Former Pakistani Ambassador Agrees With Romney


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1."Republican candidate Mitt Romney continued his criticism of President Obama's foreign policy today at a fundraiser in New York, claiming he is sending "confusing messages" to the world."

2. "The attacks on U.S. diplomatic missions this week—beginning in Egypt and Libya, and moving to Yemen and other Muslim countries—came under cover of riots against an obscure online video insulting Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. But the mob violence and assaults should be seen for what they really are: an effort by Islamists to garner support and mobilize their base by exacerbating anti-Western sentiments.

3. When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to calm Muslims Thursday by denouncing the video, she was unwittingly playing along with the ruse the radicals set up.

4. The United States would have been better off focusing on the only outrage that was of legitimate interest to the American government: the lack of respect—shown by a complaisant Egyptian government and other Islamists—for U.S. diplomatic missions.

5. ...pretext of slights and offenses against Islam have been part of Islamist strategy for decades. Iran's ayatollahs built an entire revolution around anti-Americanism. While the Iranian revolution was underway in 1979, Pakistan's Islamists whipped up crowds by spreading rumors that the Americans had forcibly occupied Islam's most sacred site, the Ka'aba or the Grand Mosque in Mecca,...

6. ...did not represent spontaneous outrage. In each case, the insult to Islam or its prophet was first publicized by Islamists themselves so they could use it as justification for planned violence.

7. As for affronts, the Western mainstream is, by and large, quite respectful toward Muslims, millions of whom have adopted Europe and North America as their home and enjoy all the freedoms the West has to offer,...

8. ...the U.S. would do well to remember Osama bin Laden's comment not long after the Sept. 11 attacks: "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse." America should do nothing that enables Islamists to portray the nation as the weak horse."
Husain Haqqani: Manipulated Outrage and Misplaced Fury -

Get it????

Obama is clueless.....

....his foreign policy is non-existent!

The very best one can sat about Obama is that he is stupid.
And it cost American lives.

Romney was absolutely correct.

As is the following: as Reagan said " Peace through strength never goes out of style."
Obama went into Pakistan and had Bin Laden killed. Of course Romney and Pakistan are on the "SAME SIDE". I thought that was a "given".
Obama went into Pakistan and had Bin Laden killed. Of course Romney and Pakistan are on the "SAME SIDE". I thought that was a "given".

Did you understand that an expert was testifying that the ineffectual pretender to the presidency has cost American lives due to his weakness and inexperience?


I'm Claude Rains shocked!

Yet, there are some weak-minded Janissaries who pretend that catching up with binLaden makes up for the dozens of foreign policy mistakes....

...guess you're one of 'em, eh?

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