lose to GOP and really down if all three (president)are GOP. GOP is already rocking the boat over states right to legalize, but tax revenue is up and crime down in Colorado...Too early for Washington. I love that state, by the coast, but the cost of living is high!
Thanks...pols love tax money...I am hoping that repubs will eventually succumb.

And save billions on arrest and incarceration...7 more state are lined up to vote this year...
And Israel will still wipe out any forms of resistance in Gaza...with the hand of their God at their side, as soon as they find the Lost Ark of the Covenant....(Lightning strikes)
If Gaza is to be freed.....Hamas must be destroyed.

1. "Three. ....times Israel has fought Hamas since 2007, when the terror group seized control of the Gaza Strip.

2. ....the story has been the same: Israel is attacked; Israel responds; Israel is condemned; Israel ceases fire. Hamas is weakened. Hamas recovers. The rockets return. Rewind and repeat.

3. ....the war won’t end until the tunnels Hamas uses to attack Israel are destroyed. After that, one presumes, the Israelis will withdraw. And then? We know the answer. Hamas will rebuild. Hamas will rearm. Hamas will dig. Hamas will kill.

4. Inciting, arming, digging, and killing are what Hamas does. Theft, murder, terror, hatred, paranoia, propaganda—these are not affects of Hamas. These are not learned behaviors. They are the elements of its DNA.

5. [Hamas'] charter reads, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.” Hamas disarm? Its patron Qassem Suleimani, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, says, “Disarmament of resistance is a daydream that will only come true in the graveyard.”

Hamas reform? Its leader Khaled Meshaal says, “I do not want to live with a state of occupiers.”

Hamas defanged? It booby-traps homes, kills children, conceals weapons in schools, builds headquarters under hospitals. A defanged tarantula dies because it cannot kill. A defanged Hamas would die for the same reason.

6. Leave Hamas in charge, and you guarantee the war will resume, and more lives will be lost. Topple Hamas, and you remove the source of the conflict, the first cause of the death and destruction. Lives will be saved over time. Want an example? Casualties spiked during the Iraq surge in 2007. Then both American and civilian casualties plummeted. They remained low for years—until America withdrew.

7. “If Hamas were destroyed and gone, we would probably end up with something much worse.”
How much worse? “Something like ISIS.”
But “something like ISIS” is exactly what is in charge of the Gaza Strip.

8. Say Islamic Jihad replaced Hamas tomorrow. Would we be able to tell the difference? How would its rhetoric be more genocidal, its propaganda more manipulative, its aims more maximalist, its tactics more barbaric than what Israel experiences now? Would Islamic Jihad have two Palestinian Mickey Mouses exhorting schoolchildren to kill Jews, rather than one?

9. To prevent a fourth war, to bolster ties with the Sunni powers, to improve the chances of a two-state solution, to help the Palestinians, above all to secure Israel, the decision is clear. Destroy Hamas. End the war. Free Gaza."
Free Gaza | Washington Free Beacon

10 . I never use vile language. But if I did....the vilest would be reserved for Scarborough:

"This is asinine,” said the MSNBC host and former Republican congressman. “This continued killing of women and children in a way that appears to be indiscriminate is asinine...“The United States of America — we cannot be associated with this if this continues."
Joe Scarborough: Israel's actions 'asinine' - Jonathan Topaz -

Yes They must be totally destroyed , in addition to these people trying to destroy Jews from within

"In recent days, many calls have been received by Yad L'Achim reporting on missionaries from abroad circulating in a number of central places where soldiers are congregating, particularly in the south. The cult-leaders approach soldiers who are either preparing to enter Gaza or taking a break from the war.

Those who called to complain included many officers and soldiers who were targeted by the missionaries and who were outraged by the assault. They feel they are under physical attack in Gaza and under spiritual attack when they step over the border back in Israel."

"Yad L'Achim this week sent an urgent letter to the defense minister demanding that he put a halt to the disgraceful activity of the missionaries. In the letter, the organization's leaders stressed, that "the missionaries' activities at this time of emergency have crossed all boundaries. We ask you to issue an order to commanders that these soul-hunting missionaries not be given access to soldiers."

Soldiers Complain: Missionaries Hand Us Copies of 'New Testament' En Route to Gaza
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If Gaza is to be freed.....Hamas must be destroyed.

1. "Three. ....times Israel has fought Hamas since 2007, when the terror group seized control of the Gaza Strip.

2. ....the story has been the same: Israel is attacked; Israel responds; Israel is condemned; Israel ceases fire. Hamas is weakened. Hamas recovers. The rockets return. Rewind and repeat.

3. ....the war won’t end until the tunnels Hamas uses to attack Israel are destroyed. After that, one presumes, the Israelis will withdraw. And then? We know the answer. Hamas will rebuild. Hamas will rearm. Hamas will dig. Hamas will kill.

4. Inciting, arming, digging, and killing are what Hamas does. Theft, murder, terror, hatred, paranoia, propaganda—these are not affects of Hamas. These are not learned behaviors. They are the elements of its DNA.

5. [Hamas'] charter reads, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.” Hamas disarm? Its patron Qassem Suleimani, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, says, “Disarmament of resistance is a daydream that will only come true in the graveyard.”

Hamas reform? Its leader Khaled Meshaal says, “I do not want to live with a state of occupiers.”

Hamas defanged? It booby-traps homes, kills children, conceals weapons in schools, builds headquarters under hospitals. A defanged tarantula dies because it cannot kill. A defanged Hamas would die for the same reason.

6. Leave Hamas in charge, and you guarantee the war will resume, and more lives will be lost. Topple Hamas, and you remove the source of the conflict, the first cause of the death and destruction. Lives will be saved over time. Want an example? Casualties spiked during the Iraq surge in 2007. Then both American and civilian casualties plummeted. They remained low for years—until America withdrew.

7. “If Hamas were destroyed and gone, we would probably end up with something much worse.”
How much worse? “Something like ISIS.”
But “something like ISIS” is exactly what is in charge of the Gaza Strip.

8. Say Islamic Jihad replaced Hamas tomorrow. Would we be able to tell the difference? How would its rhetoric be more genocidal, its propaganda more manipulative, its aims more maximalist, its tactics more barbaric than what Israel experiences now? Would Islamic Jihad have two Palestinian Mickey Mouses exhorting schoolchildren to kill Jews, rather than one?

9. To prevent a fourth war, to bolster ties with the Sunni powers, to improve the chances of a two-state solution, to help the Palestinians, above all to secure Israel, the decision is clear. Destroy Hamas. End the war. Free Gaza."
Free Gaza | Washington Free Beacon

10 . I never use vile language. But if I did....the vilest would be reserved for Scarborough:

"This is asinine,” said the MSNBC host and former Republican congressman. “This continued killing of women and children in a way that appears to be indiscriminate is asinine...“The United States of America — we cannot be associated with this if this continues."
Joe Scarborough: Israel's actions 'asinine' - Jonathan Topaz -

Yes They must be totally destroyed , in addition to these people trying to destroy Jews from within

"In recent days, many calls have been received by Yad L'Achim reporting on missionaries from abroad circulating in a number of central places where soldiers are congregating, particularly in the south. The cult-leaders approach soldiers who are either preparing to enter Gaza or taking a break from the war.

Those who called to complain included many officers and soldiers who were targeted by the missionaries and who were outraged by the assault. They feel they are under physical attack in Gaza and under spiritual attack when they step over the border back in Israel."

"Yad L'Achim this week sent an urgent letter to the defense minister demanding that he put a halt to the disgraceful activity of the missionaries. In the letter, the organization's leaders stressed, that "the missionaries' activities at this time of emergency have crossed all boundaries. We ask you to issue an order to commanders that these soul-hunting missionaries not be given access to soldiers."

Soldiers Complain: Missionaries Hand Us Copies of 'New Testament' En Route to Gaza

Soldiers Complain: Missionaries Hand Us Copies of 'New Testament' En Route to Gaza

A solution, The IDF should throw these missionaries over the wall into gaza and let them preach to Hamas, see how long they last.Or maybe they will get caught in the "cross" fire
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10 . I never use vile language. But if I did....the vilest would be reserved for Scarborough:

"This is asinine,” said the MSNBC host and former Republican congressman. “This continued killing of women and children in a way that appears to be indiscriminate is asinine...“The United States of America — we cannot be associated with this if this continues."
Joe Scarborough: Israel's actions 'asinine' - Jonathan Topaz -

...But we can be associated with Syria where more die per week in Muslim on Muslim violence thanks to US support? We supported who became ISIS when they were fighting the Assad regime, but once they headed into Iraq they were suddenly an enemy terrorist group. Funny how that works.

US: Kill who we say to and everything's cool. Act independently and we'll designate you terrorists.

Here's an idea US, quit trying to turn violent Muslims into a US-proxy. Didn't work in Afganistan v the USSR, isn't going to suddenly start working now.
If Gaza is to be freed.....Hamas must be destroyed.

1. "Three. ....times Israel has fought Hamas since 2007, when the terror group seized control of the Gaza Strip.

2. ....the story has been the same: Israel is attacked; Israel responds; Israel is condemned; Israel ceases fire. Hamas is weakened. Hamas recovers. The rockets return. Rewind and repeat.

3. ....the war won’t end until the tunnels Hamas uses to attack Israel are destroyed. After that, one presumes, the Israelis will withdraw. And then? We know the answer. Hamas will rebuild. Hamas will rearm. Hamas will dig. Hamas will kill.

4. Inciting, arming, digging, and killing are what Hamas does. Theft, murder, terror, hatred, paranoia, propaganda—these are not affects of Hamas. These are not learned behaviors. They are the elements of its DNA.

5. [Hamas'] charter reads, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.” Hamas disarm? Its patron Qassem Suleimani, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, says, “Disarmament of resistance is a daydream that will only come true in the graveyard.”

Hamas reform? Its leader Khaled Meshaal says, “I do not want to live with a state of occupiers.”

Hamas defanged? It booby-traps homes, kills children, conceals weapons in schools, builds headquarters under hospitals. A defanged tarantula dies because it cannot kill. A defanged Hamas would die for the same reason.

6. Leave Hamas in charge, and you guarantee the war will resume, and more lives will be lost. Topple Hamas, and you remove the source of the conflict, the first cause of the death and destruction. Lives will be saved over time. Want an example? Casualties spiked during the Iraq surge in 2007. Then both American and civilian casualties plummeted. They remained low for years—until America withdrew.

7. “If Hamas were destroyed and gone, we would probably end up with something much worse.”
How much worse? “Something like ISIS.”
But “something like ISIS” is exactly what is in charge of the Gaza Strip.

8. Say Islamic Jihad replaced Hamas tomorrow. Would we be able to tell the difference? How would its rhetoric be more genocidal, its propaganda more manipulative, its aims more maximalist, its tactics more barbaric than what Israel experiences now? Would Islamic Jihad have two Palestinian Mickey Mouses exhorting schoolchildren to kill Jews, rather than one?

9. To prevent a fourth war, to bolster ties with the Sunni powers, to improve the chances of a two-state solution, to help the Palestinians, above all to secure Israel, the decision is clear. Destroy Hamas. End the war. Free Gaza."
Free Gaza | Washington Free Beacon

10 . I never use vile language. But if I did....the vilest would be reserved for Scarborough:

"This is asinine,” said the MSNBC host and former Republican congressman. “This continued killing of women and children in a way that appears to be indiscriminate is asinine...“The United States of America — we cannot be associated with this if this continues."
Joe Scarborough: Israel's actions 'asinine' - Jonathan Topaz -

Yes They must be totally destroyed , in addition to these people trying to destroy Jews from within

"In recent days, many calls have been received by Yad L'Achim reporting on missionaries from abroad circulating in a number of central places where soldiers are congregating, particularly in the south. The cult-leaders approach soldiers who are either preparing to enter Gaza or taking a break from the war.

Those who called to complain included many officers and soldiers who were targeted by the missionaries and who were outraged by the assault. They feel they are under physical attack in Gaza and under spiritual attack when they step over the border back in Israel."

"Yad L'Achim this week sent an urgent letter to the defense minister demanding that he put a halt to the disgraceful activity of the missionaries. In the letter, the organization's leaders stressed, that "the missionaries' activities at this time of emergency have crossed all boundaries. We ask you to issue an order to commanders that these soul-hunting missionaries not be given access to soldiers."

Soldiers Complain: Missionaries Hand Us Copies of 'New Testament' En Route to Gaza

Soldiers Complain: Missionaries Hand Us Copies of 'New Testament' En Route to Gaza

A solution, The IDF should throw these missionaries over the wall into gaza and let them preach to Hamas, see how long they last.Or maybe they will get caught in the "cross" fire
Good idea, Guno! Yuo're not as dumb as you look.

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