Foster Parents Get Long Sentences for Meanness


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
The mean things done to Indiana children in the Foster Care of this couple is so unthinkable, I can't find it in myself to repeat it. But you can read some of the unbelievable it's here: Indiana foster parents sentenced to prison after video captures abuse of 2 young children

Diane Combs and Tim Combs were convicted after being caught on camera abusing two of their young foster children. The couple later admitted to the abuse, officials said.

Diane Combs, 56, pleaded guilty Tuesday at the Dearborn County Superior Court to charges of aggravated battery. She was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Her husband, Tim Combs, entered a guilty plea to battery charges and was sentenced to 13 years during a hearing earlier this month.

Investigators believe their foster home was a house of horrors, and if not for video of the abuse, prosecutors may not have been able to build a case. A teenage foster child in the house shot the video.
This went on for four years in this household, which sponsored dozens of children, and yes, there were allegations made in the past, discounted because some of the children were taken from mean parents, so somehow without proof, the children were not believed. When you read how egregious the behaviors were, you'll see how it sounds like fiction, except for the video.
This article also adds: "These were children that had been taken away from their parents, because mom and dad have issues, and sometimes these children aren’t always believed," Deddens said.

This should be a warning signal to people who decide to do drugs rather than take care of the kids, thinking "Someone else can take better care of my children than me, and I need those drugs just to get up and enjoy life."

No one can take care of your own children as well as you, and never think anything differently. If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, be the adult and get off them. There are counsellors and psychiatrists, drug and alcohol rehab programs, baby sitters, friends and family. If you are a church member, ask the pastor to put you on their prayer list. If you are a longtime member here, Foxfyre in the Lounge puts people on her prayer list, and the people who post there are supportive. Some cities and counties and even local hospitals have or know of local help available to families for counselling and support. Check them out before calling the adoption services. And the kids will probably turn out okay if you get help to deal with them as they enter and exit various stages of childhood, growing up, and leaving the nest. When things get rough, give it 3 days, and see if things don't get ironed out a bit. If it's really bad and can go no lower, just remember, there's nowhere to go but up, that's why you should give it a little time. Prayer and church counselling are good for a lot of people.

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