FOX News' Rupert Dupe-ert "I know nothing..." routine

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
FOX News' Rupert Dupe-ert "I know nothing..." routine


Apologies, But No Answers, As the Murdochs Give Testimony - TIME

His responses were often abrupt — "no" or "I don't know" — and punctuated by long pauses as he seemed to trawl his memory, or search for a response.

Read more: Apologies, But No Answers, As the Murdochs Give Testimony - TIME

---------- reminds me of another right wing hero gone daft :eusa_whistle:

April 17, 2000

Ronald Reagan's amnesia before a federal grand jury

When President Ronald Reagan said that he had forgotten important details about the Iran-contra affair, there was ample precedent for his inability to recall key events. On February 5, 1962--the day before his 51st birthday--he appeared as a witness before a federal grand jury in Los Angeles.

"I don't want to appear as though I am trying deliberately to be vague," Reagan said, responding to questions about some of the most important events of his term as president of the Screen Actors Guild. "But, as I say, I would like you to realize in my history of holding an office with the guild, my memory is like a kaleidoscope of meetings, that I am sure if I sat down with someone and started in, I could then recall the details . . . . "

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