FLASHBACK: Gallup Had Carter Up 4 Points Over Ronald Reagan in September 1980

When he is elected, he will destroy the crazee right.

I am glad you have removed the mask so we can see how crazee you guys are.

Anyone who is not left of center is hard right compared to you
Romney will not be allowed to be another obama or George Bush
If you truly support Romney and America you will say I agree.
If you disagree you agree with what bush and obama have done.
I truly support America and Romney because I know the far right is the enemy of all that is good in America.

Thank you for revealing your evil.
I truly support America and Romney because I know the far right is the enemy of all that is good in America.

Thank you for revealing your evil.

Yes I realize wanting the opposite of bush and obama seems evil too you, but Romney will be the opposite he will not have any other choice in the matter.
Romney will be neither Bush nor Obama while kicking you guys in the balls.
BHO is not a shoo in.

Nor is 1980 anyway representative of 2012 either. Obama is not Carter, Romney is not Reagan, and no John Anderson third party is messing up the waters.

This race will be close unless one or the other bombs in the debates, which I don't think will happen.

We can only hope history repeats itself this fall and BO loses big just like the the peanut nutty farmer in 1980.

But this time we also need a total repudiation of Liberalism and all its horrific consequences....so that it can't be repeated. Imagine how great America would be if only it would follow conservative/libertarian policies for 50 years, rather than shitty liberalism.

Yup. I remember that well. Carter was supposed to win and Reagan won in a landslide.

Funny how quite a few of the lefties on this board think Barry is a shoe in.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were them.

Obama has it sewn up. What is a thing of the past is Presidential coat-tails. They will never exist again.

I think over the next few weeks, you'll see the GOP fundraising shift to taking back the Senate.
Well, the way Romney is bombing in this Libya debacle,you may be right.
Romney's folks have split strategy, advertising, and speech writing into three positions instead of one.

The inside staff have sworn there will be no more "Libya moments", no more catering to the crazee right.

The campaign is going to focus on economics and reach for the center.

This is smart.

We have to go into the future without dragging all the bad luggage from the 1950s with us.

We will watch the bigrebs in the rear view mirror running in our dust.
Romney's folks have split strategy, advertising, and speech writing into three positions instead of one.

The inside staff have sworn there will be no more "Libya moments", no more catering to the crazee right.

The campaign is going to focus on economics and reach for the center.

This is smart.

We have to go into the future without dragging all the bad luggage from the 1950s with us.

We will watch the bigrebs in the rear view mirror running in our dust.

Jake, Romney will lose.

Big Reb and all the other folks will say, "It's because he wasn't a real conservative".... and he will own this defeat all on his own.

As he deserves to.
If Romney loses, the GOP leadership are going to look straight at the far right crazees.

My party may will have to dump them if it wants to survive.
Romney's folks have split strategy, advertising, and speech writing into three positions instead of one.

The inside staff have sworn there will be no more "Libya moments", no more catering to the crazee right.

The campaign is going to focus on economics and reach for the center.

This is smart.

We have to go into the future without dragging all the bad luggage from the 1950s with us.

We will watch the bigrebs in the rear view mirror running in our dust.

Jake, Romney will lose.

Big Reb and all the other folks will say, "It's because he wasn't a real conservative".... and he will own this defeat all on his own.

As he deserves to.

How will Romney lose with the U.S. economy has been managed by obama so badly?

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