Foster the People...Pumped up Kicks


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Keep in mind I am 46, so this song might have been around for awhile...but I just discovered it.
Anyway - I love this song. Great rhythm....I thought it was Flaming Lips when I first heard it.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks‬‏[/ame]
Yeah. I love this song too :eusa_clap: and I'm 45. Kind of reminds me of the 80s mixed with the 60s. :dance: I thought for a moment it was the band Peter, Bjorn and John because it sounds similar to Young Folks. I was wondering if they were conservative and was brought here. Just trying to figure out if these are bright kids. They seem like it from the little I know. Not that "conservative" means "bright", but I get kind of sick of the young kids with over-the-top political views stemming from little wisdom. Of course, I was there once too.
It's about shooting the kids in school with the nice shoes

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