Former Military Become Dishonorable Swiftboaters

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Former Military Become Dishonorable Swiftboaters

Peter Bergen
Ex-SEALs slam Obama over leaks
Ex-military officers take aim at Obama
Adm. McRaven on the bin Laden raid

-- The president announced the bin Laden raid before intelligence picked up from bin Laden's compound could be fully exploited.

WRONG - A Lie: Tweets and news came out of Afghanistan as soon as choppers were and and when Blackhawk crashed Pakistani journalists started arriving at bin Laden's Abbottabad compound

Anatomy of a Raid: Osama bin Laden's final momemts

Mullen then told Obama and his national security team, "Kayani has asked for us to go public," which swayed Obama to announce the raid sooner than was planned. (Obama wanted to wait for 100% DNA confirmation that it was bin Laden. At the time of the president's announcement about the raid the confirmation was at 95%.)

During his speech to the nation and world, Obama did not divulge the name of SEAL Team Six, saying only that a "small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability."

then other bogus charges...answered...

-- The use of hitherto covert "stealth" helicopters on the raid was publicized.

-- The name of the secret unit that executed the raid --SEAL Team Six -- was made public putting them and their families at risk.

-- The name of the Pakistani doctor recruited by the CIA to help find bin Laden was leaked, jeopardizing him and the CIA's ability to recruit spies in the future. The doctor is now serving 33 years in a Pakistani prison.

Pakistani doctor who helped US appeals verdict

-- Obama has taken way too much credit for killing al Qaeda's leader. "Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not," says a former Navy SEAL interviewed in the film.


the 4 accusations above are easily dismissed as the wild rantings and ravings of ex military gone bonkers over Obama
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So trashing the president because OBL was killed on his watch is what you people think will win you votes?

jesus your discusting
As Adm. William McRaven, who was the military commander of the bin Laden raid, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer last month, "at the end of the day, make no mistake about it, it was the president of the United States that shouldered the burden for this operation, that made the hard decisions, that was instrumental in the planning process, because I pitched every plan to him." ..................
When Democrats do it and it's "good", it was really America.

When Republicans did it and it was "bad", it was the Democrats fault for not stopping the Republicans.

Republicans feel the Iraqi's were "ungrateful".

"Responsibility" is not a word in the Republican lexicon.

Funny how all that works out.

re·spon·si·bil·i·ty noun \ri-ˌspän(t)-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē\
plural re·spon·si·bil·i·ties


: the quality or state of being responsible: as
a : moral, legal, or mental accountability
b : reliability, trustworthiness
: something for which one is responsible : burden <has neglected his responsibilities>

Responsibility - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Its jsut beyond scummy.

They didnt get OBL and Bush even said he didnt care about him anymore.

So we get him on Obamas watch and what does the republican party do?

they slime the president because it happned on his watch.

Its makes the stomach turn its so fucking transparent
[ame=]Bush "truly not concerned" about bin Laden! - YouTube[/ame]
Bush couldnt be bothered to get OBL he was too busy lying us into another war
So he is gotten under Obama and the right tries to smear Obama for that?

fuck you people
Former Military Become Dishonorable Swiftboaters

Peter Bergen
Ex-SEALs slam Obama over leaks
Ex-military officers take aim at Obama
Adm. McRaven on the bin Laden raid

-- The president announced the bin Laden raid before intelligence picked up from bin Laden's compound could be fully exploited.

WRONG - A Lie: Tweets and news came out of Afghanistan as soon as choppers were and and when Blackhawk crashed Pakistani journalists started arriving at bin Laden's Abbottabad compound

Anatomy of a Raid: Osama bin Laden's final momemts

Mullen then told Obama and his national security team, "Kayani has asked for us to go public," which swayed Obama to announce the raid sooner than was planned. (Obama wanted to wait for 100% DNA confirmation that it was bin Laden. At the time of the president's announcement about the raid the confirmation was at 95%.)

During his speech to the nation and world, Obama did not divulge the name of SEAL Team Six, saying only that a "small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability."

then other bogus charges...answered...

-- The use of hitherto covert "stealth" helicopters on the raid was publicized.

-- The name of the secret unit that executed the raid --SEAL Team Six -- was made public putting them and their families at risk.

-- The name of the Pakistani doctor recruited by the CIA to help find bin Laden was leaked, jeopardizing him and the CIA's ability to recruit spies in the future. The doctor is now serving 33 years in a Pakistani prison.

Pakistani doctor who helped US appeals verdict

-- Obama has taken way too much credit for killing al Qaeda's leader. "Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not," says a former Navy SEAL interviewed in the film.


the 4 accusations above are easily dismissed as the wild rantings and ravings of ex military gone bonkers over Obama

LEAKING NATIONAL SECURITY TO THE MEDIA--for political gain--is DISHONORABLE. And that's exactly what Obama did.

[ame=]Dishonorable Disclosures - YouTube[/ame]

Thank you, Mr. President.
oh waaaa, I'm sure you all were whining when there military against Booooooooooosh

Since Republicans stopped looking for OBL and "didn't care" where he was, then why should they care he was "put down"? They didn't care before, why should they care now?
The economy sucks because of Bush but we got Osama because of Obama. It all makes sense.

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