Fox News: fair and balanced impressions


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
This wouldn't wait til morning it seems so here I am on 2 hours sleep :)

Thinking about the past PR blitz of The Weather Channel to combat a satellite tv company's decision to drom them from their lineup for too many documentaries during the day (a third to a half their broadcast day remains documentaries having nothing to do with weather like Coast Guard rescue and commercial spearfishing, it's worth mentioning the big 3 cable news outlets seem to be following suit.

MSNBC gets first place for being a sell-out with their weekends filled with prison reality series, and some extreme video ones. HLN News doesn't even deserve the name and gets 2nd for being half forensic 'porn' now, and CNN gets 3rd for also showing too much forensic programs instead of news.

Fox News as yet, has resisted the temptation to show documentaries. Turning on just now, they have commentary shows instead of news, but everybody else does too so I can't hold that against them.
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I only halfway watch FOX in the evening as I prefer radio but the tv is on but on mute [just a habit] . I do like Cavuto , can't stand o riely with his butt kissing comments on politicians all the way from the top of gov to the bottom . Plus , he knows nothing about guns but says that he is expert . Also like Greta , Bret Bier is ok with the talking heads round tables . Most tv and most tv news has really been dumbed done these last 10-20 years , IMO .
This wouldn't wait til morning it seems so here I am on 2 hours sleep :)

Thinking about the past PR blitz of The Weather Channel to combat a satellite tv company's decision to drom them from their lineup for too many documentaries during the day (a third to a half their broadcast day remains documentaries having nothing to do with weather like Coast Guard rescue and commercial spearfishing, it's worth mentioning the big 3 cable news outlets seem to be following suit.

MSNBC gets first place for being a sell-out with their weekends filled with prison reality series, and some extreme video ones. HLN News doesn't even deserve the name and gets 2nd for being half forensic 'porn' now, and CNN gets 3rd for also showing too much forensic programs instead of news.

Fox News as yet, has resisted the temptation to show documentaries. Turning on just now, they have commentary shows instead of news, but everybody else does too so I can't hold that against them.

A distinction without a difference really. The Fox Noise commentaries and the Weather Channel's doc on killer tornadoes, as well as the MSNBC idiotic lockup and pedophile shows, are all geared to tap the emotions, first and foremost Fear, and not in any way to inform.

If the result is a populace of the unwashed believing they're about to be swallowed by a hurricane, that they're walking around in a world of child predators or that there's some kind of communist conspiracy taking the country down, hey, that's just the cost of exploiting the public to make a buck for themselves.
Latest impression: Are the blondes on Fox required to be blonde in their contracts cause I see a lotta dark roots. :)
I only halfway watch FOX in the evening as I prefer radio but the tv is on but on mute [just a habit] . I do like Cavuto , can't stand o riely with his butt kissing comments on politicians all the way from the top of gov to the bottom . Plus , he knows nothing about guns but says that he is expert . Also like Greta , Bret Bier is ok with the talking heads round tables . Most tv and most tv news has really been dumbed done these last 10-20 years , IMO .

Learn the rules of the English language regarding punctuation, capitalization and sentence structuring, before you have any illusion that people will pay any attention to you.

So, your immature and incorrect characterization of Bill O'Reilley (whose name you did not even know to spell correctly) only proves that you either don't know what the hell you are talking about or that you watch MSNBC.

Grow up!!
I only halfway watch FOX in the evening as I prefer radio but the tv is on but on mute [just a habit] . I do like Cavuto , can't stand o riely with his butt kissing comments on politicians all the way from the top of gov to the bottom . Plus , he knows nothing about guns but says that he is expert . Also like Greta , Bret Bier is ok with the talking heads round tables . Most tv and most tv news has really been dumbed done these last 10-20 years , IMO .

Learn the rules of the English language regarding punctuation, capitalization and sentence structuring, before you have any illusion that people will pay any attention to you.

So, your immature and incorrect characterization of Bill O'Reilley (whose name you did not even know to spell correctly) only proves that you either don't know what the hell you are talking about or that you watch MSNBC.

Grow up!!

Actually it's O'Reilly. No second E.

Hoist with your own petard, as we say in English.

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