For Someone Who Supposedly Lost, Trump Sure Has Coattails, And For Someone Who Supposedly Won, Biden Sure Doesn’t:

Stop shouting. We're all right here. The fact that Trump lost and down ballot Republicans did better than expected should be proof to you that there was no voter fraud. This election was a referendum on Trump and his lousy job as President. That's why he's gone.

And Democrats still control the House. And Republicans have 22 seats to defend in the Senate in just two years, and a lot of them won't be as safe as this last election was. Things aren't going to be as comfortable for the magats in the not so distant future.


AP Politics

· 5h
BREAKING: Republican David Valadao wins election to U.S. House in California's 21st Congressional District, beating incumbent Rep. TJ Cox. #APracecall at 10:32 a.m. PST. #Election2020 #CAelection Election 2020

3 left and the GOP leads in all 3.

If they take 2 of the 3 that will be 12 pick ups and leave Ice Cream Nancy with only a 5 seat margin. After redistricting, the GOP will have a tailwind to pick up at least 7 seats in 2022. Ding Dong Witch Nancy Will Soon Be Gone.

What a fabulous GOP election, marred only by the illegitimate theft of the Presidency by Illegitimate Joe.

Time to make our Elections Open and Verifiable Again!

Dude, stop drinking the Kool Aid.

On average, House Republicans received 2.5% more of the vote than Trump.

That's because enough #NeverTrumpers and other Republicans voted for GOP candidates down-ballot but couldn't pull the trigger on Trump.
Fake News. 93% of the GOP vote went for Trump, an improvement over 2016. The naked Biden only votes shipped in during the nights after the election allowed Biden to steal the vote, but, did not alter the powerful GOP election that has left the Left staggering.

Pelosi's history, Biden stealing the election won't make him lucid. His nut burger cabinet choices won't get confirmed. The margins are too close for any House or Senate members to join the cabinet. He's a lame duck before he even starts. The GOP will pick up the House in less than 24 months and working through the State Legislatures, make sure this is the last election you steal. And without being able to steal elections, your dismal election performances will deteriorate even further. You'll be reduced to trying to conduct all the elections you can off presidential ballots so that you can evade the ballot integrity being imposed by the State Legislatures, and everyone will be laughing at you.

No one really likes you guys and your reflexive fascist urge to control others. We are free Americans committed to mutual respect, not top down control by the C minus students who steal elections.
Stop shouting. We're all right here. The fact that Trump lost and down ballot Republicans did better than expected should be proof to you that there was no voter fraud. This election was a referendum on Trump and his lousy job as President. That's why he's gone.
Fake News. Numerous poll workers have already submitted sworn affidavits that thousands and thousands of ballots with nothing on them but a vote for Biden were delivered nightly in massive stacks in sufficient numbers to keep Biden in the lead as the daily counts were updated. This matches the results exactly The GOP had a landslide election and the Dems stole the presidency for an imbecile who will be a lame duck before he is even sworn in. Read the "Palms" if you need more info.
First state to say they can't certify this election is will be AZ and the rust belt will follow.....

They've already certified PA.

And the PA SC upheld it today.

Stop mainlining your alt-right media.

Why do you ill informed morons keep saying this?
First state to say they can't certify this election is will be AZ and the rust belt will follow.....

They've already certified PA.

And the PA SC upheld it today.

Stop mainlining your alt-right media.

Why do you ill informed morons keep saying this?
friday trumps thursday. you FUCKING ARROGANT TWAT. ill informed, he queefs.

So have they certified the election in Pennsylvania?
No they havent ya numbskull.
First state to say they can't certify this election is will be AZ and the rust belt will follow.....

They've already certified PA.

And the PA SC upheld it today.

Stop mainlining your alt-right media.

Why do you ill informed morons keep saying this?
friday trumps thursday. you FUCKING ARROGANT TWAT. ill informed, he queefs.

So have they certified the election in Pennsylvania?
No they havent ya numbskull.
yes, they have. did they not tell you on russian news network?
Stop shouting. We're all right here. The fact that Trump lost and down ballot Republicans did better than expected should be proof to you that there was no voter fraud. This election was a referendum on Trump and his lousy job as President. That's why he's gone.

It was obviously a joke, but I wanted to verify that with the OP before reporting it being in the wrong Forum.

I see it has been moved.

I have no more interest inn it now.

No it wasn't obviously a joke, WillHaftawaite you snitch retard.

SCOTUSblog is a law blog written by lawyers, law professors, and law students about the Supreme Court of the United States (sometimes abbreviated "SCOTUS"). The blog was formerly sponsored by Bloomberg Law. The site tracks cases before the Court from the certiorari stage through the merits stage. The site live blogs as the Court announces opinions and grants cases, and sometimes has information on the Court's actions published before either the Court or any other news source does. The site frequently hosts symposiums with leading experts on the cases before the Court. The site comprehensively covers all of the cases argued before the Court and maintains an archive of the briefing and other documents in each case.​

Which says a helluva lot more than the average poster and you on this site.

I couldn't give a shit where it was posted

But thank you for contributing to the further dumbdowning of this site. Wah! wah! wah!

Billy Crystal Crying GIF by MOODMAN - Find & Share on GIPHY
This election was a referendum on Trump and his lousy job as President.


he did such a lousy job, he got nearly 7 million more votes than he did 4 years ago...

I swear, I wonder if some of you people can walk and chew gum at the same time.

More people getting up off the couch and voting, more younger people and first time voters (never have voted) registering to vote. There was a lot at stake this election.
What's so difficult to grasp about that. I swear, you idiots see apparitions behind every door. :)

That explains Bidens numbers, NOT Trumps.


He was a piss poor president. most of the newspapers and news stations proclaimed it for 4 yeaers.

Same reasoning applies. Everybody that registered to vote..didn't necessarily vote for Biden.
This was a contentious and well publicized election.

And yes, Trump was a piss poor President. Still is. That's why the voters showed him the door.
Dang, another 100 posts and you'll be up to 7000 in less than a year.
That's gotta be a new course and stadium record
Stop shouting. We're all right here. The fact that Trump lost and down ballot Republicans did better than expected should be proof to you that there was no voter fraud. This election was a referendum on Trump and his lousy job as President. That's why he's gone.
Fake News. Numerous poll workers have already submitted sworn affidavits that thousands and thousands of ballots with nothing on them but a vote for Biden were delivered nightly in massive stacks in sufficient numbers to keep Biden in the lead as the daily counts were updated. This matches the results exactly The GOP had a landslide election and the Dems stole the presidency for an imbecile who will be a lame duck before he is even sworn in. Read the "Palms" if you need more info.

Fake news huh? How bout those lawsuits? How they comin? Looks like they're fake as well..with absolutely no wins.
The GOP did better than expected. They should have been kneecapped for the next decade. But that's OK, they're on
the clock for the next two years. It won't just be the party of "no" and constant obstruction. They're going to have to prove
they can govern. Because in two years, if they've shown they can't, then the kneecapping comes.
Stop shouting. We're all right here. The fact that Trump lost and down ballot Republicans did better than expected should be proof to you that there was no voter fraud. This election was a referendum on Trump and his lousy job as President. That's why he's gone.

It was obviously a joke, but I wanted to verify that with the OP before reporting it being in the wrong Forum.

I see it has been moved.

I have no more interest inn it now.

No it wasn't obviously a joke, WillHaftawaite you snitch retard.

SCOTUSblog is a law blog written by lawyers, law professors, and law students about the Supreme Court of the United States (sometimes abbreviated "SCOTUS"). The blog was formerly sponsored by Bloomberg Law. The site tracks cases before the Court from the certiorari stage through the merits stage. The site live blogs as the Court announces opinions and grants cases, and sometimes has information on the Court's actions published before either the Court or any other news source does. The site frequently hosts symposiums with leading experts on the cases before the Court. The site comprehensively covers all of the cases argued before the Court and maintains an archive of the briefing and other documents in each case.​

Which says a helluva lot more than the average poster and you on this site.

I couldn't give a shit where it was posted

But thank you for contributing to the further dumbdowning of this site. Wah! wah! wah!

Billy Crystal Crying GIF by MOODMAN - Find & Share on GIPHY
This election was a referendum on Trump and his lousy job as President.


he did such a lousy job, he got nearly 7 million more votes than he did 4 years ago...

I swear, I wonder if some of you people can walk and chew gum at the same time.

More people getting up off the couch and voting, more younger people and first time voters (never have voted) registering to vote. There was a lot at stake this election.
What's so difficult to grasp about that. I swear, you idiots see apparitions behind every door. :)

That explains Bidens numbers, NOT Trumps.


He was a piss poor president. most of the newspapers and news stations proclaimed it for 4 yeaers.

Same reasoning applies. Everybody that registered to vote..didn't necessarily vote for Biden.
This was a contentious and well publicized election.

And yes, Trump was a piss poor President. Still is. That's why the voters showed him the door.
Dang, another 100 posts and you'll be up to 7000 in less than a year.
That's gotta be a new course and stadium record

First state to say they can't certify this election is will be AZ and the rust belt will follow.....

They've already certified PA.

And the PA SC upheld it today.

Stop mainlining your alt-right media.

Why do you ill informed morons keep saying this?
friday trumps thursday. you FUCKING ARROGANT TWAT. ill informed, he queefs.

So have they certified the election in Pennsylvania?
No they havent ya numbskull.
yes, they have. did they not tell you on russian news network?

Post a link.
My theory is that Xiden got the votes of the young, most fully indoctrinated first-time voters. But their attention span wouldn't permit them to even read "down ballot". OK, maybe not their attention spans....perhaps just their limited reading skills.
Stop shouting. We're all right here. The fact that Trump lost and down ballot Republicans did better than expected should be proof to you that there was no voter fraud. This election was a referendum on Trump and his lousy job as President. That's why he's gone.

It was obviously a joke, but I wanted to verify that with the OP before reporting it being in the wrong Forum.

I see it has been moved.

I have no more interest inn it now.

No it wasn't obviously a joke, WillHaftawaite you snitch retard.

SCOTUSblog is a law blog written by lawyers, law professors, and law students about the Supreme Court of the United States (sometimes abbreviated "SCOTUS"). The blog was formerly sponsored by Bloomberg Law. The site tracks cases before the Court from the certiorari stage through the merits stage. The site live blogs as the Court announces opinions and grants cases, and sometimes has information on the Court's actions published before either the Court or any other news source does. The site frequently hosts symposiums with leading experts on the cases before the Court. The site comprehensively covers all of the cases argued before the Court and maintains an archive of the briefing and other documents in each case.​

Which says a helluva lot more than the average poster and you on this site.

I couldn't give a shit where it was posted

But thank you for contributing to the further dumbdowning of this site. Wah! wah! wah!

Billy Crystal Crying GIF by MOODMAN - Find & Share on GIPHY
This election was a referendum on Trump and his lousy job as President.


he did such a lousy job, he got nearly 7 million more votes than he did 4 years ago...

I swear, I wonder if some of you people can walk and chew gum at the same time.

More people getting up off the couch and voting, more younger people and first time voters (never have voted) registering to vote. There was a lot at stake this election.
What's so difficult to grasp about that. I swear, you idiots see apparitions behind every door. :)

That explains Bidens numbers, NOT Trumps.


He was a piss poor president. most of the newspapers and news stations proclaimed it for 4 yeaers.

Same reasoning applies. Everybody that registered to vote..didn't necessarily vote for Biden.
This was a contentious and well publicized election.

And yes, Trump was a piss poor President. Still is. That's why the voters showed him the door.
Dang, another 100 posts and you'll be up to 7000 in less than a year.
That's gotta be a new course and stadium record

Holy Shit!!!
Almost 7k posts in less than a year!!!!!


AP Politics

· 5h
BREAKING: Republican David Valadao wins election to U.S. House in California's 21st Congressional District, beating incumbent Rep. TJ Cox. #APracecall at 10:32 a.m. PST. #Election2020 #CAelection Election 2020

3 left and the GOP leads in all 3.

If they take 2 of the 3 that will be 12 pick ups and leave Ice Cream Nancy with only a 5 seat margin. After redistricting, the GOP will have a tailwind to pick up at least 7 seats in 2022. Ding Dong Witch Nancy Will Soon Be Gone.

What a fabulous GOP election, marred only by the illegitimate theft of the Presidency by Illegitimate Joe.

Time to make our Elections Open and Verifiable Again!

Dude, stop drinking the Kool Aid.

On average, House Republicans received 2.5% more of the vote than Trump.

That's because enough #NeverTrumpers and other Republicans voted for GOP candidates down-ballot but couldn't pull the trigger on Trump.
Fake News. 93% of the GOP vote went for Trump, an improvement over 2016. The naked Biden only votes shipped in during the nights after the election allowed Biden to steal the vote, but, did not alter the powerful GOP election that has left the Left staggering.

Pelosi's history, Biden stealing the election won't make him lucid. His nut burger cabinet choices won't get confirmed. The margins are too close for any House or Senate members to join the cabinet. He's a lame duck before he even starts. The GOP will pick up the House in less than 24 months and working through the State Legislatures, make sure this is the last election you steal. And without being able to steal elections, your dismal election performances will deteriorate even further. You'll be reduced to trying to conduct all the elections you can off presidential ballots so that you can evade the ballot integrity being imposed by the State Legislatures, and everyone will be laughing at you.

No one really likes you guys and your reflexive fascist urge to control others. We are free Americans committed to mutual respect, not top down control by the C minus students who steal elections.

First state to say they can't certify this election is will be AZ and the rust belt will follow.....

They've already certified PA.

And the PA SC upheld it today.

Stop mainlining your alt-right media.

Why do you ill informed morons keep saying this?
friday trumps thursday. you FUCKING ARROGANT TWAT. ill informed, he queefs.

So have they certified the election in Pennsylvania?
No they havent ya numbskull.
They have.
So have they certified the election in Pennsylvania?
No they havent ya numbskull.

Yes, they did.

The governor certified it on Monday. A PA state judge blocked it on Wednesday. And the 3rd District overturned the state court on Friday.

Do try to keep up.

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