Floodgates Open: Biden Admin To Increase Number Of Migrants Released Into U.S. By 800%, Reports Say


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
From a pandemic to the planned invasion of turd-world people aka Biden's Insurrection Border (BIB).

The Democrats don't give a shit about America and Americans.

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly moving to significantly increase the number of migrants released into the U.S. who were apprehended by U.S. officials for trying to illegally enter the country.

The move comes as Biden’s border crisis has continued to worsen, withs a recent report saying that U.S. officials believe they will encounter 2 million migrants illegally trying to enter the U.S. southern border this year. That is more than the population of Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming — combined.

“The Biden administration anticipates that it will be releasing 400 migrant families into the country a day by mid-June as the influx of people encountered illegally crossing the border overwhelms its detention capacity,” The Washington Examiner reported. “The 400 figure is eight times greater than the 50 families that Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement were releasing from its facilities each day early on in 2021. As of mid-March, Border Patrol agents were seeing 500 people arrive as part of a family group per day.”

Illegal border crossings remained near 20-year highs for the month of April with roughly 175,000 illegal aliens projected to be taken into U.S. Customs and Border Patrol custody.

Fox News expanded on the report from The Washington Examiner, adding that the move by the Biden administration was an attempt to “cope” with Biden’s border crisis.

From a pandemic to the planned invasion of turd-world people aka Biden's Insurrection Border (BIB).

The Democrats don't give a shit about America and Americans.

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly moving to significantly increase the number of migrants released into the U.S. who were apprehended by U.S. officials for trying to illegally enter the country.
The move comes as Biden’s border crisis has continued to worsen, withs a recent report saying that U.S. officials believe they will encounter 2 million migrants illegally trying to enter the U.S. southern border this year. That is more than the population of Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming — combined.
“The Biden administration anticipates that it will be releasing 400 migrant families into the country a day by mid-June as the influx of people encountered illegally crossing the border overwhelms its detention capacity,” The Washington Examiner reported. “The 400 figure is eight times greater than the 50 families that Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement were releasing from its facilities each day early on in 2021. As of mid-March, Border Patrol agents were seeing 500 people arrive as part of a family group per day.”
Illegal border crossings remained near 20-year highs for the month of April with roughly 175,000 illegal aliens projected to be taken into U.S. Customs and Border Patrol custody.
Fox News expanded on the report from The Washington Examiner, adding that the move by the Biden administration was an attempt to “cope” with Biden’s border crisis.

They claim 80 million voted for this idiot. Fraud all the way.
From a pandemic to the planned invasion of turd-world people aka Biden's Insurrection Border (BIB).

The Democrats don't give a shit about America and Americans.

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly moving to significantly increase the number of migrants released into the U.S. who were apprehended by U.S. officials for trying to illegally enter the country.
The move comes as Biden’s border crisis has continued to worsen, withs a recent report saying that U.S. officials believe they will encounter 2 million migrants illegally trying to enter the U.S. southern border this year. That is more than the population of Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming — combined.
“The Biden administration anticipates that it will be releasing 400 migrant families into the country a day by mid-June as the influx of people encountered illegally crossing the border overwhelms its detention capacity,” The Washington Examiner reported. “The 400 figure is eight times greater than the 50 families that Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement were releasing from its facilities each day early on in 2021. As of mid-March, Border Patrol agents were seeing 500 people arrive as part of a family group per day.”
Illegal border crossings remained near 20-year highs for the month of April with roughly 175,000 illegal aliens projected to be taken into U.S. Customs and Border Patrol custody.
Fox News expanded on the report from The Washington Examiner, adding that the move by the Biden administration was an attempt to “cope” with Biden’s border crisis.

Migrants my ass. They are all illegal aliens and should be packed in busses and sent back to the border. Instead that dumbass is bussing and flying them all over our country. Many have the Chinese virus. Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year. Every state should refuse to take them.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country, not more brought in by that incompetent stuttering fuck.


Migrants my ass. They are all illegal aliens and should be packed in busses and sent back to the border. Instead that dumbass is bussing and flying them all over our country. Many have the Chinese virus. Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year. Every state should refuse to take them.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country, not more brought in by that incompetent stuttering fuck.
Every few years these democRats come to their senses and realize there is a better life getting off welfare and working for a living so they have to boost their ranks and what better way than a bunch of uneducated illegals without the sense to pour piss out of their boots they pissed in. With this flood of useless people can you even think of the cash this ass hole biden has cost us. When you total the number this is more than a drop in the bucket to the point of high treason I can make a sure bet this cash will be for years not weeks or months. Put that with the crooked bull shit this fuck has scammed other nations out of he should have rotted from the tree decades ago. We serious should grow a pair if it already isn't too late. Considering he barges about his unlawful behavior it probably is.
The above description of border events is the direct result of Stupid Deluded Americans participating in, Cheering, approving and making excuses for all the vicious cruel, murderous wars that USA has carried out for 121 years to now.
America's deliberate rebellion against the Word/logic of YahvehShua has resulted in the Curse described in Isaiah 5 being applied against America. That Curse breaks down the watch towers, hedges and walls that protected the American vineyard.
And, so, because of our immense production of bitter fruit, YahvehShua has raised a flag to many nations to come into America and plunder it.
Americans were thought they would never be called on regarding their land titles to stolen land. Now they are being called on.
And Isaiah 5 is only one of the curses being applied to the American Babylon/Sodom.
From a pandemic to the planned invasion of turd-world people aka Biden's Insurrection Border (BIB).

The Democrats don't give a shit about America and Americans.

Democrat President Joe Biden is reportedly moving to significantly increase the number of migrants released into the U.S. who were apprehended by U.S. officials for trying to illegally enter the country.
The move comes as Biden’s border crisis has continued to worsen, withs a recent report saying that U.S. officials believe they will encounter 2 million migrants illegally trying to enter the U.S. southern border this year. That is more than the population of Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming — combined.
“The Biden administration anticipates that it will be releasing 400 migrant families into the country a day by mid-June as the influx of people encountered illegally crossing the border overwhelms its detention capacity,” The Washington Examiner reported. “The 400 figure is eight times greater than the 50 families that Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement were releasing from its facilities each day early on in 2021. As of mid-March, Border Patrol agents were seeing 500 people arrive as part of a family group per day.”
Illegal border crossings remained near 20-year highs for the month of April with roughly 175,000 illegal aliens projected to be taken into U.S. Customs and Border Patrol custody.
Fox News expanded on the report from The Washington Examiner, adding that the move by the Biden administration was an attempt to “cope” with Biden’s border crisis.

Total nonsense.
And not A word about testing them for the Fauci FLU. An 800% increase in the number of Fauci Flu infested illegals shipped around the country.

But make sure you ban an unvaccinated family member from your Christmas.
Isaiah 5 describes what is happening regarding USA's Southern border.
Walls broken down, YahvehShua raises a flag for many nations to come plunder America; And they do, and no one can stop them.

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