Fox's Libya "Scandal" Implodes With Chris Wallace Fact Check


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

For weeks now, Fox News has been pushing the narrative that the Obama administration, and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice in particular, lied to the public or is engaged in a cover-up regarding the attack in Benghazi where a U.S. consulate was breached. In fact, as Fox's own Chris Wallace pointed out, the administration's response to the attack was informed by the intelligence community's best estimate.

During Fox's coverage of the vice presidential debate, Wallace stated that Vice President Biden had "back up" for his claim that the administration communicated the most accurate information it had about the attack. Wallace noted that the intelligence community's best assessment following the attack was that it "began spontaneously following protests earlier that day at our embassy" and that this initial assessment was provided to executive branch officials.

In a post at the Atlantic, national security expert Aki Peritz, a former CIA analyst, explained that those accusing the administration of lying about what happened in Libya "misunderstand intelligence." He wrote: "This accusation not only misses the mark but also demonstrates how profoundly the accusers misunderstand how intelligence works. In fact, the White House's evolving timeline for what happened in Benghazi is proof of precisely the opposite of what the breathless accusers suggest -- it is a sign of a normal, healthy intelligence process."

More: Fox's Libya "Scandal" Implodes With Chris Wallace Fact Check | Blog | Media Matters for America
Obama's Administration knew within 24 hours that there was no protest at the Benghazi mission and the the attack was a well-planned assault carried out by armed troops with rocket-propelled grenades and heavy mortars.

Yet a week later they were STILL claiming it was a spontaneous act spurred on by protests over a stupid video.

Suck THAT cricket!
NaziCons are funny. Dumb, but funny.

Tell you what, LickScrotum.... You tell us what your choice is, because it's got to be one or the other.

1.) Obama and all his little mouthpieces were bald-faced lying to the American people for AT LEAST a week


2.) The State Department just spent several days bald-faced lying under oath to Congress.

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