Fox News poll: Trump behind Biden in Ohio by 5%

No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary lost by 8% in 2016:
Fake News is full of crap.
Every once in awhile they cover all of the news.....but overall....they're part of the same media cabal that is trying to put another Democrat in the White House.
The only thing Fake News does that's different than CNN and MSNBC is they don't practice censorship of the actions of the left. Their political commentary is what is suspect.
Trump hater Judge Andrew Nepolitano is under investigation for sexual-assault so nothing he says can be trusted anymore. He reminds me of that idiot Dr Fauci. You don't know when he's feeding you a line of BS half the time.
Donald John Trump will win by a landslide and if not then the election was rigged and influenced by Albino Space Alien Chimps that read a book of Marxism...

Now before you and others scream “ Look at the Trumptard and his bold prediction “ just remember Trump and his voting base will not take any form of defeat and that is reality but let also remember the last four years the left has refused to accept Trump as the Elected President, so the Trump base acting like the left is not surprising at all...
Trump won by a thin margin and has done something to piss everyone off since then. Where do you people think this massive landslide is supposed to come from?

See, idiots like the idiot that responded to me did not catch I am being sarcastic about Trump winning...
Sorry guy. Classic case of reading the first line and skipping the rest because it's stupid.
It was meant to be stupid you blooming idiot!
If you had any pride or decency or memory for what conservatives used to claim they believe in you would have noped out the Trump cult as well.
These aren't conservatives. They're Trumpsters. Think Europe, 90 years ago.

Wow, Nazi reference and yet you claim to be of sound mind...

Think of Tea Party voters a few years back instead...
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.
Trump is already pretending there will be fraud, because he knows he's going to lose and wants to steal the electio.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.
Trump is already pretending there will be fraud, because he knows he's going to lose and wants to steal the electio.
Exactly..what person who thinks he is going to win goes out and looks for ways to cheat. Trump is already trying to figure out a way to get states he loses the popular vote to ignore the popular vote and steal those electors from Biden.

There has never been a more reprobate and reprehensible President than Trump.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.
Trump is already pretending there will be fraud, because he knows he's going to lose and wants to steal the electio.
Exactly..what person who thinks he is going to win goes out and looks for ways to cheat. Trump is already trying to figure out a way to get states he loses the popular vote to steal the electors from Biden.

There has never been a more reprobate and reprehensible President than Trump.
I'd just remind you that, as we've seen in history, it's never one guy. One guy is nothing. It's the people who fall for it and enable it.

Damaged people like this rise at times of great frustration and division and take advantage of it by the barest of margins. Then they grab control using their enablers.

We're just seeing it play out again, in real time, right in front of us. "History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme."
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No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary lost by 8% in 2016:
If true, people do not learn. Its like the suckers in Jersey. They vote these Progs in and end up with multiple tax increases then vote a Repub in to clean it up a bit.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.
Trump is already pretending there will be fraud, because he knows he's going to lose and wants to steal the electio.
All this nastiness between Trumpers and those who hate him and support Joe, is silly and stupid. There is very little difference between the two demented morons on policy.

One slight difference that might have huge impact, is Joe is a major warmonger. He’s likely to get us into many wars, as Ears was infamous for. Maybe even WWIII.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.
Trump is already pretending there will be fraud, because he knows he's going to lose and wants to steal the electio.
Exactly..what person who thinks he is going to win goes out and looks for ways to cheat. Trump is already trying to figure out a way to get states he loses the popular vote to ignore the popular vote and steal those electors from Biden.

There has never been a more reprobate and reprehensible President than Trump.
He is the perfect reflection of the Prog Party. He is, as they are. And it is refreshing on the Repub side. Progs and their evolved 21st century talk is for everyone else but them.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.
Trump is already pretending there will be fraud, because he knows he's going to lose and wants to steal the electio.
That must be why Democrats claimed Trump is slowing down the mail......because they need an excuse when they lose Biggly.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.
After 4 years of ridiculous democrat behavior you just go straight to you ridiculous partisan bs.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.
Trump is already pretending there will be fraud, because he knows he's going to lose and wants to steal the electio.
“There will” we have fraud lol I read a dozen stories so far
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary list by 8% in 2016:
We know what's coming if Trump doesn't win. He's been telling us for a long time.

This country is about to be tested as it never has. By a person this damaged, no less.

Trump will act like Trump

For his whole life, Trump has tied things up in litigation when he loses. Republicans will create all kinds of red herrings of why the election is not valid.
They want to tie things up until AFTER Trumps term ends on Jan 20. They also want to fill the courts with complicit judges
Donald John Trump will win by a landslide and if not then the election was rigged and influenced by Albino Space Alien Chimps that read a book of Marxism...

Now before you and others scream “ Look at the Trumptard and his bold prediction “ just remember Trump and his voting base will not take any form of defeat and that is reality but let also remember the last four years the left has refused to accept Trump as the Elected President, so the Trump base acting like the left is not surprising at all...
Trump won by a thin margin and has done something to piss everyone off since then. Where do you people think this massive landslide is supposed to come from?

He hasn’t pissed “everyone “off. The only people that are actually pissed off are you TDS morons who weren’t gonna vote for him in the first place nor did they vote for him in 2016. I would argue that some people have actually woken up and realized that his policies are good for our country. Nothing short of a lobotomy would fix the far lefties.

More than 200,000 are dead because of Trump's incompetent management. Lots of them had to be Trump supporters.

Trump can't win without Ohio.
No wonder Republicans are concocting a plan to pretend the vote was fraudulent.
Their guy is even losing in Ohio, where Hillary lost by 8% in 2016:

/——-/ Thanks for the fake poll of 907 random adults where a subsample of 830 has been defined as likely voters (LV), with a margin of error of ±3 percentage points.

Totally meaningless.
It’s worse than that-

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