Food banks

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Do you have foodbanks in the US ? They are the single biggest growth organiation in the UK under the Tories. People are starving whilst the eite spend millions on royal weddings. just like the middle ages.

It's always nice to give away a couple of dusty tins of lima beans that you wouldn't eat on a bet.


It always made me feel like a better person.
It's always nice to give away a couple of dusty tins of lima beans that you wouldn't eat on a bet.


It always made me feel like a better person.
/----/ As a southern boy, I like Lima beans. Grew up on them along with black eye peas.
It's always nice to give away a couple of dusty tins of lima beans that you wouldn't eat on a bet.


It always made me feel like a better person.
/----/ As a southern boy, I like Lima beans. Grew up on them along with black eye peas.

Green Limas?

Btw, I risked a 10-year old can of La Choy Chow Mein a couple weeks ago. :aargh:
Yes we have food banks here, Tommy. They're even subsidized by the Fed government.

I used to take a friend to go deal out the food and help sometimes. It's a good program. They're usually at churches.
It's always nice to give away a couple of dusty tins of lima beans that you wouldn't eat on a bet.


It always made me feel like a better person.
/----/ As a southern boy, I like Lima beans. Grew up on them along with black eye peas.

Green Limas?

Btw, I risked a 10-year old can of La Choy Chow Mein a couple weeks ago. :aargh:
/----/ Green Limas, the only kind I know. BTW I hate butter beans.
The US has tons of food banks. Last I heard they are regularly patronized by Amazon employees, while their boss makes billions.
Do you have foodbanks in the US ? They are the single biggest growth organiation in the UK under the Tories. People are starving whilst the eite spend millions on royal weddings. just like the middle ages.


I grew up in a one room church with a three-story Sunday school building next door. We had four horizontal freezers an a massive pantry in the basement—all full of food. Part of our teen confirmation into the church process involved working homeless shelters and delivering food to the needy both within and without of our congregation. As a teen I also hunted deer for the church who gladly accepted the venison. Oh yeah, that was Northern Baltimore County, Maryland circa the 1980's.
Do you have foodbanks in the US ? They are the single biggest growth organiation in the UK under the Tories. People are starving whilst the eite spend millions on royal weddings. just like the middle ages.

Yes we have food banks here, as we also have poor, because the last president decided to make even more poor while giving billions to the elite uber wealthy with is Quantitative Easing plan....Just of late, more people with the help of this President and the Republican Congress, are making life easier by lowering taxes(not like you guys at 75%) in the US and more people are using their God given gifts to find a job and living the American Dream. Yet there are still plenty of lazy ass liberals and Illegals who are sitting on their asses and bitching and moaning how unfair life is while taking using welfare to keep their sorry existence going.....

I remember this scene a few years ago... It was about 200 years late, but maybe soon, you too will break away from the Tyranny of the Royal Family..

Do you have foodbanks in the US ? They are the single biggest growth organiation in the UK under the Tories. People are starving whilst the eite spend millions on royal weddings. just like the middle ages.

Yes we have food banks here, as we also have poor, because the last president decided to make even more poor while giving billions to the elite uber wealthy with is Quantitative Easing plan....Just of late, more people with the help of this President and the Republican Congress, are making life easier by lowering taxes(not like you guys at 75%) in the US and more people are using their God given gifts to find a job and living the American Dream. Yet there are still plenty of lazy ass liberals and Illegals who are sitting on their asses and bitching and moaning how unfair life is while taking using welfare to keep their sorry existence going.....

I remember this scene a few years ago... It was about 200 years late, but maybe soon, you too will break away from the Tyranny of the Royal Family..

You are so fucked up mate. Those of us who arent afraid to walk the mean streets of Britain salute your fox inspired bullshit.
Do you have foodbanks in the US ? They are the single biggest growth organiation in the UK under the Tories. People are starving whilst the eite spend millions on royal weddings. just like the middle ages.

Yes we have food banks here, as we also have poor, because the last president decided to make even more poor while giving billions to the elite uber wealthy with is Quantitative Easing plan....Just of late, more people with the help of this President and the Republican Congress, are making life easier by lowering taxes(not like you guys at 75%) in the US and more people are using their God given gifts to find a job and living the American Dream. Yet there are still plenty of lazy ass liberals and Illegals who are sitting on their asses and bitching and moaning how unfair life is while taking using welfare to keep their sorry existence going.....

I remember this scene a few years ago... It was about 200 years late, but maybe soon, you too will break away from the Tyranny of the Royal Family..

You are so fucked up mate. Those of us who arent afraid to walk the mean streets of Britain salute your fox inspired bullshit.

22 killed in explosion after U.K. concert featuring Ariana Grande
MANCHESTER, England — Children were among the 22 people killed in a suicide attack after an Ariana Grande concert at Britain's Manchester Arena, police confirmed Tuesday.
Nothing to see here, right mate? The Cesspool that you call England has nothing to worry about...…

Muslim Driver Shouting "Allahu Akhbar!" Runs Over 11 People In France "For The Children Of Palestine" - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor
A driver shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he ploughed into groups of people in the eastern French city of Dijon on Sunday evening, AFP reports.

11 people were injured, two of them seriously, in the attack, a source close to the investigation said.
how about this one, mate.


At least someone here has put a stop on the rampant migration of Radical Muslims into our country while yours is slowly killing itself...Liberals have a death wish, which is why they are always miserable.

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