Foolish form of tolerance Belgian Christmas market changes name to winter market


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Organizers of a Christmas market in the Belgian city of Bruges have changed its name to ‘Winter Market’, with some claiming the switch was made so as not to offend Muslims.
“Foolish Form of Tolerance”: Belgian ‘Christmas Market’ Changes Name to ‘Winter Market’

You idiots deserve everything you lost over there and will keep losing just like the morons in the US are trying to create the same situations for us, we will be damed if we put up with this bs much longer it seems America has had enough of their dumbed down slobs who are nothing ore than victims of pysch warfare, weak minds and totally weak minded idiots,.
Organizers of a Christmas market in the Belgian city of Bruges have changed its name to ‘Winter Market’, with some claiming the switch was made so as not to offend Muslims.
“Foolish Form of Tolerance”: Belgian ‘Christmas Market’ Changes Name to ‘Winter Market’

You idiots deserve everything you lost over there and will keep losing just like the morons in the US are trying to create the same situations for us, we will be damed if we put up with this bs much longer it seems America has had enough of their dumbed down slobs who are nothing ore than victims of pysch warfare, weak minds and totally weak minded idiots,.

Are Europe's Left Wingers colluding with the Islamist to ban Christmas?
America's Left Wingers are offended by Christmas.
Remember the San Bernardino massacre was done at a Christmas Party.

san bernidinovictims.jpg
The Market runs from 23rd November until the 1st January, why does it need to be called a "Christmas" market anyway? Also it's still called a Christmas Market in all the travel literature, so it sounds like another one of Mind(less) Wars' fake news conspiracy theories, to me.
I am going to boycott their waffles until they stop bending the knee to political correctness! :mad:
Fake news again. the only politician quoted is a sex offender.

Its outrageou that the "banning christmas" stories seem to be coming earlier every year.
Organizers of a Christmas market in the Belgian city of Bruges have changed its name to ‘Winter Market’, with some claiming the switch was made so as not to offend Muslims.
“Foolish Form of Tolerance”: Belgian ‘Christmas Market’ Changes Name to ‘Winter Market’

You idiots deserve everything you lost over there and will keep losing just like the morons in the US are trying to create the same situations for us, we will be damed if we put up with this bs much longer it seems America has had enough of their dumbed down slobs who are nothing ore than victims of pysch warfare, weak minds and totally weak minded idiots,.
Back to what these markets were before the christians pre-empted what were pagan celebrations. Good. We all know that the so-called nativity didn't happen in the winter if it happened at all anyways.
Organizers of a Christmas market in the Belgian city of Bruges have changed its name to ‘Winter Market’, with some claiming the switch was made so as not to offend Muslims.

The best solution is to kick all Muslims out from the country, back to donkeys, Sahara, camels and 7th century.

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