For Anyone Still Unclear On The Differences Between 'Them' and The West


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
How dare they defame the monarch, NOT!

By Michelle Malkin · February 11, 2006 06:01 PM


Can the radical Islamists get any stupider? Having grown tired of burning buildings, tearing flags, hanging effigies, and threatening suicide bombings over 12 little cartoons, they have now superimposed the Queen of Denmark's head onto the body of a woman wearing a red bikini. Danish reader Michael L. sends the story in and writes:

In response to the Muhammed cartoons, an Egyptian paper has decided to run a picture of the queen, Margrethe II, as a belly-dancer. Apparently it's supposed to make us angry, go out and burn the Egyptian embassy or something... I'm just laughing at their poor attempt.

I'm laughing, too.

Now, contrast our reaction with how the Islamists responded when they were confronted with women in bathing suits. Remember?

215 Dead in Riots Sparked by Miss World Sunday, November 24, 2002

LAGOS, Nigeria — The regional governor warned rioters would be shot on sight Sunday as hundreds of people fled the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna after four days of religious violence over the Miss World pageant killed 200 people.

The violence among Muslims and Christians began after a newspaper article last week said Islam's founding prophet would have chosen a Miss World contestant for a wife. The pageant was then moved to London and the contestants packed their gear and flew to the British capital.

By late Saturday, the Nigerian Red Cross counted 215 bodies on the streets and in mortuaries throughout Kaduna, 100 miles north of the capital Abuja, said Emmanuel Ijewere, president of the organization. Previous estimates said 100 people killed.

An unknown number of others killed in the riots were believed to have been buried by family members uncounted, Ijewere told The Associated Press.

No new violence was reported Sunday in Kaduna, a Muslim-dominated city with a large Christian minority. Still, hundreds of people recovered what valuables they could from their destroyed homes and fled in cars, buses and on foot.

Those who stayed attended church services and replenished food stocks at markets, where a few meat and vegetable stalls reopened.

The Kaduna governor, Ahmed Makarfi, told state radio that security forces would "shoot on sight" anyone inciting new violence.

Yakubu Ibrahim, 27, returned to find his home in ruins Sunday after taking refuge at a local army barracks for three days.

"I lost everything except my shirt and my pants. I don't even have shoes," said Ibrahim, whose parents and four siblings were missing after the riots.

The fighting began after the Lagos-based ThisDay newspaper published an article on Nov. 16 saying Islam's founding prophet would have approved of the pageant.

That's the difference between Us and Them.
So this is an "Us" or Them" problem with you, Kathianne. I am surprised, actually shocked that you would be so shallow.

"Us" and "Them" actually happen to be "Us". tsk, tsk, tsk

These idiots are like little kids in a name-calling contest on the playground. I'm guessing everyone's heard of their ploy to have people submit holocaust cartoons to test "the West's" tolerance of freedom of speech.

This deal about Denmark's queen is just silly.

These Arabs are so wacky and primitive. Every time they make a move, it's like watching an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies.
Psychoblues said:
So this is an "Us" or Them" problem with you, Kathianne. I am surprised, actually shocked that you would be so shallow.

"Us" and "Them" actually happen to be "Us". tsk, tsk, tsk

"Us" and "Them" is a problem with me as well.
In fact, it is by far the most difficult problem we
face in the world today- a medieval, intractible
beserk Islamic fundamentalism. This cartoon rioting
is only the latest statement of the obvious, and
there is nothing shallow about taking note of it.
The post was a joke photoshop which illustrates Viking's point. There is a difference between 'us' and 'them.'
Hobbit said:
I followed the link to see the picture. The queen of Denmark is hot...
She is, and so are her two younger sisters.

One of them, Anne Marie, married Constantine,
then King of Greece, later deposed in a military coup.

This was back in the mid-1960s, when I was a
hormone-fired adolescent. I recall weeping and
wailing to myself: "Oh Ann Marie, why couldn't
you have waited for me!?"

The present Queen is a fine lady as well, who
has always been held in the highest regard by
her subjects.

This was a factor in Denmark's changing its
1000- year old laws of royal succession to
allow Margarethe to become the first female
to be the crowned monarch of the nation.
Hagbard Celine said:
These idiots are like little kids in a name-calling contest on the playground. I'm guessing everyone's heard of their ploy to have people submit holocaust cartoons to test "the West's" tolerance of freedom of speech.

This deal about Denmark's queen is just silly.

These Arabs are so wacky and primitive. Every time they make a move, it's like watching an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies.

may have been backwoods but they had good sense, hence the humor and ongoing success of that program in reruns. Muslims, on the other hand, are backwards, barely literate, and prove such with everything they do and say. The Beverly Hillbillies had 2 of the top 20 viewed television programmes in US history. That WILL make you think...

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