Former McCain Strategist Steve Schmidt: Voter Fraud Is GOP ‘Mythology’


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Ryan J. Reilly

A strategist for Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign said on Monday morning that voter fraud was virtually nonexistent in the U.S. and yet has somehow become part of the Republican “mythology.”

“I think that all of this stuff that has transpired over the last two years is in search of a solution to a problem, voting fraud, that doesn’t really exist when you look deeply at the question,” strategist Steve Schmidt said on MSNBC.

“It’s part of the mythology now in the Republican Party that there’s widespread voter fraud across the country,” Schmidt said. “In fact, there’s not. Both sides are lawyered up to the nth degree and they’ll all posture back and forth on it but it probably won’t come down to lawyers.”

More: Steve Schmidt: Voter Fraud Part Of GOP ‘Mythology’ | TPMMuckraker
Sez the strategist for one of the most incompetent presidential campaigns in recent history. :lol:

Actually, the US Justice Dept in 2006 basically said it. The Brennan Center said that a person has a better chance of getting hit by lightening than voter fraud happening.
But you just live in your own little world of fear thanks to the far right wing who is willing to do anything (including trampling on the Constitution), just to gain power.
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I was just watching a former Republican Governor from one of the north eastern states, I didn't catch her name, but she said the US has monitored elections all over the world and what is going on in Florida and Ohio is worse than many third world countries. She said she was appalled and America should be outraged and the Republican Party is going to pay a price for doing what they are doing.
“It’s part of the mythology now in the Republican Party that there’s widespread voter fraud across the country,” Schmidt said.

True, an ‘article of religious faith’ among republicans as to why they lose elections.

Of course it’s easier to just blame ‘fraud’ than to address the GOP’s actual failings.
Yeah, right....Was the person who just got caught voting four times just a figment of out imaginations?

Ha! "Was the person who just got caught voting four times just a figment of out imaginations?" Out of how many million voters? :lol:

One person is all it takes for the right wing to make it a full blown crisis. That's why I call them the party of fear. They fear everything, Health insurance, peace in the middle east, equal pay for equal work, minimum wage, freedom of choice.. on and on.
They live in fear which is why despicable people like ryan/romney get their votes.
Yeah, right....Was the person who just got caught voting four times just a figment of out imaginations?

Nobody said it didn't happen. It's just not nearly as prevelant as some would have us believe. IMO, the Republicans are so convinced it IS happening regularly that, if there's been an uptick, it's them trying to get "even".
And yet people, including candidates, keep getting caught for voter fraud.

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