Following and Followers


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Sounds creepy. I preferred the Friend word myself even though Friend is a misnomer since it's hard to know someone on a message board and bestow that honor onto them...and vice versa. Howsomever...I have not been using it and decided creepy or not...I will. And if they enjoy my company, they will honor the request to "follow" their asses (stalk comes to mind, but in a friendly way, lol).

Anyone here use that function? Or is it just me that decided to follow and be followed? AND...can the FOLLOW be changed to FRIEND? Just askin'.
All of my past friends became Followers (and me following them), after the software change (which I actually like btw). Some I do not even remember.
What are you going to name your cult?

Better than stalkers I guess...

Maybe associates?
Who are you speaking to SL?

I think a good name for "friends" or "followers" would be...hmm...Able To Co Exist?

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