Ford To Cut 8000 Internal Combustion Engine Jobs To Focus On Electrification

It's my call when my State says I can't but a new ICE vehicle after 2035.

I see that as being an apologist.

It's the legislature and the governor, they passed and signed a law saying it will happen.

Which means the majority of people in your state were fine with that law.

You have a bunch of options.
1) You could move to another state. Probably inevitable that the whole country will ban them, but hopefully, you'll be dead by then.
2) You could buy one of the last ICE Cars in 2034. Proper maintenance, that could last you until 2044, easy.
3) Or you can just learn to live with a EC... Just like you had to learn to live without Asbestos, Lawn Darts, etc.
Or they recognize that ICE cars are on the way out, and they need to move to the next big thing.
Yes, but the “next big thang” mandated by morons in power seldom turn out as expected

I saw a report where liberals in california have no way to dispose of end-of-life solar panels except to bury them in the ground

Where they will leak toxic elements into the ground water

Thats what happens when libs go off half cocked
Yes, but the “next big thang” mandated by morons in power seldom turn out as expected

I saw a report where liberals in california have no way to dispose of end-of-life solar panels except to bury them in the ground

Where they will leak toxic elements into the ground water

Thats what happens when libs go off half cocked

Tesla, the most popular EV manufacturer as of late, claims that it can recycle and reuse up to 92% of an old EV battery. The company has an EV sustainability and recycling support page that suggests, “none of our scrapped lithium-ion batteries go to landfilling, and 100% are recycled.”

Tesla, the most popular EV manufacturer as of late, claims that it can recycle and reuse up to 92% of an old EV battery. The company has an EV sustainability and recycling support page that suggests, “none of our scrapped lithium-ion batteries go to landfilling, and 100% are recycled.”

On paper, in theory perhaps

But the idea is mostly vaporware

The point is that greenies are out of control and not acting rationally
Innovation forward does not always come without sacrifice. According to a report earlier today, Ford Motor Company is planning to cut as many as 8,000 jobs, pertaining mostly to positions in the American automaker’s internal combustion division. The layoffs are said to help wean Ford off ICE production and use those funds to further invest in EV development.

Fuck those peasants all in the name of progress. Lets all cheer as we hammer the shit out of the poor and middle class so that we can appear to stop a 1 degree temperature increase in the next century.
On paper, in theory perhaps

But the idea is mostly vaporware

The point is that greenies are out of control and not acting rationally

Of course we should turn to the expert, yourself.
Innovation forward does not always come without sacrifice. According to a report earlier today, Ford Motor Company is planning to cut as many as 8,000 jobs, pertaining mostly to positions in the American automaker’s internal combustion division. The layoffs are said to help wean Ford off ICE production and use those funds to further invest in EV development.

I'm dumping all my Ford stock ....screw the dividends
Why not just retrain the people they have to build EV's then?
Really ?
You think it’s just a matter of retraining ?
Why not just retrain the people they have to build EV's then?
The ICE engine has 2000 moving parts in its drive train and the EV has twenty..
How does that translate ? Electric motors are out sourced by builders in nearly everyother product that uses them. The plants that make them by simple math use 1/10 the number of people.
Not only that, an EV requires NO TRANSMISSION in the traditional sense.
So much for retraining to build anything in new EVs.
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Ford’s electric truck was only able to tow a trailer 85 miles before the battery died

Guess you never heard of a hybrid. Today’s batteries lack energy density. They aren’t made for long distance towing. The vast majority of people don’t tow. Dedicated EVs aren’t made yet for heavy towing.long distance
Innovation forward does not always come without sacrifice. According to a report earlier today, Ford Motor Company is planning to cut as many as 8,000 jobs, pertaining mostly to positions in the American automaker’s internal combustion division. The layoffs are said to help wean Ford off ICE production and use those funds to further invest in EV development.

When will Leftards start sacrificing themselves?
Of what difference does this make? I still drive an ICE but this is a private company making its own decisions. Companies fire workers all the time. With the labor surplus we have now it's easy to find new ones. It's called capitalism.
Which means the majority of people in your state were fine with that law.

You have a bunch of options.
1) You could move to another state. Probably inevitable that the whole country will ban them, but hopefully, you'll be dead by then.
2) You could buy one of the last ICE Cars in 2034. Proper maintenance, that could last you until 2044, easy.
3) Or you can just learn to live with a EC... Just like you had to learn to live without Asbestos, Lawn Darts, etc.

No, it means voter apathy and party line voting lets them do this shit even when people don't want it.

Look at what happened when people realized what a dipshit Bragg was when he won the DA's office.

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