Flu Season is Coming


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

Flu Season is coming this fall as it always does.

Now that we know Terral was lying and all of the mindless minions were echoing his false statements; you should really get a flu shot. The CDC says the following:

Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine as soon as vaccine is available this fall. While flu is unpredictable, it’s likely that 2009 H1N1 viruses and regular seasonal viruses will cause illness in the U.S. this flu season. The 2010-2011 flu vaccine will protect against three different flu viruses: an H3N1 virus, an influenza B virus and the H1N1 virus that caused so much illness last season.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

There is no reason not to get one; the fear mongering, the hype, the lies, the half-truths have all been proven to be the work of people who simply are crazy. :cuckoo:

Do yourself and your family a great service and get a flu shot at your local Public Health clinic this fall. Stick it to big-medicine by supporting your public health entities; you're paying the taxes anyway....you may as well get your shot for nearly free?!?!?!

By doing that you not only save yourself some money; you also just may prevent some fat cat CEO/CFO/COO/CIO from getting their "inducement" from the manufacturer...if you don't think that goes on....that the brass at Humana are given bonuses by the manufacturers for how many flu shots they give...keep on dreaming.

Support Public Health. Go to a clinic. It won't be the best 30 minutes of your life but you'll be doing something good for yourself and your community.

This has been a public service message brought to you by:

Candy R. Corn
Member, The Ruling Elite since 1977
Make sure and drink plenty of fluoridated/chlorinated water to wash it down.
Don't forget a nice glass of irradiated milk to wash down your chickenbiotics, cooked in an oil that doesn't exist in nature..
The FDA will keep you safe !
Gawd Blass murka.
Make sure and drink plenty of fluoridated/chlorinated water to wash it down.
Don't forget a nice glass of irradiated milk to wash down your chickenbiotics, cooked in an oil that doesn't exist in nature..
The FDA will keep you safe !
Gawd Blass murka.

Oh well, logic and proof doesn't work on everybody.
Make sure and drink plenty of fluoridated/chlorinated water to wash it down.
Don't forget a nice glass of irradiated milk to wash down your chickenbiotics, cooked in an oil that doesn't exist in nature..
The FDA will keep you safe !
Gawd Blass murka.

Oh well, logic and proof doesn't work on everybody.

Could this have been what Terral was talking about?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_MIZHW6JCs]YouTube - ‪The Boondocks Fried Chicken Flu Adult Swim Promo‬‎[/ame]​

Fast forward to the 8:00 mark to hear from our Commander in Chief.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r282MK9mHvw]YouTube - ‪The Boondocks Season 3 Episode 13 pt1: The Fried Chicken Flu‬‎[/ame]​
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life, and have only had the flu twice.

I barely even got so much as a cold until children came into my life.

You don't need shots.

What you need is to live your life intelligently. Wash your hands, eat right, take vitamins, exercise, keep your house clean, etc.

The shot is a cop out for those who are lazy. People I know who get the shot get sick way more than those I know who don't.
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life, and have only had the flu twice.

I barely even got so much as a cold until children came into my life.

You don't need shots.

What you need is to live your life intelligently. Wash your hands, eat right, take vitamins, exercise, keep your house clean, etc.

The shot is a cop out for those who are lazy. People I know who get the shot get sick way more than those I know who don't.

Very good. Whatever works for you.
i refuse to get any sort of injection ever again. (maybe tetnis BUT THATS IT!) ...and morphene.
Another Flu Season = Another "Crisis." Bet on it. The pharmaceutical corporations run our country now. Everyone is on drugs,even your babies.
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life, and have only had the flu twice.

I barely even got so much as a cold until children came into my life.

You don't need shots.

What you need is to live your life intelligently. Wash your hands, eat right, take vitamins, exercise, keep your house clean, etc.

The shot is a cop out for those who are lazy. People I know who get the shot get sick way more than those I know who don't.

Very good. Whatever works for you.

yeah flu shots only make things worse.The last time I had a flu shot was 12 years ago.I got really sick later on much worse than i already was.I have never had a flu shot ever since and since then,I have never been sick since.I stopped going to doctors and I also started taking vitamins and herbs.Best decision I ever made.Dont have to see doctors anymore.
Looks like this year's Fear Mongering dujour is going to be all about that "Super Bug." They're already beginning to get the fear monger ball rolling on that one. Every Flu Season is the same. This year it's the "Super Bug" and next year it will be the "Super Duper Bug." I really do believe the pharmaceutical corporations rule the World. Everyone is on drugs.
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life, and have only had the flu twice.

I barely even got so much as a cold until children came into my life.

You don't need shots.

What you need is to live your life intelligently. Wash your hands, eat right, take vitamins, exercise, keep your house clean, etc.

The shot is a cop out for those who are lazy. People I know who get the shot get sick way more than those I know who don't.

Very good. Whatever works for you.

yeah flu shots only make things worse.The last time I had a flu shot was 12 years ago.I got really sick later on much worse than i already was.I have never had a flu shot ever since and since then,I have never been sick since.I stopped going to doctors and I also started taking vitamins and herbs.Best decision I ever made.Dont have to see doctors anymore.

My aunt also gets sick after receiving flu shots, but she still gets them (she's old). I had the Shanghai flu in 1988 or 1989. Never had the flu before that and haven't had it since and never get shots. Biggest prevention of illness? Wash your hands and keep them away from your face. Another thing I've noticed . . . . we keep our house around 64/65 degrees in the winter (gradually reduced it down from 68/70) and we rarely get sick since doing this. No clue if there is a connection but just thought I'd pass that along. Oh yeah, clorox is da bomb! lol
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life, and have only had the flu twice.

I barely even got so much as a cold until children came into my life.

You don't need shots.

What you need is to live your life intelligently. Wash your hands, eat right, take vitamins, exercise, keep your house clean, etc.

The shot is a cop out for those who are lazy. People I know who get the shot get sick way more than those I know who don't.

Very good. Whatever works for you.

yeah flu shots only make things worse.The last time I had a flu shot was 12 years ago.I got really sick later on much worse than i already was.I have never had a flu shot ever since and since then,I have never been sick since.I stopped going to doctors and I also started taking vitamins and herbs.Best decision I ever made.Dont have to see doctors anymore.

You could keep platoons of psychiatrists employed for many decades. I think you should do what is right for science and let them figure out what in the hell is wrong with you.
Fear Mongering about the Flu has become as predictable and expected as the Sun rising in the east and setting in the West. This year it's all about that "Super Bug." Last year it was H1N1 and the year before it was the Bird Flu and so on and so on. This stuff really does make you think that the pharmaceutical corporations do control the world's governments. Hmm?
Fear Mongering about the Flu has become as predictable and expected as the Sun rising in the east and setting in the West. This year it's all about that "Super Bug." Last year it was H1N1 and the year before it was the Bird Flu and so on and so on. This stuff really does make you think that the pharmaceutical corporations do control the world's governments. Hmm?
Prophetic. Although lots of people are knee deep in the Covid scamdemic.

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