FOXNEWS; Sly as a FOX.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
FOXNEWS; Sly as a FOX.
Steve Doocy, from Doocy and Son, said "Obama changed his mind" about having the Sheikh Mohammed's trial here. In ordinary language, GOP Congress cut off funds for having his trial here. They changed Obama's mind for him. LMAO

Like they changed his mind about the tax cuts for the Rich. Will change his mind about the amount of government spending.

He will not get a fair trial in Military court. He has already been tried and convictec and waiting for his hanging.
Let me guess??? this came from Mediamatters?

isn't it funny they don't attack every NEWS channel on HOW THEY SAY something..

cracks me up:lol:
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FOXNEWS; Sly as a FOX.
Steve Doocy, from Doocy and Son, said "Obama changed his mind" about having the Sheikh Mohammed's trial here. In ordinary language, GOP Congress cut off funds for having his trial here. They changed Obama's mind for him. LMAO

Like they changed his mind about the tax cuts for the Rich. Will change his mind about the amount of government spending.

He will not get a fair trial in Military court. He has already been tried and convictec and waiting for his hanging.

Hope it works out that way. Quick fair trial. Quick fair verdict. Quick shot or hung at sunrise. They deserve no less. If you think they deserve anything else, you are off of your rocker.
Whenever I hear talk of American exceptionalism (AE) I wonder what does that mean? How different are we from a banana republic when one attack on native soil creates an atmosphere of fear so strong law goes out the window? How exceptional are we when military courts hidden on foreign islands is the best we can do? How exceptional are we when religion freedom means you can't build here because we hate you? This is just another example of how far America has traveled from its core values.

But maybe AE like all things is just a myth used when necessary, forgotten much of the time. "Such tendencies in American Life as isolationism and the extreme nationalism that usually goes with it, hatred of Europe and Europeans, racial, religious, and nativist phobias, resentment of big business, trade-unionism, intellectuals, the eastern seaboard and its culture - all these have been found not only in opposition to reform but also at times oddly combined with it. One of the most interesting and least studied aspects of American Life has been a frequent recurrence of the demand for reforms, many of them aimed at the remedy of genuine ills, combined with strong moral convictions and with a choice of hatred as a kind of creed." Richard Hofstadter circa 1955, 'The Age of Reform'
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wtf? The age of Reform?

translated, Us Americans are just suppose to roll over for all others and give away our country.
FOXNEWS; Sly as a FOX.
Steve Doocy, from Doocy and Son, said "Obama changed his mind" about having the Sheikh Mohammed's trial here. In ordinary language, GOP Congress cut off funds for having his trial here. They changed Obama's mind for him. LMAO

Like they changed his mind about the tax cuts for the Rich. Will change his mind about the amount of government spending.

He will not get a fair trial in Military court. He has already been tried and convictec and waiting for his hanging.

Congress voted and many of the dims didn't want that scum tried in NYC.

Try to keep up with all the facts, not the 1/2assed crap from huffpoo or MM.
Let me guess??? this came from Mediamatters?

isn't it funny they don't attack every NEWS channel on HOW THEY SAY something..

cracks me up:lol:
Surely you're not questioning that it was said, simply because Media Matters might have reported it.
FOXNEWS; Sly as a FOX.
Steve Doocy, from Doocy and Son, said "Obama changed his mind" about having the Sheikh Mohammed's trial here. In ordinary language, GOP Congress cut off funds for having his trial here. They changed Obama's mind for him. LMAO

Like they changed his mind about the tax cuts for the Rich. Will change his mind about the amount of government spending.

He will not get a fair trial in Military court. He has already been tried and convictec and waiting for his hanging.

We don't have a "GOP Congress" you idiot.
Every one here get justice, if you don't believe me just ask Lindsay L. ir Britney Spears, or perhaps Charlie Sheen, ops forgot OJ.

This guy is a cold blooded killer. Put him in a chair out in a field, put a bomb under it set the timer for say 2 hours and put a clock on a table in front of him to watch the time tick down.

Serve him right.
Attention folks, it's another Media Matters scoop from the tax exempt George Soros propaganda machine. Always keep in mind that it was CBS that used forged documents to try to influence a presidential election. That will give you some perspective on whatever Steve Doocy says
If the progressive left ever gets the kind of society and mothering government they think they want, their only hope would be a news org like Fox. Free thinking, fair thinking, and a honest news agency is critical in order to keep the political assholes in line. When has MSNBC EVER! exposed a democrat and his or her dishonest or corrupt behavior?
Answer that!

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