Fiscal Cliff or Fantasy

Should the split-government (post elections) just let the fiscal cliff happen?

  • Yes, its the only way we can cut defense & entitlements

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No, the economy will really tank, which would be worse

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No, but only if Simpson-Bowles is passed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but pass Simpson-Bowles & Glass-Stegal too

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
I remember in 1993 when Clinton put the new tax rates into effect we heard exactly the same whining about the coming economic disaster. What we got was prosperity and a surplus.

I'm curious how many folks really are concerned about the fiscal cliff, or about fiscal sanity.

IMHO take the cliff, and keep cutting spending and closing loop-holes.

I keep recalling that "only little people pay taxes".
Let it happen. Unfortunately government won't learn its lesson and continue to play with the economy and things will get worse once again.
Let it happen. Unfortunately government won't learn its lesson and continue to play with the economy and things will get worse once again.

But, it will "happen" to the middle class, the working poor, the elderly, children ...

That's why the anti- America R doesn't care and why they are so happy to use it to hold us hostage in order to benefit their ultra-wealthy cronies.

If the 1% were affected, the R would react very differently.

Luckily, it looks like the D's are finally fighting back.
It wouldn't have happened in the first place if government would get its hands off the economy. Leave it alone its going to have its ups and downs we don't need government artificially inflating numbers and playing with it. Just makes things worse in the end. Its not r vs d its government against the people. Government just wants to control something else so it can control the people.
I don't really care. It's out of my control anyway. These politicians seem to think that the only solution to the budget deficit is to raise taxes? They never propose real spending cuts or a spending freeze freeze. It's beyond stupid. I could balance the budget in 1 day......
I remember in 1993 when Clinton put the new tax rates into effect we heard exactly the same whining about the coming economic disaster. What we got was prosperity and a surplus.

I'm curious how many folks really are concerned about the fiscal cliff, or about fiscal sanity.

IMHO take the cliff, and keep cutting spending and closing loop-holes.

I keep recalling that "only little people pay taxes".

If we really got serious about cutting spending, not just cutting back spending but actually lowering them from the year before, I could except more taxes.

The more we give the more they want and spend.

The other issue is that when they do cut back they will cut back what directly hurts the most instead of cutting waste.
Reagan-Bush-Bush set the national house on fire. They overspent by $12 trillion and counting. We're still paying for Afghanistan, Iraq, the tax cut, the Great Republican Recession.

We called Fireman Obama to put out the fire and save the house.

As soon as he arrived, Conservatives in Washington began stabbing the fire hoses, letting the air out of the fire truck's tires, and turning in false alarms (death panels, birth certificate, Kenya, socialist indoctrination of children, closet Muslim, Rev. Wright, etc.).

Now Conservatives are saying that we should blame the fireman, not the guys who set the fire in the first place.
Reagan-Bush-Bush set the national house on fire. They overspent by $12 trillion and counting. We're still paying for Afghanistan, Iraq, the tax cut, the Great Republican Recession.

We called Fireman Obama to put out the fire and save the house.

As soon as he arrived, Conservatives in Washington began stabbing the fire hoses, letting the air out of the fire truck's tires, and turning in false alarms (death panels, birth certificate, Kenya, socialist indoctrination of children, closet Muslim, Rev. Wright, etc.).

Now Conservatives are saying that we should blame the fireman, not the guys who set the fire in the first place.

Skipped Clinton. Problem started with Roosevelt actually in the 1930's
Reagan-Bush-Bush set the national house on fire. They overspent by $12 trillion and counting. We're still paying for Afghanistan, Iraq, the tax cut, the Great Republican Recession.

We called Fireman Obama to put out the fire and save the house.

As soon as he arrived, Conservatives in Washington began stabbing the fire hoses, letting the air out of the fire truck's tires, and turning in false alarms (death panels, birth certificate, Kenya, socialist indoctrination of children, closet Muslim, Rev. Wright, etc.).

Now Conservatives are saying that we should blame the fireman, not the guys who set the fire in the first place.

Half-right. The actual arsonist was Clinton and the "Community Reinvestment Act" whereby the government forced banks to give mortgages to the unqualified. who promptly defaulted, which caused the economic collapse, helped by Fannie & Freddie the dem's cash cows.
Both parties threw gas on the fire by moving 3m manufacturing jobs overseas thereby creating more poverty. So in reality, both parties are nothing but whores.
Reagan-Bush-Bush set the national house on fire. They overspent by $12 trillion and counting. We're still paying for Afghanistan, Iraq, the tax cut, the Great Republican Recession.

We called Fireman Obama to put out the fire and save the house.

As soon as he arrived, Conservatives in Washington began stabbing the fire hoses, letting the air out of the fire truck's tires, and turning in false alarms (death panels, birth certificate, Kenya, socialist indoctrination of children, closet Muslim, Rev. Wright, etc.).

Now Conservatives are saying that we should blame the fireman, not the guys who set the fire in the first place.

I think we should blame the schools that did such damage to your thought processes.

You seem to forget that Democrats controlled the entire government for the first two years of the Obama administration. Republicans were sidelined, especially for all things fiscal, which only require a simple majority to pass. Yet, they were not even capable of passing a budget for either of those two years.

You also seem to forget that anything that the Republican house has passed, has been stopped in the Democrat senate. Add to that the fact that no Obama budget has even passed the laugh test in the Democrat senate.

Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and the Keystone cops in the White House are a comedy team. Nothing more and nothing less.

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