"FRAUD!...FRAUD!...FRAUD!" until they get into Court...then

Virtually all the cases that have made it to court and been withdrawn or been dismissed had to do with a couple votes here and a couple votes there. Some were whining that poll watchers couldn't get access (but weren't actual poll watchers.

When judges ask if fraud is being charged...the answer invariably has been ...NO
The lower courts in the swing states have Clinton orders. And she has their files that would destroy their families if she doesn't get her commie way.

I peeled the onion. Oh, lookie! The onion heads are squeaking and a-squawking. :muahaha:

Now, be honest, you have been having trouble sleeping since the election was called for President-Elect Biden.....wait.....Naw, you don't need to answer. We all know that you have.
Virtually all the cases that have made it to court and been withdrawn or been dismissed had to do with a couple votes here and a couple votes there. Some were whining that poll watchers couldn't get access (but weren't actual poll watchers.

When judges ask if fraud is being charged...the answer invariably has been ...NO
The lower courts in the swing states have Clinton orders. And she has their files that would destroy their families if she doesn't get her commie way.

Or.....its just a shit legal argument. Judge Brann is a life long republican. And he had this to say of Trump's legal efforts when he dismissed their suit with prejudice:

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens.
That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence. "

And Judge Bibas was appointed by Trump himself. It didn't go any better.

“Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy,” Judge Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee, wrote. “Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”
Justice denials? --
What is it you don't understand about a high government official filmed making whoopie with his 5 year old kid not wanting his wife of 40 years to see him in such an action or worse. You have no idea what is in an FBI file, do you. Hillary is a Hill critter, and people who know the dark side of her domination of DNC doings do as she orders to keep the past back when or commit suicide after a runin with Lady MacBeth.
What batshit crazy are you talkin now...jesus

Its a fairly generic attempt at changing the topic, by the looks of it.

Folks usually resort to them when the topic being discussed isn't going so well.

"Hillary"? I knew someone would find a way to sneak her name into the Thread....:disbelief:

Yeah, its got a distinctly word salad vibe to it, doesn't it?

But given that Trump's legal team has yet to argue in court that fraud every occurred as part of their legal argument......what else are they going to do?

Acknowledge they've been played?

They always delete the term "Fraud" from their filed case....Why? Cause they cannot support the claim and Judges do not look favorably on Lawyers that Lie to them. All these "hearings on fraud" are circuses for the general public. The mean NOTHING!

They've been straight up asked, again and again, if they are moving forward with a fraud allegation. The answer has been a consistent HELL no.

Its a HUGE tell.

I hope soon that Rudy will answer "Yes!" I would love to see his bald, dye dripping head, in federal court with his law license in jeopardy. The trump team is trying to convince his cult that he was cheated. But he cannot win in the Court of Public Opinion. He has to win in Real Court Rooms. He has failed over and over.
Rudy is dealing with worse opponents than street swine who kill people. Rudy zeroed in on defending the U. S. Constitution, and he will win. Get used to it.

You keep thinking that, if it helps you sleep at night.....;)
Oh doll your posts do that ... :sleep:
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.

Absolute nonsense. Hillary conceded within 24 hours. Donald was touring the Whitehouse beside Obama a day later.

Its been a *month*.
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.
Very few if any were contesting the election results from 2016.

Go away

Hillary took it well and called The Don and conceded within 48 hours. She did not ask for a recount. She did not go to court. She did not whine like a Baby that wet his Depends.
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.
Very few if any were contesting the election results from 2016.

Go away
Right up to the inauguration it was contested. Then it was nothing but lies, lies, and more lies as they immediately began gathering evidence (of which there was none) of election fraud with the Russians.

So, suck it up pussy. You are of course, free to walk away. I am not going anywhere.
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.

Absolute nonsense. Hillary conceded within 24 hours. Donald was touring the Whitehouse beside Obama a day later.

Its been a *month*.

With each day that The Don whines and cries, he is doing more and more damage to this country. And the GOP DOES NOT CARE.
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.

Absolute nonsense. Hillary conceded within 24 hours. Donald was touring the Whitehouse beside Obama a day later.

Its been a *month*.
Hillary has not conceded to this day. She is still out there whining that she won, and her toadies, like you, carried her for four years.

Guess what, the resistance has already started against Biden. He gets everything you people gave the GOP, but in spades.
Virtually all the cases that have made it to court and been withdrawn or been dismissed had to do with a couple votes here and a couple votes there. Some were whining that poll watchers couldn't get access (but weren't actual poll watchers.

When judges ask if fraud is being charged...the answer invariably has been ...NO
The lower courts in the swing states have Clinton orders. And she has their files that would destroy their families if she doesn't get her commie way.

I peeled the onion. Oh, lookie! The onion heads are squeaking and a-squawking. :muahaha:
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.
Very few if any were contesting the election results from 2016.

Go away

Hillary took it well and called The Don and conceded within 48 hours. She did not ask for a recount. She did not go to court. She did not whine like a Baby that wet his Depends.
Hello? Hillary spent 3 years inspiring other criminal elements to liespeak, create bedslime stories like the pee calumny that put her rival on the national porn list, making the national tummy churn in angst etc.
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.

Absolute nonsense. Hillary conceded within 24 hours. Donald was touring the Whitehouse beside Obama a day later.

Its been a *month*.
Hillary has not conceded to this day. She is still out there whining that she won, and her toadies, like you, carried her for four years.

Except when she did concede.

"Hillary Clinton conceded the White House race to President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday morning, saying she hoped "he will be a successful president for all Americans."

"This is not the outcome we wanted or worked so hard for. I'm sorry we didn't win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country," the Democratic nominee told supporters crowded into a small, nondescript ballroom at the New Yorker Hotel in Midtown Manhattan."

Its almost like you don't know what you're talking about.
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.

Absolute nonsense. Hillary conceded within 24 hours. Donald was touring the Whitehouse beside Obama a day later.

Its been a *month*.

With each day that The Don whines and cries, he is doing more and more damage to this country. And the GOP DOES NOT CARE.
I smell bullshit, and I don't even have a cow.

The Trump campaign or Republican allies have brought lawsuits in several battleground states contesting election results that favored President-elect Joe Biden, seeking to stop the certification of results or have ballots thrown out. Under questioning from judges handling the cases, at least two of Mr. Trump’s lawyers have backed away from suggestions that the election was stolen or fraudulent.

In other instances, attorneys representing Mr. Trump or other Republicans have said under oath they have no evidence of fraud. Lawyers also have struggled to get what they say is evidence of fraud admitted into lawsuits, with judges dismissing it as inadmissible or unreliable. A coalition of organizations representing secretaries of state, federal agencies and other top election officials said Thursday there wasn’t evidence that voting systems were compromised during the election.


I heard trump on a daily basis shouting FRAUD!. I read all your posts on the massive stash pf Fraud evidence. You and the Liar in Chief are quick to shout Fraud, but when the attorneys get into Court, there is a hesitation to use the word Fraud. BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WILL BE SANCTIONED AND POSSIBLY LOSS THEIR LAW LICENSE. Even the top law enforcement officer in the nation has said there is no fraud that would change the results of the election.

If you have evidence of massive fraud, send it to Rudy. Otherwise....SHUT UP!


Stop wit the same fucking threads all the time.

We still have questions about what judges are doing. This should open everyone's eyes.

How did you dickweeds not figure out.

Please stop being a horse's ass and tell me what, if anything, in this thread is incorrect.....hint.....NOTHING!

Who is going to listen to your precious coalition when their behavior has been partisan from the start.


Sure, fella. This is way trump has complained about "the Democrats" in just about every speech he has ever made. No partisanship there. :rolleyes:

You might want to pull your head from your ass and wipe the shit off your face.

Voting is what separates partisans.

If those running the show are partisan....it's a lot worse.

Tell that the republicans in Georgia who ran the show. Whether you like it or not, trump has consistently complained about "the Democrats" in speech after speech.

You might consider that people might vote according to whether they like one party's policies and/or dislike one party's policies. For me, I might disagree with something that a Democrat puts forth, but the republicans, through bad policy choices and bad behavior, eliminated themselves from contention. That was their choice. They got the votes from their base, which they catered to, and they certainly didn't try for anyone else's vote. Again, they chose whom to climb into bed with.
Virtually all the cases that have made it to court and been withdrawn or been dismissed had to do with a couple votes here and a couple votes there. Some were whining that poll watchers couldn't get access (but weren't actual poll watchers.

When judges ask if fraud is being charged...the answer invariably has been ...NO
The lower courts in the swing states have Clinton orders. And she has their files that would destroy their families if she doesn't get her commie way.

I peeled the onion. Oh, lookie! The onion heads are squeaking and a-squawking. :muahaha:

Now, be honest, you have been having trouble sleeping since the election was called for President-Elect Biden.....wait.....Naw, you don't need to answer. We all know that you have.
Biden did not win.

The Trump campaign or Republican allies have brought lawsuits in several battleground states contesting election results that favored President-elect Joe Biden, seeking to stop the certification of results or have ballots thrown out. Under questioning from judges handling the cases, at least two of Mr. Trump’s lawyers have backed away from suggestions that the election was stolen or fraudulent.

In other instances, attorneys representing Mr. Trump or other Republicans have said under oath they have no evidence of fraud. Lawyers also have struggled to get what they say is evidence of fraud admitted into lawsuits, with judges dismissing it as inadmissible or unreliable. A coalition of organizations representing secretaries of state, federal agencies and other top election officials said Thursday there wasn’t evidence that voting systems were compromised during the election.


I heard trump on a daily basis shouting FRAUD!. I read all your posts on the massive stash pf Fraud evidence. You and the Liar in Chief are quick to shout Fraud, but when the attorneys get into Court, there is a hesitation to use the word Fraud. BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WILL BE SANCTIONED AND POSSIBLY LOSS THEIR LAW LICENSE. Even the top law enforcement officer in the nation has said there is no fraud that would change the results of the election.

If you have evidence of massive fraud, send it to Rudy. Otherwise....SHUT UP!


Stop wit the same fucking threads all the time.

We still have questions about what judges are doing. This should open everyone's eyes.

How did you dickweeds not figure out.

Please stop being a horse's ass and tell me what, if anything, in this thread is incorrect.....hint.....NOTHING!

Who is going to listen to your precious coalition when their behavior has been partisan from the start.


Sure, fella. This is way trump has complained about "the Democrats" in just about every speech he has ever made. No partisanship there. :rolleyes:

You might want to pull your head from your ass and wipe the shit off your face.

Voting is what separates partisans.

If those running the show are partisan....it's a lot worse.

Tell that the republicans in Georgia who ran the show. Whether you like it or not, trump has consistently complained about "the Democrats" in speech after speech.

You might consider that people might vote according to whether they like one party's policies and/or dislike one party's policies. For me, I might disagree with something that a Democrat puts forth, but the republicans, through bad policy choices and bad behavior, eliminated themselves from contention. That was their choice. They got the votes from their base, which they catered to, and they certainly didn't try for anyone else's vote. Again, they chose whom to climb into bed with.

Trump insisted that the vote was fraudulent, that he was cheated, that the vote needed to be nullified....

.....in 2016. When he lost to Ted Cruz in Iowa. Butt-hurt is Trump's native tongue.
Virtually all the cases that have made it to court and been withdrawn or been dismissed had to do with a couple votes here and a couple votes there. Some were whining that poll watchers couldn't get access (but weren't actual poll watchers.

When judges ask if fraud is being charged...the answer invariably has been ...NO
The lower courts in the swing states have Clinton orders. And she has their files that would destroy their families if she doesn't get her commie way.
Virtually all the cases that have made it to court and been withdrawn or been dismissed had to do with a couple votes here and a couple votes there. Some were whining that poll watchers couldn't get access (but weren't actual poll watchers.

When judges ask if fraud is being charged...the answer invariably has been ...NO
The lower courts in the swing states have Clinton orders. And she has their files that would destroy their families if she doesn't get her commie way.

I peeled the onion. Oh, lookie! The onion heads are squeaking and a-squawking. :muahaha:

Now, be honest, you have been having trouble sleeping since the election was called for President-Elect Biden.....wait.....Naw, you don't need to answer. We all know that you have.
Biden did not win.

The election results say otherwise.
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.

Absolute nonsense. Hillary conceded within 24 hours. Donald was touring the Whitehouse beside Obama a day later.

Its been a *month*.
Hillary has not conceded to this day. She is still out there whining that she won, and her toadies, like you, carried her for four years.

Except when she did concede.

"Hillary Clinton conceded the White House race to President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday morning, saying she hoped "he will be a successful president for all Americans."
"This is not the outcome we wanted or worked so hard for. I'm sorry we didn't win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country," the Democratic nominee told supporters crowded into a small, nondescript ballroom at the New Yorker Hotel in Midtown Manhattan."

Its almost like you don't know what you're talking about.
A spokesperson concedes for her. HELLO? She has spent the last four years getting her surrogates to scream she won.

Also, do Me a favor. Never post bullshit from a left-wing source ever again.
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.

Absolute nonsense. Hillary conceded within 24 hours. Donald was touring the Whitehouse beside Obama a day later.

Its been a *month*.
Hillary has not conceded to this day. She is still out there whining that she won, and her toadies, like you, carried her for four years.

Except when she did concede.

"Hillary Clinton conceded the White House race to President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday morning, saying she hoped "he will be a successful president for all Americans."
"This is not the outcome we wanted or worked so hard for. I'm sorry we didn't win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country," the Democratic nominee told supporters crowded into a small, nondescript ballroom at the New Yorker Hotel in Midtown Manhattan."

Its almost like you don't know what you're talking about.
A spokesperson concedes for her. HELLO? She has spent the last four years getting her surrogates to scream she won.

Also, do Me a favor. Never post bullshit from a left-wing source ever again.
Or.....once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

And I'll post what I like. If that triggers you.....maybe a safe space like Parler is more your speed.
I'm reminded of the 4 years of a, no evidence, endless investigation, of election fraud the left perpetrated upon this nation.

Now suddenly, there is no fraud.

Absolute nonsense. Hillary conceded within 24 hours. Donald was touring the Whitehouse beside Obama a day later.

Its been a *month*.
Hillary has not conceded to this day. She is still out there whining that she won, and her toadies, like you, carried her for four years.

Guess what, the resistance has already started against Biden. He gets everything you people gave the GOP, but in spades.
Hey dumbass...she conceded the NEXT day.

What planet do you live on

The Trump campaign or Republican allies have brought lawsuits in several battleground states contesting election results that favored President-elect Joe Biden, seeking to stop the certification of results or have ballots thrown out. Under questioning from judges handling the cases, at least two of Mr. Trump’s lawyers have backed away from suggestions that the election was stolen or fraudulent.

In other instances, attorneys representing Mr. Trump or other Republicans have said under oath they have no evidence of fraud. Lawyers also have struggled to get what they say is evidence of fraud admitted into lawsuits, with judges dismissing it as inadmissible or unreliable. A coalition of organizations representing secretaries of state, federal agencies and other top election officials said Thursday there wasn’t evidence that voting systems were compromised during the election.


I heard trump on a daily basis shouting FRAUD!. I read all your posts on the massive stash pf Fraud evidence. You and the Liar in Chief are quick to shout Fraud, but when the attorneys get into Court, there is a hesitation to use the word Fraud. BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WILL BE SANCTIONED AND POSSIBLY LOSS THEIR LAW LICENSE. Even the top law enforcement officer in the nation has said there is no fraud that would change the results of the election.

If you have evidence of massive fraud, send it to Rudy. Otherwise....SHUT UP!
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
And for one minute these clowns think it would be somehow different if the shoe was on the other foot?
Give me a break, require voter ID, purge the registration rolls of the dead and those that have moved out of state or have failed to notify DMV, and be done with it. Let’s be honest if a person moved into the state why the hell didn’t they notify DMV, get a new license and register to vote?

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