For The Snowflakes Who Declared Reality Winner Could Be an American 'Hero'...

Make no mistake that Reality Winner now that she has been caught and arrested and all of her plans foiled is a domestic terrorist. If she ever has the opportunity, she will try to do something much bigger than just leak a few papers. Behind those sweet, pretty eyes is deep hatred. She is a Radicalized American just waiting to strike again.
Make no mistake that Reality Winner now that she has been caught and arrested and all of her plans foiled is a domestic terrorist. If she ever has the opportunity, she will try to do something much bigger than just leak a few papers. Behind those sweet, pretty eyes is deep hatred. She is a Radicalized American just waiting to strike again.

Just look how much damage she's done to this country until now. Imagine how far she would have gone if not caught.
Make no mistake that Reality Winner now that she has been caught and arrested and all of her plans foiled is a domestic terrorist. If she ever has the opportunity, she will try to do something much bigger than just leak a few papers. Behind those sweet, pretty eyes is deep hatred. She is a Radicalized American just waiting to strike again.

Just look how much damage she's done to this country until now. Imagine how far she would have gone if not caught.

The side question is: just how much of a leaker is Comey? Did he really leak just the one time? People will now be looking at whether other leaks did not come from him. Just imagine, if he is found out (very possible) to be a serial leaker, he will be the highest official ever caught in government working as an activist political spy to undermine his own government and the consequences could be very heavy. I suspect that Washington is rife with them and Reality Winner is just a small fry. Washington DC is a big iceberg with 95% of it below the water.

WHEN THE DEMOCRATS start going on a McCarthy-type witch hunt for spies, saboteurs, collaborators and agents, that tells me that THE DEMOCRATS THEMSELVES are full of spies, saboteurs, collaborators and agents!
Make no mistake that Reality Winner now that she has been caught and arrested and all of her plans foiled is a domestic terrorist. If she ever has the opportunity, she will try to do something much bigger than just leak a few papers. Behind those sweet, pretty eyes is deep hatred. She is a Radicalized American just waiting to strike again.

Just look how much damage she's done to this country until now. Imagine how far she would have gone if not caught.

The side question is: just how much of a leaker is Comey? Did he really leak just the one time? People will now be looking at whether other leaks did not come from him. Just imagine, if he is found out (very possible) to be a serial leaker, he will be the highest official ever caught in government working as an activist political spy to undermine his own government and the consequences could be very heavy. I suspect that Washington is rife with them and Reality Winner is just a small fry. Washington DC is a big iceberg with 95% of it below the water.

WHEN THE DEMOCRATS start going on a McCarthy-type witch hunt for spies, saboteurs, collaborators and agents, that tells me that THE DEMOCRATS THEMSELVES are full of spies, saboteurs, collaborators and agents!

I guess it doesn't matter how much or what he leaked. The thing is these people never face anything but a tongue lashing when caught. Lerner is still a free woman, so is her friend Hillary, so is her friend Huma.......

And it seems there is always some little loophole written into law that puts them above the average Joe in this country.
Make no mistake that Reality Winner now that she has been caught and arrested and all of her plans foiled is a domestic terrorist. If she ever has the opportunity, she will try to do something much bigger than just leak a few papers. Behind those sweet, pretty eyes is deep hatred. She is a Radicalized American just waiting to strike again.

Just look how much damage she's done to this country until now. Imagine how far she would have gone if not caught.

The side question is: just how much of a leaker is Comey? Did he really leak just the one time? People will now be looking at whether other leaks did not come from him. Just imagine, if he is found out (very possible) to be a serial leaker, he will be the highest official ever caught in government working as an activist political spy to undermine his own government and the consequences could be very heavy. I suspect that Washington is rife with them and Reality Winner is just a small fry. Washington DC is a big iceberg with 95% of it below the water.

WHEN THE DEMOCRATS start going on a McCarthy-type witch hunt for spies, saboteurs, collaborators and agents, that tells me that THE DEMOCRATS THEMSELVES are full of spies, saboteurs, collaborators and agents!

I guess it doesn't matter how much or what he leaked. The thing is these people never face anything but a tongue lashing when caught. Lerner is still a free woman, so is her friend Hillary, so is her friend Huma.......

And it seems there is always some little loophole written into law that puts them above the average Joe in this country.

If they want to investigate something, why not investigate why Comey:

A). Allowed one of the suspects in the Hillary Email to represent Hillary as an attorney???
B). Never swore Hillary under oath???
C). After the investigation, destroyed several of her computers and smartphones containing key, irreplaceable evidence???

Huh? Huh?

What about it, Jim?
The question is, should they too be held accountable?

Absolutely. It is nothing less than sedition. Imagine if you talked that way conspiring against your own country, government and people in most other countries? In many countries, they SHOOT YOU just for THINKING you did it!

Lock them up, charge them, and start teaching constitutional principle, morality, ethics, religious values, the family unit, federalism, manifest destiny, civics, and organic law again in the schools like they used to, salute the flag and pledge your allegiance to your country again.

What makes you think they do not teach those things in schools today? No one remembers what they are taught. THAT is the problem.
Make no mistake that Reality Winner now that she has been caught and arrested and all of her plans foiled is a domestic terrorist. If she ever has the opportunity, she will try to do something much bigger than just leak a few papers. Behind those sweet, pretty eyes is deep hatred. She is a Radicalized American just waiting to strike again.

Just look how much damage she's done to this country until now. Imagine how far she would have gone if not caught.

The side question is: just how much of a leaker is Comey? Did he really leak just the one time? People will now be looking at whether other leaks did not come from him. Just imagine, if he is found out (very possible) to be a serial leaker, he will be the highest official ever caught in government working as an activist political spy to undermine his own government and the consequences could be very heavy. I suspect that Washington is rife with them and Reality Winner is just a small fry. Washington DC is a big iceberg with 95% of it below the water.

WHEN THE DEMOCRATS start going on a McCarthy-type witch hunt for spies, saboteurs, collaborators and agents, that tells me that THE DEMOCRATS THEMSELVES are full of spies, saboteurs, collaborators and agents!

I guess it doesn't matter how much or what he leaked. The thing is these people never face anything but a tongue lashing when caught. Lerner is still a free woman, so is her friend Hillary, so is her friend Huma.......

And it seems there is always some little loophole written into law that puts them above the average Joe in this country.

If they want to investigate something, why not investigate why Comey:

A). Allowed one of the suspects in the Hillary Email to represent Hillary as an attorney???
B). Never swore Hillary under oath???
C). After the investigation, destroyed several of her computers and smartphones containing key, irreplaceable evidence???

Huh? Huh?

What about it, Jim?

And let's not forget that meeting between Bill and Lynch.

A non-bias FBI director would have called her out on that. Here is what I think took place:

Bill addressed Lynch about Hillary. Lynch was in a pickle because her not brining charges against Hillary would point to corruption. Bill, knowing what Comey was going to say, provided her an out.

After that plane meeting, Lynch publicly announced that she would follow any recommendations by the FBI director. The problem with that is no FBI director in the past ever made recommendations as to what the DOJ should do with the information they provided. A bigger problem is how Lynch knew the FBI director would make such a recommendation in the first place.
What makes you think they do not teach those things in schools today?

Go find a public school curriculum.

No one remembers what they are taught.

I do.

Newsflash: I am a public school teacher and have been for twenty years. Like most people, you have no clue as to what is being taught in school because you haven't been there in decades. You assume too much!

The curriculae you say do not exist are available on-line for almost every school, district or state.

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