FOX News on Obama: More Electoral Votes Than ALL GOP Prez Candidates in 24 Years

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Obama secured more electoral votes than any Republican presidential candidate in the last 24 years

FOX News on Obama: More Electoral Votes Than ALL GOP Prez Candidates in 24 Years

President Obama now has the wind at his back
By Sally Kohn
Published November 09, 2012

Conservatives would have readily insisted on a Romney mandate even in the face of a smaller margin. But after four years of extraordinarily baseless and nasty attacks against the president, conservatives can't even bring themselves to simply acknowledge that the president won and that his victory is not the result of voter fraud or Chris Christie but the basic fact that the American voters chose liberalism over conservativism. Period.

Republicans would be wise to acknowledge the president's very clear and strong mandate and get on board — or else risk alienating the American public even further.

Read more: President Obama now has the wind at his back | Fox News

Pay attention folks. Pay attention.
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So now you consider FOX credible interesting and the author of the piece you cite Sally Kohn is a liberal so her take on things is not really a surprise on the bright side you did show FOX does have liberal voices and opinions something the left constantly tries to deny so thanks for that.
So now you consider FOX credible interesting and the author of the piece you cite Sally Kohn is a liberal so her take on things is not really a surprise on the bright side you did show FOX does have liberal voices and opinions something the left constantly tries to deny so thanks for that.

No. But if they say the sky is blue and I go out and fact check them, then I'll give them the very same credit I give a broken clock -- twice a day

So now you consider FOX credible interesting and the author of the piece you cite Sally Kohn is a liberal so her take on things is not really a surprise on the bright side you did show FOX does have liberal voices and opinions something the left constantly tries to deny so thanks for that.
fox is as credible as all and any other news agencies just that there slant is in the opposite direction
So now you consider FOX credible interesting and the author of the piece you cite Sally Kohn is a liberal so her take on things is not really a surprise on the bright side you did show FOX does have liberal voices and opinions something the left constantly tries to deny so thanks for that.

No. But if they say the sky is blue and I go out and fact check them, then I'll give them the very same credit I give a broken clock -- twice a day


So if someone puts out a story your agree with they are ok for that one moment in time if they don't their not your consistent if nothing else.
Romney only lost the Presidency by 407,000 well placed votes.

Bush 2004/Obama 2012: Second Term Mandates

............................Bush........ Kerry

Electoral vote... 286........ 251[2]

States carried ... 31........ 19 + DC

Popular vote..... 62,040,610........ 59,028,444

Percentage ....... 50.7%........ 48.3%

.........................Barack Obama....... Mitt Romney
Electoral vote... 332.......... .......206
States carried... 26 + DC.......... .......24
Popular vote ..... 61,772,396[2]..... 58,548,457[2]
Percentage....... 50.5%[2] .......... 47.9%[2]

United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Presidential Election Landslides

What constitutes a landslide? Let us see where you stand. I know Ronald Reagan only won 50.7% of the popular vote in 1980.


Does only a landslide constitute a mandate for a President?


Bush claims mandate, sets 2nd-term goals / 'I earned capital in this campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it'

Read more: Bush claims mandate, sets 2nd-term goals / 'I earned capital in this campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it' - SFGate


An Obama mandate? The pundits don't agree, with themselves

and you? Do you agree with yourself?

A bunch of pundits renewed a quadrennial tradition that might be called Mandate Derangement Syndrome.

Weekly Standard editor and frequent Fox News contributor Fred Barnes played the game this week. He brushed aside President Obama’s 2-percentage-point, 3-million-vote (and counting, with many votes in Democratic-friendly California still to be counted) victory over Republican Mitt Romney as hollow. Obama, Barnes said, is a “man with no plan and no mandate.”

Funny, because he felt quite differently when President George W. Bush won reelection in 2004. The same Barnes declared the Republican’s win a “3-point landslide,” adding: “I think he's got a mandate. And what is a mandate? A mandate is just that you won by talking about certain issues, and you will pursue them afterward.”
Barnes’ pal from Fox’s nightly “Special Report,” Charles Krauthammer, faces a small consistency gap, too.

In 2004, he noted that Bush had gotten to 50% of the vote, “unusual in our time.... And [when] you expand your representation in the House and the Senate, in an election where the president ran on the record and on the stuff he says he's going to do in the future, you've got a mandate.”

Flash to 2012, conservative stalwart Krauthammer considered the Obama win as slightly less meaningful. Though the president also secured more than half the popular vote and saw his party gain seats in both the House and Senate, the syndicated columnist scowled. Krauthammer, on Fox News: "He's got no mandate."

And Now, A Word From Charles "laugh2:

“I think one thing he might do if it's not Simpson-Bowles would be to offer the Treasury to Romney. I'm sure he would probably turn it down but it would be the ultimate gesture. I don't think it will happen. I agree John Kerry will probably end up at secretary of State. But I must say that my sources in the Obama White House have been rather quiet since January 2009.”

-- Charles Krauthammer on “Special Report with Bret Baier.”

Read more: Republican Soul Searching Probably Mostly Pointless | Fox News

Romney only lost the Presidency by 407,000 well placed votes.

Black unemployment is 14.4% and increasing rapidly.

Hispanic unemployment is 11% and growing.

Obama has nobody to blame this time.

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