FLASHBACK: Biden Tells Migrants To 'Surge to the Border'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I wondered when this would ever start showing up in the news.

As a candidate, Joe Biden said that if he were elected president, migrants should "immediately surge to the border." The migrants took him up on it.
"What I would do as president is several more things," Biden said at the first Democratic primary debate for the 2020 election. "I would in fact make sure that there is… We immediately surge to the border, all those people who are seeking asylum."

As president, Biden followed through on reversing the immigration policies of former president Donald Trump, which he called "cruel" and "inhumane." Biden administration policies have led to an unprecedented border surge, with Biden overseeing the highest number of border crossings—roughly 5.5 million—in U.S. history.

I wondered when this would ever start showing up in the news.

I wondered when this would ever start showing up in the news.

I wondered when this would ever start showing up in the news.

[ Trump put children in cages, for years, separated from their families. This is what should have been done]

The Biden administration is moving around thousands of employees to support federal personnel ahead of an expected significant increase in migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border in hopes the additional assistance will help mitigate the chaos as a key policy expires.
About 1,400 Homeland Security Department employees will join the 1,500 Defense Department personnel going to the border as Title 42 ends Thursday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said. The pandemic-era policy allowed border personnel to quickly turn away most migrants without adjudicating potential asylum claims, but the Biden administration ended its use by court order. Officials have estimated the change could at least double the number of migrant encounters per day at the southwest border.
About 1,000 of the deployed staff will come from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and will quickly conduct migrant interviews to determine eligibility for asylum, Mayorkas said. The administration has stressed it plans to expand its use of expedited removal procedures to quickly deport new arrivals. It has also finalized its new asylum rule, which significantly restricts asylum access for those who cross the border unlawfully.
DHS will send nearly 200 Federal Air Marshals to the border as well, restarting a process it began—and subsequently paused—last fall. The deployments are mandatory, Dave Londo, president of the Air Marshals National Council, said, and employees will be sent for 21-day rotations. Last year, the air marshals assisted with duties such as hospital watch, transportation and welfare checks. While DHS has maintained that the deployments would not threaten safety on passenger flights, Londo decried the decision as “crazy” and said it would damage morale in the workforce.
According to a report from CNN, the Secret Service is also sending employees to assist at the border. A DHS spokesperson said in addition to the mandatory assignments, DHS was soliciting employees "willing to volunteer" to "serve in non-law enforcement capacities, such as helping store and label property of those detained, picking up needed supplies, basic housekeeping, data entry, or transporting files to and from [Customs and Border Protection] locations." On top of those from other components, CBP will have 24,000 agents and officers in the area.
Earlier in his tenure, President Biden tapped the Federal Emergency Management Agency to address a record increase in migrant children at the border. FEMA, CBP, Federal Protective Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other DHS employees have all in recent years deployed through the department's Volunteer Force to staff shelters, provide security and offer other support. DHS personnel are also deploying internationally as part of an effort to help process potential migrants where they reside before they travel to the United States.

When the Biden administration first rolled out its plan for the end of Title 42 last year, it previewed that it would send officers, agents and other staff throughout its workforce to address and process the anticipated increased stream of immigrants. It also left open the possibility it would ask for personnel assistance from other federal agencies, though no such request has yet been issued.

(full article online)

The second reason I voted for Trump in 2020 was his border policy ... I hated it ... BUT ... his policies exposed all the problems with the current law, daring Congress to do something about it ... which they didn't ... so Trump's inhuman treatment of these poor oppressed peoples got splashed all over the news ...

Stupid us sent the same people back to Congress ... more profitable fighting over the problem than solving it ... we don't want unemployed ICE agents now do we? ...
Border crossing were down overwhelmingly before Biden took office. No sooner than he won did they start surging again.
Scare the families with separating children from parents and of course the crossings are going to go down.

Those children and parents are still going through what was done to them.

Don't even try it pal!!

Anyone with two brain cells knows why we are now seeing record #'s!!!

These people knew the moment Biden became president, that they would have an easier time getting in and staying!

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.
Scare the families with separating children from parents and of course the crossings are going to go down.

Those children and parents are still going through what was done to them.

So you don't disagree that under Biden migrant crossings have surged. Good to know.
Any time there is ANY attempt to secure our borders you can ALWAYS count on Dimocrats to throw cold water on the idea, NO MATTER what that idea is!!
Don't even try it pal!!

Anyone with two brain cells knows why we are now seeing record #'s!!!

These people knew the moment Biden became president, that they would have an easier time getting in and staying!

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.
You can try all you want.

Republicans do not approve of any "brown" people coming into the country.

If they were all Europeans, as many are coming from the North, they are more than welcome.

That is the policy for the Republican Party now.

Whites welcome. All others, especially poor "brown" ones.......

The Statue of Liberty is crying as the poor and needy are being sent away.

There is a process for them coming in. It is being put on, as always. It is called Seeking Asylum and being able to prove the need for it.
Does anyone believe these people would have been wearing Trump or any other Republican, shirts?

You can try all you want.

Republicans do not approve of any "brown" people coming into the country.

If they were all Europeans, as many are coming from the North, they are more than welcome.

That is the policy for the Republican Party now.

Whites welcome. All others, especially poor "brown" ones.......

The Statue of Liberty is crying as the poor and needy are being sent away.

There is a process for them coming in. It is being put on, as always. It is called Seeking Asylum and being able to prove the need for it.

"Brown people" as YOU put it, have E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G south of our border! What do you have against white people? Why are you actively trying to see that we are all replaced?
"Brown people" as YOU put it, have E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G south of our border! What do you have against white people? Why are you actively trying to see that we are all replaced?
It is not about brown or white or black.

The laws of the USA allow for people who are being persecuted or feel they are in danger of their lives to seek asylum in this country.

They do go through a process. They get a date in court. If they cannot prove it, they are sent back.

Thousands are being deported on a daily basis.

The system works.

Your ignorance is not working.
It is not about brown or white or black.

The laws of the USA allow for people who are being persecuted or feel they are in danger of their lives to seek asylum in this country.

They do go through a process. They get a date in court. If they cannot prove it, they are sent back.

Thousands are being deported on a daily basis.

The system works.

Your ignorance is not working.

Hundreds of thousands have slipped passed. When you invite this invasion, it will be nothing but constant chaos, with untold #'s being able to get by the rules.
Joe Biden invited this invasion! PERIOD!!!!!!!!
Hundreds of thousands have slipped passed. When you invite this invasion, it will be nothing but constant chaos, with untold #'s being able to get by the rules.
Joe Biden invited this invasion! PERIOD!!!!!!!!
Trump kept the process from going forward. He mistreated many of the families, long before covid happened.

Did you complain about it, or did you think that it was the right thing to do?
Trump kept the process from going forward. He mistreated many of the families, long before covid happened.

Did you complain about it, or did you think that it was the right thing to do?

If someone broke into your house, would you treat them fairly?
Trump kept the process from going forward. He mistreated many of the families, long before covid happened.

Did you complain about it, or did you think that it was the right thing to do?

Trump sent the message out that migrants were not going to be allowed to simply waltz in as they please.
I guarantee you, our border patrol right now, would have loved to have the extra tool of having a wall. Dimocrats of course did everything they could to stop any attempt to secure our border.

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