Five Stories That Show How Incompetent the Florida Democrats Are


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Where the Florida Republican Party is hell-bent on making life worse for every poor person in the state and turning the Everglades into the Rick Scott Memorial River of Oil, the Florida Democrats are simply an incompetent group of corporate boot-lickers who have no idea how to actually win elections. Despite the fact that registered Democratic voters outnumber Republicans in Florida, Democratic candidates are routinely trounced in local and federal elections, and can barely win seats within extremely blue cities like Miami.

....After GOP State Senator Frank Artiles was forced to resign after getting caught using the N-word and hiring Hooters waitresses as "consultants," State Rep. Daisy Baez announced that she'd be running to take his place. She became the Democratic front-runner — until the Miami Herald this week found out that she didn't live in her own district. She resigned Friday in order to "spend time with her daughter."

And number 5:
5. "Florida's Top Democrats Line Up to Support Trump's Syrian Airstrike" (2017)

If you were to take the words of Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Rep. Ted Deutch, and pretty much any other Democratic congressperson in the Sunshine State at face value, Donald Trump is an unstable, proto-fascist warmonger, uncontrollable narcissist, and serial sexual predator who should never have been able to come near any sort of missile-launching device.

In the past 24 hours, however, those same lawmakers appear to have jettisoned that argument and are now totally cool with Trump firing missiles into the Middle East at a moment's notice. In fact, Florida's top Democrats are now heaping praise upon the president after he launched a bucketful of cruise missiles at Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's forces last night.
Five Stories That Show How Incompetent the Florida Democrats Are

Incidentally, this is why Florida sucks.
What the he++ is Wasserman doing in politics? I want to see her out. She should be gone after the DNC emails and scamming Bernie. Stupid people vote these people in..

We have some stupid democratic people in California in office too, who are too far left and make just as many problems as the far right when they are in office..

We need a overhaul of people in office..

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