Foreigners are crushing it under Biden. Is the ‘American Dream’ for Americans or the world’s people?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
10 million new illegals thrown in the laps of taxpaying Americans and now this….I always thought the American Dream was something extremely prestigious, something reserved for Americans? It looks like this administration has extended said dream to the people of the world. Is anyone sane getting behind this?
10 million new illegals thrown in the laps of taxpaying Americans and now this….I always thought the American Dream was something extremely prestigious, something reserved for Americans? It looks like this administration has extended said dream to the people of the world. Is anyone sane getting behind this?
There hasn't been the "American Dream" for decades in this country. It's just a dream, you have to be asleep to experience it. Right-wing, supply-side, trickle-down economics, gutted our manufacturing base and working class, handing our economy to Wall Street speculators and big finance.
Hey they have to raise their families somehow! dont let a highschool kid looking for his first job get in the way, or some down on his luck senior.
I always thought the American Dream was something extremely prestigious, something reserved for Americans?
If an American Worker wants a job, they can easily get a job.
Your constant bitching isn't changing those FACTS.

Answer this:

Do you personally have any friends, that want a job, but just can't get a job?
I personally don't know a single person that can't find a job.
There are jobs, go get them.

Why aren't you pissed at Road Runner who lives off the Government and won't get a job.
She is exactly what you despise, but she gets a free pass.......WHY?

Prove your dislike.

You have any able bodied friends that can't find a job?
I know of NONE.
Dear Lord.

ALL new jobs.....LOLOLLLOLLLL...that's what your link says.

If so, it's jobs your lazy conservative friends (Road Runner ) won't do.
Long before you struck constituency gold in Mexico’s people blacks and poor whites were doing all those menial jobs.
If an American Worker wants a job, they can easily get a job.
Your constant bitching isn't changing those FACTS.

Answer this:

Do you personally have any friends, that want a job, but just can't get a job?
I personally don't know a single person that can't find a job.
There are jobs, go get them.

Why aren't you pissed at Road Runner who lives off the Government and won't get a job.
She is exactly what you despise, but she gets a free pass.......WHY?
Sure most people are working shitty jobs for shit wages…it’s all about wages. Wages are determined by the supply of potential employees and by wages paid at the bottom of the wage spectrum. This shit is so simple…the more brown parasites you beg to invade the greater the supply at the bottom.
Just think, if a painter was paid $45 per hour how much would an electrical engineer have to make?
10 million new illegals thrown in the laps of taxpaying Americans and now this….I always thought the American Dream was something extremely prestigious, something reserved for Americans? It looks like this administration has extended said dream to the people of the world. Is anyone sane getting behind this?
Huh..from your link:

Vance’s evidence, the Center for Immigration Studies’ analysis, compared employment in the fourth quarter 2019 with the fourth quarter 2023. The fourth quarter covers October, November and December.
The study found that 183,000 fewer native-born workers were employed in 2023 compared with 2019. In contrast, almost 2.9 million more foreign-born workers were employed in 2023 than in 2019.

But in the first year covered by the study, Biden “had no influence whatsoever over foreign migration into the U.S. or over the division of employment gains between the foreign-born and the native-born,” Burtless said. “If we want to assign responsibility for the trends described in the report, the trends were crucially determined by a president named Trump, not Biden.”
Although Vance sought to tie Biden’s immigration policies to the gains in foreign-born employment, the data does not distinguish between recent migrants and immigrants who have been here for decades before Biden became president.
The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the employment levels for native-born and foreign-born people. This is where the Center for Immigration Studies got its numbers, but we looked at what the figures showed for Biden’s tenure only.

These statistics emerge from the same monthly survey that asks households about who is working, who is unemployed but looking for work and who is not currently looking for work. This survey is best known for producing the widely tracked unemployment rate, but it comes with caveats.
Economists consider the household survey data inferior to the one from a different federal survey that asks businesses about the workers they employ, partly because the household survey is much smaller than the businesses survey and thus has a higher margin of error. It also isn’t adjusted for regular seasonal variations, so the data can bounce frequently.

But because the household survey is the only one that asks whether the worker is native-born or foreign-born, it’s the only way to compare patterns between these two groups.
We examined data starting in February 2021, the first full month of Biden’s presidency. And because the household survey data is not seasonally adjusted, the best way to measure from year to year is to look at the same month across different years. So, we compared February 2021 with February 2024, the most recent month for which data is available.

During that period, the native-born employment rose by almost 5.7 million workers, not zero, as Vance said on Fox News. That was a larger increase than the 5.1 million for foreign-born workers. By this metric, about 47% of jobs created during Biden’s presidency went to foreign-born workers, not 100% as Vance said.
Huh..from your link:

Vance’s evidence, the Center for Immigration Studies’ analysis, compared employment in the fourth quarter 2019 with the fourth quarter 2023. The fourth quarter covers October, November and December.
The study found that 183,000 fewer native-born workers were employed in 2023 compared with 2019. In contrast, almost 2.9 million more foreign-born workers were employed in 2023 than in 2019.

But in the first year covered by the study, Biden “had no influence whatsoever over foreign migration into the U.S. or over the division of employment gains between the foreign-born and the native-born,” Burtless said. “If we want to assign responsibility for the trends described in the report, the trends were crucially determined by a president named Trump, not Biden.”
Although Vance sought to tie Biden’s immigration policies to the gains in foreign-born employment, the data does not distinguish between recent migrants and immigrants who have been here for decades before Biden became president.
The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the employment levels for native-born and foreign-born people. This is where the Center for Immigration Studies got its numbers, but we looked at what the figures showed for Biden’s tenure only.

These statistics emerge from the same monthly survey that asks households about who is working, who is unemployed but looking for work and who is not currently looking for work. This survey is best known for producing the widely tracked unemployment rate, but it comes with caveats.
Economists consider the household survey data inferior to the one from a different federal survey that asks businesses about the workers they employ, partly because the household survey is much smaller than the businesses survey and thus has a higher margin of error. It also isn’t adjusted for regular seasonal variations, so the data can bounce frequently.

But because the household survey is the only one that asks whether the worker is native-born or foreign-born, it’s the only way to compare patterns between these two groups.
We examined data starting in February 2021, the first full month of Biden’s presidency. And because the household survey data is not seasonally adjusted, the best way to measure from year to year is to look at the same month across different years. So, we compared February 2021 with February 2024, the most recent month for which data is available.

During that period, the native-born employment rose by almost 5.7 million workers, not zero, as Vance said on Fox News. That was a larger increase than the 5.1 million for foreign-born workers. By this metric, about 47% of jobs created during Biden’s presidency went to foreign-born workers, not 100% as Vance said.
Bizarre as hell that you actually think 5.1 million jobs for foreign born filth is a good thing for America. Sad actually.
Bizarre as hell that you actually think 5.1 million jobs for foreign born filth is a good thing for America. Sad actually.
Stop imposing sanctions on their countries and exploiting their cheap labor, keeping their countries poor by controlling their governments, making sure they never develop a middle class. Workers with rights unionize and demand higher wages with benefits. The last thing American corporations that exploit cheap labor in Latin America want is for these Latin Americans to have a government that protects their rights, hence the constant meddling in the political affairs of these poor Latin American countries by American corporations and their cronies in Washington.

If you continue to deny this, then suffer. Learn Spanish and eat tacos. More "foreign filth" is coming. The fact racist, bigoted Caucasians find the influx of "foreign filth" into their country disturbing gives me an immense amount of satisfaction. I love seeing America go to crap when its behaving like a white-boy empire, screwing people around the world. I'm happy that the "foreign filth" that you're screwing abroad is coming here to screw you. I hope this white-boy empire collapses and goes to hell where it belongs.
Stop imposing sanctions on their countries and exploiting their cheap labor, keeping their countries poor by controlling their governments, making sure they never develop a middle class. Workers with rights unionize and demand higher wages with benefits. The last thing American corporations that exploit cheap labor in Latin America want is for these Latin Americans to have a government that protects their rights, hence the constant meddling in the political affairs of these poor Latin American countries by American corporations and their cronies in Washington.

If you continue to deny this, then suffer. Learn Spanish and eat tacos. More "foreign filth" is coming. The fact racist, bigoted Caucasians find the influx of "foreign filth" into their country disturbing gives me an immense amount of satisfaction. I love seeing America go to crap when its behaving like a white-boy empire, screwing people around the world. I'm happy that the "foreign filth" that you're screwing abroad is coming here to screw you. I hope this white-boy empire collapses and goes to hell where it belongs.
Our White brilliant founders created this nation for White citizens only. It should be that way today as America would be great again!
Our White brilliant founders created this nation for White citizens only. It should be that way today as America would be great again!
Red Front like all FEELZ based Libs can never tell us or show us (based on data) how America improves as it becomes darker.
These are the people we need to identify, round-up and throw in concentration camps that make Auschwitz look like DisneyLand.
Our White brilliant founders created this nation for White citizens only. It should be that way today as America would be great again!
Show me where the US constitution states, that "the people" are solely White aka Europeans.
And to forward a totally outdated view as beheld in e.g. the 18th century in 2024 - only shows that you are living in a cave.

The entire history of the USA is based (until today) onto immigrants off all kind of religions, races and ethnicity, having initially robbed the lands of an indigenous population. (aka pure Colonialism). From ALL European settled countries - the USA is by far the most divers one and constitutes the least % of Europeans, in view of the other ethnic groups (whilst being more or less solely ruled by European decedents).

If one factors out those Hispanics (that are factually NOT Europeans) but termed "White" in the USA, those of real European decent are factually a minority in the USA.
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Our White brilliant founders created this nation for White citizens only. It should be that way today as America would be great again!

Not while you're imposing economic sanctions upon other countries, isolating them from the international banking system, bullying countries into not doing business with them or establishing normal diplomatic relations. The USD is the world's reserve currency, hence Washington essentially controls the international banking system, including the SWIFT money transfer network.

When the US Empire imposes economic sanctions upon your country, you're screwed. The American Empire will isolate your country, turning it into a leper. No one will come near you. For example, any cargo ship that anchors in Cuba or Venezuela, can't anchor in the US for six months. That expensive cargo ship is barred from the largest consumer market in the world, for six months, for anchoring in Cuba, an Island nation in the Caribbean. Who in their right mind is going to go near Cuba knowing they can't access the American Empire's economy for six months after they do that? The US government knows where every cargo ship in the world, is:

No one would choose to trade with Cuba over the American Empire. Venezuela is also sanctioned and much of the illegal immigration is coming from there. If you continue to bully other countries, taking their shit:

The "foreign filth" will come here to The Empire and will take your shit. The white "imperial citizens" don't like all of these brown folks coming here from the lands they're screwing. Well too bad white-boy, these people are going to come here to screw you. You screw them, they screw you. Like I said, learn Spanish and eat tacos. Suffer.
Show me where the US constitution states, that "the people" are solely White aka Europeans.
And to forward a totally outdated view as beheld in e.g. the 18th century in 2024 - only shows that you are living in a cave.

The entire history of the USA is based (until today) onto immigrants off all kind of religions, races and ethnicity, having initially robbed the lands of an indigenous population. (aka pure Colonialism). From ALL European settled countries - the USA is by far the most divers one and constitutes the least % of Europeans, in view of the other ethnic groups (whilst being more or less solely ruled by European decedents).

If one factors out those Hispanics (that are factually NOT Europeans) but termed "White" in the USA, those of real European decent are factually a minority in the USA.
Show me where the US constitution states, that "the people" are solely White aka Europeans.
It's actually the first legislation by the 1st Congress of the new nation wanting ONLY White people as it's citizens.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) was a law of the United States Congress that set the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limited naturalization to "free White person(s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, enslaved people, free Africans, Pacific Islanders, and non-White Asians

Just think of a land free of Negro citizens. A land without third world brown filth.
10 million new illegals thrown in the laps of taxpaying Americans and now this….I always thought the American Dream was something extremely prestigious, something reserved for Americans? It looks like this administration has extended said dream to the people of the world. Is anyone sane getting behind this?
They scoop up all the shit jobs. the American working poor just get poorer and screwed harder

They also made provision for all of these laws to be changed, and "amended", and hence all of your silly racist rhetoric is flushed down the latrine. It doesn't matter if the founders of this country were white racist slave owners because we've overcome that crap. Only a few weak-minded, white racist morons continue appealing to America's white racist past to justify their bigotry and stupidity.
They also made provision for all of these laws to be changed, and "amended", and hence all of your silly racist rhetoric is flushed down the latrine. It doesn't matter if the founders of this country were white racist slave owners because we've overcome that crap. Only a few weak-minded, white racist morons continue appealing to America's white racist past to justify their bigotry and stupidity.
Are you White?
They also made provision for all of these laws to be changed, and "amended", and hence all of your silly racist rhetoric is flushed down the latrine. It doesn't matter if the founders of this country were white racist slave owners because we've overcome that crap. Only a few weak-minded, white racist morons continue appealing to America's white racist past to justify their bigotry and stupidity.
Hahaha..Fuck all your FEELZ bullshit..just show us some data that suggests that a darker America is a better America. You can’t so you won’t DaShawn.

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