Former CIA Analyst Names Obama Minions As Leaks In Flynn Probe


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
Former CIA analyst and U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Col Tony Schaffer was pretty straightforward in his Fox Business appearance today, where he said that Obama officials were definitely behind the leaks—and even named a few of them (via Free Beacon):

"Risk and Reward" host Deirdre Bolton asked Shaffer whether he thought leaks from the Obama administration were "the problem."

"Absolutely," Shaffer answered, saying the Obama administration was "directly involved" with the leak.

Shaffer said the blame lay "squarely at the feet of" the former CIA director John Brennan, former director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, and former deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes.

Schaffer added that Flynn was a smart guy and probably didn’t discuss the area about Russian sanctions in the manner that’s been portrayed by the Left because he knew those calls would be analyzed and reviewed somewhere down the road. He agreed that what Flynn said was probably no different than when President Obama said told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev would have more flexibility once the 2012 election was over, which was an example cited by Bolton.

Schaffer noted that what Flynn said—when he called these various foreign officials—probably went along the lines of you’re going to deal with me, these are the issues on the table, and we might revisit them in the future. I agree that’s not necessarily illegal, but misleading the vice president by offering incomplete accounts of the conversations is an offense that could lead to one’s dismissal.
At lawnewz great article on how Sally Yates is knee deep in this as well. This was a serious hit job on Flynn.
The swamp needs to be completely drained, or everyone in the new administration needs to consider using alternative communication methods that cannot be monitored by the Obama Shadow Government.
'They bring a knife, we bring a gun"

This adminstration needs to crush these guys.

Hope they start prosecuting ang cleaning house while they have the opportunity.
At lawnewz great article on how Sally Yates is knee deep in this as well. This was a serious hit job on Flynn.
Reasonable. Fugelsang seems to have attended edthecynic's high school and is a clueless douchebag as result. Either way, he is a mental midget by any standard. So posting a giant MEME implies you also are mentally handicapped.

Another mindless DittoTard!

What is your term for the subversives in Washington, you clueless punk?
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Former CIA analyst and U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Col Tony Schaffer was pretty straightforward in his Fox Business appearance today, where he said that Obama officials were definitely behind the leaks—and even named a few of them (via Free Beacon):

"Risk and Reward" host Deirdre Bolton asked Shaffer whether he thought leaks from the Obama administration were "the problem."

"Absolutely," Shaffer answered, saying the Obama administration was "directly involved" with the leak.

Shaffer said the blame lay "squarely at the feet of" the former CIA director John Brennan, former director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, and former deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes.

Schaffer added that Flynn was a smart guy and probably didn’t discuss the area about Russian sanctions in the manner that’s been portrayed by the Left because he knew those calls would be analyzed and reviewed somewhere down the road. He agreed that what Flynn said was probably no different than when President Obama said told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev would have more flexibility once the 2012 election was over, which was an example cited by Bolton.

Schaffer noted that what Flynn said—when he called these various foreign officials—probably went along the lines of you’re going to deal with me, these are the issues on the table, and we might revisit them in the future. I agree that’s not necessarily illegal, but misleading the vice president by offering incomplete accounts of the conversations is an offense that could lead to one’s dismissal.
Hello??? Anyone home? What we know about Flynn's conversations was directly from our intelligence agencies who told us he talked about sanctions. And then when asked about it he LIED.
You Trumpets keep forgetting these little details.
Former CIA analyst and U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Col Tony Schaffer was pretty straightforward in his Fox Business appearance today, where he said that Obama officials were definitely behind the leaks—and even named a few of them (via Free Beacon):

"Risk and Reward" host Deirdre Bolton asked Shaffer whether he thought leaks from the Obama administration were "the problem."

"Absolutely," Shaffer answered, saying the Obama administration was "directly involved" with the leak.

Shaffer said the blame lay "squarely at the feet of" the former CIA director John Brennan, former director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, and former deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes.

Schaffer added that Flynn was a smart guy and probably didn’t discuss the area about Russian sanctions in the manner that’s been portrayed by the Left because he knew those calls would be analyzed and reviewed somewhere down the road. He agreed that what Flynn said was probably no different than when President Obama said told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev would have more flexibility once the 2012 election was over, which was an example cited by Bolton.

Schaffer noted that what Flynn said—when he called these various foreign officials—probably went along the lines of you’re going to deal with me, these are the issues on the table, and we might revisit them in the future. I agree that’s not necessarily illegal, but misleading the vice president by offering incomplete accounts of the conversations is an offense that could lead to one’s dismissal.

Yup. Heard some of that on the news yesterday. And yes. Flynn lied to Pence.He should have been dismissed.

A guy named Ben Rhodes is the lead suspect. Seems that national security only matters when Obama is POTUS. If they find it was Rhodes that guy is in deep shit.
Former CIA analyst and U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Col Tony Schaffer was pretty straightforward in his Fox Business appearance today, where he said that Obama officials were definitely behind the leaks—and even named a few of them (via Free Beacon):

"Risk and Reward" host Deirdre Bolton asked Shaffer whether he thought leaks from the Obama administration were "the problem."

"Absolutely," Shaffer answered, saying the Obama administration was "directly involved" with the leak.

Shaffer said the blame lay "squarely at the feet of" the former CIA director John Brennan, former director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, and former deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes.

Schaffer added that Flynn was a smart guy and probably didn’t discuss the area about Russian sanctions in the manner that’s been portrayed by the Left because he knew those calls would be analyzed and reviewed somewhere down the road. He agreed that what Flynn said was probably no different than when President Obama said told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev would have more flexibility once the 2012 election was over, which was an example cited by Bolton.

Schaffer noted that what Flynn said—when he called these various foreign officials—probably went along the lines of you’re going to deal with me, these are the issues on the table, and we might revisit them in the future. I agree that’s not necessarily illegal, but misleading the vice president by offering incomplete accounts of the conversations is an offense that could lead to one’s dismissal.
Hello??? Anyone home? What we know about Flynn's conversations was directly from our intelligence agencies who told us he talked about sanctions. And then when asked about it he LIED.
You Trumpets keep forgetting these little details.

Pretty good speculation there cupcake.

No one knows what Flynn said to the Russians. Not yet anyway.

The NY Slimes had a big article. Front page bullshit and in that article, after they tried to accuse Trump and Flynn of everything under the sun, they said there was no evidence of any wrongdoing whatsoever.

You lefties are hysterical and your leaky left wing boats has so many leaks it won't be afloat much longer.
'They bring a knife, we bring a gun"

This adminstration needs to crush these guys.

Hope they start prosecuting ang cleaning house while they have the opportunity.
I'm sure you're all in favor of your fuhrer's march to a dictatorship.

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