Fox Fair and Balanced?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Not if you call them on their propaganda

Fox News pulls the plug on guest Thomas Ricks: Was he being rude or honest? - The Week

"What happens when you agree to come on Fox News and then proceed to hammer the network for serving as a 'wing of the Republican Party'?" asks Eric Wemple at The Washington Post. "Answer: You don't stay on the air too long." That's the lesson Pulitzer Prize–winning military journalist Thomas Ricks learned on Monday, when he was invited on the Fox News show Happening Now to talk about his new book, The Generals, and troop readiness. Host Jon Scott started out asking about the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

"I think that Benghazi generally was hyped, by this network especially

He ended with a flourish: "I think that the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political, partly because Fox was operating as a wing of Republican Party." After a total of 90 seconds, Scott abruptly ended the interview, which Ricks says was slotted to last between three and five minutes
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They did hype it. But you didnt see anything on it anywhere else untill after the election, did you? All media is swayed one way or another. You cant read a political article without it being biased to the right or left
They did hype it. But you didnt see anything on it anywhere else untill after the election, did you? All media is swayed one way or another. You cant read a political article without it being biased to the right or left

Actually it has fizzled after the election

Benghazi didn't have the legs that the Fox Propaganda machine thought it would. It had zero impact on the election.

Of course Fox will continue beating the dead horse, but the rest of the country sees it as a tragedy not a coverup
They did hype it. But you didnt see anything on it anywhere else untill after the election, did you? All media is swayed one way or another. You cant read a political article without it being biased to the right or left

Actually it has fizzled after the election

Benghazi didn't have the legs that the Fox Propaganda machine thought it would. It had zero impact on the election.

Of course Fox will continue beating the dead horse, but the rest of the country sees it as a tragedy not a coverup

Cover up? I just want a few answers from my government of what happened and why it happened. What went wrong? How do we prevent such tragedy in the future. I also want to know why Susan Rice went down the path of explaining a situation that she really had no idea of what was going on. I want to know why a film was blamed for so long afterwards. I want some transparency instead of secrecy.
They did hype it. But you didnt see anything on it anywhere else untill after the election, did you? All media is swayed one way or another. You cant read a political article without it being biased to the right or left

Actually it has fizzled after the election

Benghazi didn't have the legs that the Fox Propaganda machine thought it would. It had zero impact on the election.

Of course Fox will continue beating the dead horse, but the rest of the country sees it as a tragedy not a coverup

Cover up? I just want a few answers from my government of what happened and why it happened. What went wrong? How do we prevent such tragedy in the future. I also want to know why Susan Rice went down the path of explaining a situation that she really had no idea of what was going on. I want to know why a film was blamed for so long afterwards. I want some transparency instead of secrecy.

You want answers? Have fun standing in line.

thankfully someone hyped it!! Someone was digging for the truth!

You libtards are freeking hypocrites. If this were a gop admin you'd all be all over this like flies on would your media pals.
Our ambassador was attacked in our embassy.

What doe the right do?

Try to USE this tragedy to get some political points.

Just like fast and furious they USED the deaths of government employees by lying their asses off about the facts
Not if you call them on their propaganda

Fox News pulls the plug on guest Thomas Ricks: Was he being rude or honest? - The Week

"What happens when you agree to come on Fox News and then proceed to hammer the network for serving as a 'wing of the Republican Party'?" asks Eric Wemple at The Washington Post. "Answer: You don't stay on the air too long." That's the lesson Pulitzer Prize–winning military journalist Thomas Ricks learned on Monday, when he was invited on the Fox News show Happening Now to talk about his new book, The Generals, and troop readiness. Host Jon Scott started out asking about the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

"I think that Benghazi generally was hyped, by this network especially

He ended with a flourish: "I think that the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political, partly because Fox was operating as a wing of Republican Party." After a total of 90 seconds, Scott abruptly ended the interview, which Ricks says was slotted to last between three and five minutes

He was yanked because he was invited on (yes, INVITED) to discuss his book and instead went off on a tear of left wing talking points about Fox news and the GOP.

Funny, he didn't mention how CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc. are ALL in bed with the Democrats... he's aparently fine with that.
Our ambassador was attacked in our embassy.

What doe the right do?

Try to USE this tragedy to get some political points.

Just like fast and furious they USED the deaths of government employees by lying their asses off about the facts

what are the facts to that "misshap"? No one knows. Remember "Executive Privilege" Dumb Bitch
Not if you call them on their propaganda

Fox News pulls the plug on guest Thomas Ricks: Was he being rude or honest? - The Week

"What happens when you agree to come on Fox News and then proceed to hammer the network for serving as a 'wing of the Republican Party'?" asks Eric Wemple at The Washington Post. "Answer: You don't stay on the air too long." That's the lesson Pulitzer Prize–winning military journalist Thomas Ricks learned on Monday, when he was invited on the Fox News show Happening Now to talk about his new book, The Generals, and troop readiness. Host Jon Scott started out asking about the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

"I think that Benghazi generally was hyped, by this network especially

He ended with a flourish: "I think that the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political, partly because Fox was operating as a wing of Republican Party." After a total of 90 seconds, Scott abruptly ended the interview, which Ricks says was slotted to last between three and five minutes

He was yanked because he was invited on (yes, INVITED) to discuss his book and instead went off on a tear of left wing talking points about Fox news and the GOP.

Funny, he didn't mention how CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc. are ALL in bed with the Democrats... he's aparently fine with that.
He was answering questions put to him, actually.
Cover up? I just want a few answers from my government of what happened and why it happened. What went wrong? How do we prevent such tragedy in the future. I also want to know why Susan Rice went down the path of explaining a situation that she really had no idea of what was going on. I want to know why a film was blamed for so long afterwards. I want some transparency instead of secrecy.
If you wanna know what happened, I'll tell you. The people who live in those areas, know exactly who the bad guys and good guys are. They know who are the people that help them and know who are the people that hurt them. They also know who we give support and funding to.

If some country is funding people that come in and bomb your neighborhoods, shoot your family members and trash your economy, you're not going to send them a box of chocolates.
Not if you call them on their propaganda

Fox News pulls the plug on guest Thomas Ricks: Was he being rude or honest? - The Week

"What happens when you agree to come on Fox News and then proceed to hammer the network for serving as a 'wing of the Republican Party'?" asks Eric Wemple at The Washington Post. "Answer: You don't stay on the air too long." That's the lesson Pulitzer Prize–winning military journalist Thomas Ricks learned on Monday, when he was invited on the Fox News show Happening Now to talk about his new book, The Generals, and troop readiness. Host Jon Scott started out asking about the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

"I think that Benghazi generally was hyped, by this network especially

He ended with a flourish: "I think that the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political, partly because Fox was operating as a wing of Republican Party." After a total of 90 seconds, Scott abruptly ended the interview, which Ricks says was slotted to last between three and five minutes

What do you think would happen if a conservative guest did the same thing on "This Week" with George Stephanopolous?"

The same exact thing would happen, dolt.
I think it is way past time everyone recognized Fox as pure BS from a bunch of paid charlatans for big money and special interests. It is impossible watching them as every second or so your sense of reality meets with contradiction. Ever watch 'the five,' more baloney flows from that show in a hour than your local deli in a year.

'Sexism and Racism from the View on Bullshit Mountain' The Contemporary Condition: Sexism and Racism from the View on Bullshit Mountain

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt [ame=]On Bullshit: Harry G. Frankfurt: 0218681122946: Books[/ame]
Here, let's settle it now. Ambassador Stevens and cohort were killed by a group of heavily armed Islamo-fascists.

Brian Terry was killed by a Mexican drug runner.

There lies the truth. Much beyond is folly.

Regards from Rosie

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