"Follow the science"... well is that true for "Science" you are unfamiliar with like the "Grand Solar Minimum"?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So according to the science... we should be more concerned about temperature "reduction".

During the last grand solar minimum (GSM), the Maunder Minimum of 1645 to 1715, glaciers advanced, rivers froze, sea ice expanded --
in short, the Little Ice Age. Is another one is almost upon us?
The progressives say that we’re so deep into anthropogenically accelerated climate change (AACC) that there’s almost no time left to turn things around. Nope, sorry squad members.
What we can predict, instead, is an overall temperature reduction of 1 degree Centigrade by the end of the GSM. Afterward, natural warming at the rate of around 0.5 C. every hundred years will continue for the next 600 years or so.
If normally-correlating volcanism takes place, the additional material in the atmosphere will further darken the globe and provide even more opportunity for condensation and cloud formation.
Last year, Dr. Valentina Zharkova wrote “This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum…would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth” (not to mention their livestock).
On the federal level, take the brakes off energy production. No more talk of closing power plants, especially coal-fired ones, or of removing hydroelectric dams. Reinstate the Keystone XL pipeline; we’re going to need that fuel available to us when the predictable contraction of the global fuel market occurs.
Science is not about PARROTING

When you PARROT, you are not practicing science.

Instead, you are simply proving that you have a BEAK and a BIRDBRAIN
So according to the science... we should be more concerned about temperature "reduction".

During the last grand solar minimum (GSM), the Maunder Minimum of 1645 to 1715, glaciers advanced, rivers froze, sea ice expanded --
in short, the Little Ice Age. Is another one is almost upon us?
The progressives say that we’re so deep into anthropogenically accelerated climate change (AACC) that there’s almost no time left to turn things around. Nope, sorry squad members.
What we can predict, instead, is an overall temperature reduction of 1 degree Centigrade by the end of the GSM. Afterward, natural warming at the rate of around 0.5 C. every hundred years will continue for the next 600 years or so.
If normally-correlating volcanism takes place, the additional material in the atmosphere will further darken the globe and provide even more opportunity for condensation and cloud formation.
Last year, Dr. Valentina Zharkova wrote “This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum…would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth” (not to mention their livestock).
On the federal level, take the brakes off energy production. No more talk of closing power plants, especially coal-fired ones, or of removing hydroelectric dams. Reinstate the Keystone XL pipeline; we’re going to need that fuel available to us when the predictable contraction of the global fuel market occurs.

If normally-correlating volcanism takes place,

What is "normally-correlating volcanism"?

Correlated to what, a solar minimum? Link?
So according to the science... we should be more concerned about temperature "reduction".
Nope. According to the science, that’s not a realistic possibility.

Oh, but it is. Solar flares have reduced significantly. And the sun determines our temp. Not the Paris Accord, not the UN. The UN said this:
They went on to explain that it is a redistribution of wealth. Mostly ours.

They changed from "global warming" to "climate" because they knew what the sun was doing. They understand solar max vs solar min.
So according to the science... we should be more concerned about temperature "reduction".

During the last grand solar minimum (GSM), the Maunder Minimum of 1645 to 1715, glaciers advanced, rivers froze, sea ice expanded --
in short, the Little Ice Age. Is another one is almost upon us?
The progressives say that we’re so deep into anthropogenically accelerated climate change (AACC) that there’s almost no time left to turn things around. Nope, sorry squad members.
What we can predict, instead, is an overall temperature reduction of 1 degree Centigrade by the end of the GSM. Afterward, natural warming at the rate of around 0.5 C. every hundred years will continue for the next 600 years or so.
If normally-correlating volcanism takes place, the additional material in the atmosphere will further darken the globe and provide even more opportunity for condensation and cloud formation.
Last year, Dr. Valentina Zharkova wrote “This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum…would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth” (not to mention their livestock).
On the federal level, take the brakes off energy production. No more talk of closing power plants, especially coal-fired ones, or of removing hydroelectric dams. Reinstate the Keystone XL pipeline; we’re going to need that fuel available to us when the predictable contraction of the global fuel market occurs.

What is the science behind the prediction of a GSM. It doesn't appear to be any time soon!

A periodic solar event called a "grand minimum" could overtake the sun perhaps as soon as 2020 and lasting through 2070, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth — all bringing a cooler period to the planet that may span 50 years
So according to the science... we should be more concerned about temperature "reduction".
Nope. According to the science, that’s not a realistic possibility.

Oh, but it is. Solar flares have reduced significantly. And the sun determines our temp. Not the Paris Accord, not the UN. The UN said this:
They went on to explain that it is a redistribution of wealth. Mostly ours.

They changed from "global warming" to "climate" because they knew what the sun was doing. They understand solar max vs solar min.

A new study entitled – Overlapping Magnetic Activity Cycles and the Sunspot Number: Forecasting Sunspot Cycle 25 Amplitude published in the November 2020 issue of Solar Physics shows that all may not be what it seems when it comes to our host star. Specifically, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientists in the study looked at 270 years of sunspot numbers, using a mathematical analysis. What they found is that the earlier a cycle terminates, the stronger the next cycle tends to be, once it’s in full swing. With a solar minimum occurring just under nine years later for Cycle 24 in December 2019, This new analysis suggests that Solar Cycle 25 may see solar and sunspot activity returning with a vengeance. The last time we had a short nine-year termination was Cycle 18 in the 1950s, which was then followed by Solar Cycle 19, one of the strongest in the 20th century.


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